Thursday, 7 March 2013


It would appear that I'm at the risk of becoming a food blog and not being able to cook or prepare many things! But what I had for lunch today was really tasty so I had to stick it on here. Warburton's sandwich thins with red onion, green pepper, grated mozzarella, sliced chorizo and of course some sweet chili sauce. Might sound a little crazy and over the top but that's what you get when you go to a restaurant! Good thing is that it was pretty healthy especially as we grilled the chorizo which released a lot of the fat in it. If you are hungry and reading this, I advise you to skip over the picture!

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I've mentioned that I had fished out my old laptop, and it does what I wanted to do which was play Minecraft with some mods added on. The only thing is that it was slow, bearable but slow. I thought that it was something to do with allocated memory but it turns out I already had mine to the max. Luckily I came across a video about altering the game code itself to make it run faster. It got me thinking about something I saw on YouTube about something that barely any schools teach. Computer coding. The stat was 90% of schools in America didn't teach it and I don't know of any schools which teach it in my local area. The video covers the stories of many people who have made their money thanks to coding including the creator of Facebook. I was a little confused when Will.I.Am appeared at the end saying he was taking coding classes but I guess it's another famous face. Turns out that some university lecturers are even putting their classes up on YouTube and other sites for free. The Internet is our oyster!

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I am afraid I haven't got my pen to paper recently, the mood hasn't taken me so no more update on the drawing. I am planning to take a stage by stage of the drawing and then posting them as a single blog when it's all done. People seem to like it when I let them know about my art work so I think you'll like it and I hope you do!

Thanks for reading, sorry it was a bit shorter today but I don't want to force things into the blog. It wouldn't be my best stuff and you wouldn't like it any where near as much! Blog ya tomorrow.

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