Here is the recipe I used along with the link the website. The recipe on the site is for 4, I only cooked for 2 so I have changed the values to make this meal for 2.
200 grams of pasta - I used casarecce
Half of a red onion finely sliced
2 spring onions finely sliced
2 chicken breasts cut into strips
2 tablespoons of sweet chilli sauce
3 tablespoons of creme fraiche
2 tablespoons of red pesto
1/2 tablespoon of garlic (I replaced this with garlic salt as I had some of that already)
40 ml of vegetable stock (I didn't add this in as I wasn't really sure how to 'reduce' it but it still tasted good all the same)
For people who know what they are doing in the kitchen, this'll be pretty straight forward. I was feeling a bit nervous as I didn't want to mess up so I cut all the vegetables up and the chicken; I also had spoons ready where ever I needed them so I could just grab rather than faff around. Start cooking the pasta first. Then you add olive oil to the pan to fry the chicken off, then add the veg in until it starts to go soft. Here is where the original recipe says to add the vegetable stock here but I left that so.. If that's something you want to do then have a look there! Once the veg is soft, add all the other ingredients in and bring to the simmer. Check if the pasta is done, drain and then add the chicken mix in with the pasta and toss it all around to get it all covered and then serve! I added some basil on top just to make it look fancy. The picture above is from the same page as the recipe to show what it should look like.. Mine came out a lot more pale but I'm still alive so it must have been fine.
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I think it's safe for me to assume that most people will see Google at least once a day, today Google's art work is celebrating St David's Day. I don't really know a lot about St David's Day so I thought I would find out some more about it and share it with you. It always falls on the 1st March and is to commemorate the death of St David in the year 589 AD, he was a religious leader and teacher. Wales celebrates this day as a national holiday every year, 65% of the population were even willing to give up another bank holiday to get this one! Every year there are parades and school plays and probably many other things in his memory.
If you want to read up on it, here is the link from the Google home page:
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I was having a look on the science and environment page on the BBC website and I came across this article:
It's an article suggesting that if harvesting rhino horns was made legal then the species would no longer be endangered. It's an interesting idea which has already been applied to crocodiles with success. They suggest that the trade being illegal has allowed rhino species to bounce back somewhat but all this has done is drive the price of rhino horns up making them a more viable target. About 2 rhinos a day are killed by poachers.
Rhinos grow about 0.9kg of horn material a year and if we humanely shaved their horns, global demand could be met with no harm to the rhino population. The risks that would come with them not having their horns would be minimal.
Conservationists art obviously disagreeing with the idea saying the countries with rhino populations haven't got the infrastructures to run such schemes. I'm not really sure which side I'm on because it would stop the illegal trading, but the poachers that are out there now would still need to make money somehow. What they have been doing is still illegal so would they still face charges for what they had done? We shall have to see what happens.
Thanks for reading!
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