Tuesday, 5 March 2013

Dead Space 3 Update

*May contain spoilers*

So I played Dead Space for another couple of hours today and made it on to the second disk, 45% of the way through now. At this point I have just made it inside the station on the planet, flicked on the generator. I have also discovered that the next part may entail going inside the body of a giant necromorph - which should be 'interesting' to say the least!

I was very surprised with the way that disc 2 kicked off. In true Dead Space style, as soon as Isaac is reunited with the other survivors - he is almost instantly separated but this time not to complete a task or because of necromorphs; but because of the Unitoligists! They were bound to make another appearance otherwise their inclusion in Chapter 1 would seem pointless. I was impressed with how Visceral managed to transition between a 3rd person horror survival game to a 3rd person shooter with the simple cover system. Pulling left trigger behind a low piece of cover snaps you in place out of harms way and allowing you to shoot. I was also glad to see that there was no bias in the necromorphs targeting, of a Unitoligist was closer - they would quite happily kill them as well! Quite often in other games, any hostiles would appear to form an alliance to stop you first - I'm glad this wasn't the case here.

I was also very glad to make two new additions to Isaac's armoury. The first a new suit known as the archaeologists suit which has improved armour and thermal properties. The suit looks badass in my opinion, yellow with defined lights on the helmet. I can't say I've noticed a huge difference to the damage taken but every little helps.

The second addition is from a blueprint I found up a ladder which I then modified to suit my play style. The blueprint was an assault rifle with under slung grenade launcher. I added a precision tip (I think) to the assault rifle to create a very high powered sniper which so far has been a one hit kill on the second difficulty setting. I think I then attached a rail accelerator to the grenade launcher to create a rocket launcher. This weapon is my high power weapon to provide a way out of a sticky situation. I also attached an explosion amplifier and a scope for better accuracy and to hit more enemies with the launcher. I think I will switch out to safety guard when I find or make one to prevent splash damage hitting me. My other weapon is a plasma cutter with the planet cracker tip awarded from Dead Space 2 with a military core on the lower attachment. I think that also has a precision tip which creates a very powerful revolver, so all of my weapons are one or two hit kills yet not too costing on my ammo capacity. I would also advise adding stasis coating to slow all enemies that you fire upon, it is very useful and doesn't use your stasis bar.

There are only two issue which I can pick in the game so far - the save system ad the voice controls. The auto save only seems to occur every 20 or so minutes or upon completing a hard section. This makes it awkward to sit down as enjoy the game unless you know for definite you have a free window of time ahead of you. I have found myself rushing sometimes to try and make it to a save point and then end up having to repeat a section of the game - which is fine because every moment is enjoyable. I think this was just a way to add tension. My other issue is the voice controls, which are very specific for each action and for some activate when a conversation with words now where near the commands. They would probably work better in a silent environment, plus this doesn't take anything away from the game. It is still amazing and one of the best games I own!

Thanks for reading!

Thanks to godzilla-movies, IGN and game-thirst for the images used.

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