I watched two films today so let's get right to it.
Beautiful Creatures
See a lot of people said it really wasn't all that good and it was just trying to be a new thing like Twilight but.. I'm going to have to disagree. In all honesty I like most films though so don't take this at face value. I must say its nothing like Twilight, I can see why people might say that but it's witches and not vampires.. Yes there's a love story between two young people at the heart of it but there's a completely different reason for that being a problem.. And the characters were very well played although the accents were starting to play havoc on the old ears of mine but.. Otherwise a good film. Also based on a book so there will be more coming. It leaves at a strange point but if you've read the books then it'll probably make a hell of a lot more sense. I would recommend it; I don't like to listen to critics all the time because I've liked a lot of things they haven't.. And hated things which got majorly hyped. Oh well.
Life of Pi
Oh my oh my. I really really liked this, it was amazing. It's set up to be a story being told by the main character later in life which sets you up to know nothing can happen to him.. But they pulled it off well. The story was thrilling and I found myself thinking 'how did someone even think of this?' I've always wanted to write a book and if I had my name on something like this I would very easily manage to mention I wrote it in every conversation I ever have forever. I'm pretty sure it was in cinemas when lots of films were big on 3D because you can see a lot of scenes were specifically catered to watching in 3D. But it was beautiful and lots of it was done with CG as there's only so much you can with real animals especially with some of the stuff that happened. The CG was very good most of the time; at some points as with most films you can tell difference. I would 100% recommend watching it; I really liked it.
Since when did Facebook chat have them weird giant sticker things? Amy sent me some today and I thought she's sent me a picture at first but.. Yeah. So they're a thing. And it looks like some will cost money at some point - that to me just sounds like Facebook shouting for money but we all know they have enough.. They offered Snapchat $3 billion today; they got turned down though so ha!
Thanks for reading, blog you later.
Day 137
The reason I am including this picture today is because I'm pretty sure it's like a lionfish or something along those lines.. But in Animal Crossing it's known as a zebra turkeyfish which might be completely right for all I know. They have some gimick names for the fish so I am not sure on this.