Wednesday, 27 March 2013

Silly Stuff

Best way to start a post. With something silly. Makes sense assuming this called silly things. 3 recently released this advert of a dancing pony which went viral and deserves it because its freaking awesome. This video on YouTube is coming up to 6 million views but if we could add on all of the views from the TV, we'd probably be looking at the 100 million mark. The advert ends with 'Silly Stuff. It matters.' It really does. If silly things didn't exist, we'd all be mindless corporate zombies, which would be pretty dull.

The world silly means to have a lack of common sense or judgement. Instantly makes you think that silly things are pointless. Where that may be true, they are pointless, but the benefits that silly things bring us emotionally is invaluable. Dopamine is the happy drug that our brain releases which makes us feel good. Being happy is a natural thing or this stuff wouldn't be in us at all. Being happy can help even more than medicine in some situations. Being positive can make you feel better and quicken recovery. This is why silly things matter - at least to me anyway. 

So lets think about something silly which it is safe to say - wouldn't have made a difference to the world if it didn't happen. First thing that comes to my mind is Felix Baumgartner - that guy who jumped from the edge of the atmosphere. That is arguably silly because his life was at risk if something went wrong. I think it's safe to say that everyone is glad he did it. He set a new world record for free falling and pushed the boundaries of our technology and of what we can do. Silly yet inspirational to many people. This may sound like I'm bashing what he did but I'm really not. The world watched as this man fell from space and walked away as if he had just been for his morning jog. His balls must be the size of medicine balls to jump too.
Here's a link to the Red Bull page with some stuff about Felix.

I really should get some more drawing done. I've done the outline of the top half the drawing from Dead Space 3 and started shading. About another 5 hours and it should be ready. I will do that post I mentioned about before with the sitting by sitting of the drawing. Should be interesting to explain my drawing process. Feel a bit unorthodox as I was told I was always doing it wrong in my art classes.

Cat cat cat cat cat. He scratched the door when he wants to come, he scratches the door when he wants to go out. It's not quite as effective this way around because there is no one on the other side of the door to let him out. Still doesn't stop him. I will try and get a picture of him from the outside. Makes him look really long. Long cat is long.

Thanks for reading today. Silly stuff is good. If you ever catch me in a silly mood, prepare for some really random pointless stuff and me laughing like an idiot. All comes together in harmony. Blog you tomorrow.

By the way, you can make your own pony dance video.

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