Thursday, 28 March 2013


Experience is everywhere. In most games and in real life. Experience is a reflection of how much time you have put into something and therefore usually reflects the benefits you gain from having experience. In Call of Duty games, your experience levels you up and allows you use better equipment as you have earned it - through experience. With Pokemon, the experience you earn through training evolves your creatures and rewards them with better attacks. In games, there is a direct reward to experience relationship which technically increases exponentially until you reach the level cap. All the time you play, you gain your own unmeasurable experience which helps you to be better. An opening paragraph with Pokemon in it? Go me.

The reason I want to talk about experience is because it seems to me that it is not necessarily rewarded in real life settings. Countless jobs these days require experience - even for entry level placements. Entry level to me says somewhere for someone new to the sector to get a foot hold with training allowing them to show their potential while gaining experience. How are you supposed to start anywhere without any experience if you can't get a job without having any experience? I know people with experience in an area of their own desire who cannot get a job - because they don't have qualifications associated with it. Don't get me wrong, some jobs need qualifications - for example, you wouldn't let a black market surgeon jump into a hospital setting. That's a law suit waiting to happen. While a qualification may be good for a job, all they've had is a text book setting with limited variables and possibilities. Put them in a real world situation against someone with 30 years experience and I think it's easy to presume who would do better. Real life doesn't follow a text book, but it can help you to right your own.


My friend who has sent me loads of articles on Facebook sent me this article, it was also on the front page of The Sun a couple of days ago.
I child got hit in the face with a triangular flapjack - it hurt. BOOM. Banned the triangle and now only square or rectangular ones can be served. I think it's safe to say what the hell? Flapjacks are hard, if you get hit by one it will probably hurt. We always here these silly stories about health and safety gone crazy and I think this falls into that category. This could be solved by telling the children to eat their food not fight with it. It is a disciplinary issue rather than a situation that requires banning. Just glad to know that people that are paid to try and keep us 'safe' have time to do stuff like this.

Me and Amy started watching the odd episode of How I Met Your Mother on E4 as repeats are on all the time. Only problem is that it is eight series in and we had no clue about half of what was going on. So we thought we would see how much it would be to get a box set of all of the DVDs so far and we found this for half price on Amazon. I won't say how much it is but if you want it, I'd check it out. I think the offer is only on until the 31st March so get it quick if you do want it! This came in 3 days from order so its pretty snappy too.

A pigeon? Bet you weren't expecting that. We were in an underground car park and this thing followed us. It wouldn't leave us alone, I wasn't sure if we smelled like bread or something but it definitely had the hots for us. I quite like pigeons myself, I know they are usually referred to as the vermin of the sky but I have no issue. I like how they walk. Coo.

Thanks for reading my blog today. Hope you enjoyed the rant. I like a rant every now and then. Don't quote me on any of it because rants are generally just your brain leaking out and aren't very credible. Blog you tomorrow!

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