Sunday, 10 March 2013

The weekend

For people who have read all of my posts, I think you'll have noticed that I am only posting one blog a weekend. This just gives me a day off allowing me to brainstorms some ideas. So here is my post for the weekend, a tad late but I finished work at about 10:15 thanks to someone jamming a cash box. It shan't be along one but I want to post something.

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So after I finished work today, I popped round to see my better half. We usually sit in my car and have a little chat and as we did this today - someone decided to drop a glass bottle out of the window of a moving car. Now I know that people do stupid things but this really annoyed me. It hit the floor less than a meter from my car. If that had hit my car then I could have been looking at a smashed rear windscreen. Luckily it didn't but then there's smashed glass all over the road which could possibly damage someones wheels. I managed to sweep most of it out of the way but.. Its just really ridiculous. I think chemical castration was created for people with bright ideas like that.

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This next thing is a bit strange but its something I've always found odd. The stigma attached to shopping at different supermarkets is almost like a social stereotype. If someone shops at a Waitrose, people would say they are posh and have a lot of money. If someone shopped at Iceland - what's the first thing that popped into your mind? I went to Iceland yesterday to get some little party good type things for my tea and there were some very good deals there. Huge box of choco shreddies for £2 twice the size of a regular box which costs £2.75. A 3 liter bottle of coke for the same price as 2 anywhere else. It makes sense to shop around to get the best deals and not worry about what people will think. I can honestly say that I don't shop at one supermarket exclusively. I go everywhere to save money. It's as simple as that.

Sorry for another short post today. I am planning to do the one about customization in game tomorrow so you can look forward to that! Blog ya later.

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