Thursday, 14 March 2013

iPhone gaming

There are loads and loads of games on the app store. I think in all the time I've had my phone, it's safe to say I may have played a hundred or so different ones. Only a couple have ever survived on my phone for more than a couple of days. Jet Pack Joyride, Minesweeper, Draw Something, FallDown!, and Doodle Fit. The Simpsons Tapped Out also made a long appearance of a couple of months until the game wiped itself with the Christmas update. Was not starting that all again.. Over the last couple of days I've found myself glued to my phone playing games. I have posted about two of them over the last couple of days, D.O.T and Knights of Pen and Paper. I would have at first said D.O.T would be my favorite of the two but as it has an online background meaning you are limited to time constraints. Knights of Pen and Paper has so many more dynamics to is that I never mentioned yesterday because I discovered them today. There's blacksmiths, real world item upgrades to boost the fantasy world, there are quests and a real story line uncommon to iPhone games. There's also a classic pen and paper game idea involved through dice rolls determining luck. I'm such a nerd.

I'm really enjoying using my old laptop. Something I missed while using the tiny 10" netbook screen was being able to have two windows open side by side. Like now for example, I'm typing this and watching some YouTube videos. Good stuffs. 17" for the win. 

I'm planning to make my face in games tomorrow as well so that idea will be done finally! I think I shall also make some more headway on that Dead Space drawing.

Me and pixelamy were talking today and we managed to get onto the subject of how strange language is. Because we are that intellectual. Speaking is so strange because all it really is is a sound that we then process to mean something. Like these words you are reading could be scrawled down by an animal accidentally but mean something to us humans when we look at them. It is quite boggling to think about because almost 7 billion people on this planet communicate by making sounds. Different sounds meaning different things to everyone. My brain hurts just thinking about it.

My picture for the day is once again about my cat. Because he is awesome. He really loves it when you pull his ears back and make him look strange as hell. I always think it looks painful but as soon as you stop he fusses and fusses until you do it again. All he does is eat and sleep and demands attention for the bits in between. Lazy thing doesn't even chase birds any more.

Thanks for reading. Hit me up with some ideas of things you'd like me to talk about. Blog ya later.

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