Thursday, 31 October 2013

Minion Pumpkin

Day 123
So I mentioned before that we had another two pumpkins to carve. I wanted to share this one first because a lot of people mentioned it while receiving their sweet from my mum or dad. It's only a simple one which I followed from Google images and it didn't turn out perfect but it was effective enough that people would recognise it. Minion! Only problem is the 'G' on the little dungarees didn't quite work. I'm not sure what other people to use to cut out the shapes but it was most definitely what I used - a very blunt tiny saw like implement.

Wednesday, 30 October 2013


The Yankee Store in Bluewater is really awesome. I don't think I've ever seen so many candles! They were also advertising for stock handlers and sales assistants and I was interested but.. Bluewater is quite a way to go. Plus I'm pretty sure it's only going to be around for Christmas and then it'll disappear which would be a shame. Only thing is; it's like getting punched in the face by a wall of smells. I guess you'd grow accustomed to it.

I had work today. Blergh.

Have a picture blog you later!

Day 122
It's a giant Squish! Or it could totally not be Amy wrapped in the duvet holding Squish up in the air.. Not at all.

Tuesday, 29 October 2013


I was at work today so skip over that obviously.. But I did do a home delivery today. Down the Pilgrims Way - for those of you who don't know, it's a very thin windy country road and in the big van it was awful. Tiny roads + big vehicles = epic levels of awkwardness!

This evening me Amy and Mr Tate went to Bluewater to go to Ed's Diner. I've never been there before but I had heard many a good thing about it. For instance - that the milkshakes are amazing. It was rather good, I had an Oreo one despite being pretty sure I asked for a chocolate one.. I had a hot dog with BBQ sauce and cheese sauce with sweet potato chips. It was so good. 

We're trying to make a list of restaurants or good places from A to Z and then trying them. We haven't got a lot of the awkward letters like Q and X so.. If you have an idea let me know! 

Thanks people, blog you later.

Day 121
My friend is called Tom Cox and we found this in Tesco.. It's not his turns out. Shame. 

Monday, 28 October 2013

Cloudy two

We were planning on a trip to Thorpe Park today but due to the weather - we decided not too. The park was opening late and chances are the would have meant some rides being shut. The only damage I saw from the storm was two sections of picket fence knocked over on my road. Apparently loads of trees fell on the train tracks so.. No trains. Awks.

Instead we went to Maidstone for a general walk around. Amy got some bits in Primark, we scoped out some potential games in CeX and Game. Ogled the awesome DVD collection in HMV. Marvelled at the awesome creative stuff in Paperchase. It was a good day. 

We had Frankie and Benny's for lunch which was busier than I expected but it is the half term n'all so I guess it's not that crazy. It did mean there were more people working so the service was a lot better than our previous visit. I liked that. That used to be the only place we would go to eat out. 

We also stopped off at Asda Living and Smyths and PC World and Homebase and Tesco's as they were all on the way back. Lots of shoppies today! Not too much rain thankfully.

For this evening - have a look at the daily picture; that'll cover what you need to know.

Here's a random news article about the shop I work in. Just because - yeah. 

Thanks for reading peoples, blog you later.

Day 120
Cloudy With A Chance Of Meatballs 2, and I'm a 20 year old man. It was excellent. Something about kids films that are always good, also how they put in discreet adult humour I assume for the parents watching with their kids. I like the leek. Watch it. Find the leek. And obviously - watch a bit of the way into the credits. Lots of people missed it.

Sunday, 27 October 2013


So apparently there's going to be a big storm tonight. Im not sure if it's just a prepare for the worst scenario or it's actually going to happen.. Guess we'll find out tonight. 

Also bought 2 'giant' pumpkins today because we wanted to give carving another go. You'll see them when we get around to doing them. I want to try and draw a picture on it rather than cutting a face out. Turns out just scratching the pumpkin lets the light shine through so that should be interesting. I'm thinking a dragon.

Thanks peeps, blog you later.

Day 119
Amy bought the newest season of Modern Family today, it's an American show and it's really rather funny. I can't watch it usually as I don't have Sky but Amy really likes it - hence why she buys it. Hence how I get to watch it. Good times.


Day 118
Never carved a pumpkin before so I thought I would go for something simple, the classic scary face. I quite enjoyed it and the little thing that we used to cut it was awesome. Just £1 from Asda; not even sharp but then it turns out pumpkins aren't even that strong.. Amy did a happy one, at least half of the arrangement is attractive.

Friday, 25 October 2013


Day 117
It's Spartan day. Or Master Chief day - at least it is for my blog anyway. Halo 4's main character is spartan number 117 so here is Halo 4. Yeah man. Great game.

Thursday, 24 October 2013


I would like to say rest in peace to a YouTuber who recently lost his life in a car accident alongside two of his friends. Yoteslaya or Brian was a very popular content provider with a large community of followers. Currently many people are setting up funds and doing fundraising events to help the families of those involved. The community is also trying to get him immortalized in his favourite video game which I know he would have been chuffed to bits with. I'm just disgusted with some of the comments that people are leaving on videos and posts wishing him well; it's disgusting behaviour. 

Day 116
This was my lunch. A free pizza thanks to a £2 off coupon I had for a pizza - this was on offer for £2. Bargain! Tasty..

Wednesday, 23 October 2013

Change Up

I watched The Chance Up today - mainly because my phone managed to delink itself from the Xbox and I kind of forgot where to find the code.. But I will work that out at another point. So instead I thought I would have a look on LoveFilm and that was there.

Psst.. Some spoilers here..

All in all I would say it is a good funny film, worth a watch. Some of the stuff in it will make you cringe like at the start; the baby pooped in one of the characters mouths.. I was eating at this point - WAS. I stopped. Waited a while before I carried on.. And some stuff about marriages which I felt was a little inappropriate and really rude so I obviously I won't mention it on here. Made me a little uncomfortable.

Go for it. Give it a watch. If you can. You'll enjoy it. Plus Ryan Reynolds is just a very funny actor.

What the hell weather? Make your mind up! This morning it was miserable, as was most of yesterday and then today - the sun was out. It was warm. It was a nice day apart from the odd large puddle. I don't mind it but I do much prefer if it stays one way. It being cold and rainy means I can layer up and use a waterproof but then as soon as it gets hot and you're prepared for the cold.. You melt. Like a snowman. Bleh.

Thanks for reading peoples of the internet, blog you later.

Day 115
I know for all intensive purposes this is a screen shot but I'm sure some of you will know. It's a game for your phone called Cookie Clickers and it's really addicting for no apparent reason because the whole game is literally clicking a cookie. A lot.  Simple yet effective eh?

Tuesday, 22 October 2013

Oh rain..

It was raining today.. If you didn't catch that. I did. I like to go for a walk when I can; a little fresh air and what not.. It was quite nice out when I left, in the shop for all of 2 minutes and downpour.. Luckily I prepared myself with a waterproof cost but only a little bag so.. Some stuff got attacked my the rain. 'Twas a shame.

YouTube is awesome. Only problem is is that a lot of the big content providers are American or Swedish or somewhere else.. And obviously the time difference mean that all the videos I like are released at night. I watch most the next day but I always manage to miss one or the other. 

Thanks for reading. Awesome muffins! Blog you later.

Day 114
Look at this muffin tray thingy made out of awesome orange silicon. If the mix takes exactly to the shapes and indents and stuff then they will turn out awesome. Shall have to see what happens!

Monday, 21 October 2013

It's that Monday

I get that everyone hates Monday because it's the first day back. The thing I hate the most is is it being dark when you wake up in the morning. Very off putting, makes it much harder to wake up. Plus condensation - I hate that too. Have to clear the car before one voyages out into the world.

I've been watching PewDiePie play Beyond Two Souls and it just looks amazing. Especially for this generation of console; I think it's safe to say that we assumed that we'd already got the most out of them but this game proved us wrong. It is literally like watching a movie - apart from someone is constantly rewriting the script. I would highly recommend watching or playing it if you can. I'm on the watchers bench as I do not have a PS3..

Mississippi Mud Pie McFlurry - need I say more. I think I've found my new favourite special edition McFlurry. I am a very big ice cream man; I like it all year around. I always like to try the new editions when I can because it's exciting to try something new. It's very rich, dark chocolate with crunchy malt balls and powder chocolate bits which all sort of makes a pie. Hence the name. Eat it more. It's just a shame as with the good ones usually comes the inevitability of them running out at one point.. Which would suck. Only if I was there - if when I am there they have then happy days.

My cat has seemed to grow rather attached to our BBQ now it is out of commission for the colder period. I regularly spot him sitting on it have a groom or a nap. I think it must smell like meat to him but our noses are a bit dull and don't catch the smell. We like to wake up to the smell of bacon; he sleeps to the smell of over cooked meat.

Thanks for using your eye balls on this page. Blog you later.

Day 113
Be we're at Sainsbury's for a while today and they always have a very good selection of Halloween odds and ends. Amy bought this little guy today.. At first I was against it because it'll most likely end up another piece of clutter but.. I like him now. You wind him up and he dances and shuffles - like a boss. I have big hands.

Sunday, 20 October 2013


Day 112
So far be it for me to state the obvious - it's not summer anymore. But that doesn't stop the Tonibell ice cream truck from coming around my road! Was a very welcome sight as we wanted something to eat and we have change and BOOM! There he is. His ice cream was so good that he held it upside down over a child's head and it stayed where it was. Part if me wanted it to drop but.. You know the feels.


Day 111
Oh yeah, triple 1.. Today me Amy and and Tate went to Pizza Hut as we had a two for one voucher which makes it awesome. Unfortunately it was a bit of a strange day.. Amy already didn't feel well from a rotten cold and Mr Tate was very unwell again! I felt really healthy to say the least but we ended up boxing most of the pizza up. We tried the one with burgers in the crust - it's pretty awesome. It lets you hold the slice really well; I will say that much. Don't be mislead, they're only little things.. Be awkward if they were whopping quarter pounders! We had sweet chilli Cajun chicken on that pizza - then the standard BBQ meat feast with cheesy bites. The waiter looked super scared when we said he had been sick; he thought it was the pizza. Oh well. It's friggin' burgers on it.

Friday, 18 October 2013


Day 110
It's a cat - but it's not my cat. I vividly remember taking this picture because I was walking to the shop and it literally made me stop. I know what most of the houses are like around here so I couldn't see how on earth he'd got up there - assuming its a he. We sort of stared at each other for a while and.. I ended up taking a picture of the little thing. No birds.

Thursday, 17 October 2013

109 and counting

Day 109
I wanted to use this post to suggest an idea for these daily pictures as I can understand people only want to see so many cats and beautiful meals. It's not Instagram. So I was think of asking you - the readers for suggestions. For themed weeks, running from Monday to Sunday. So for example - one week the theme could be nature or.. Purple.. Work.. Food. Anything you think; gimme a challenge or something silly. Chuck a comment in the box down bellow and we'll see if we can get these themed weeks going. Today's is just a nice picture. The main thing I like about winter is you get to see more sunsets and get to take pictures of them. Boop!

Wednesday, 16 October 2013

App it

I honestly spent most of my day waiting for something that didn't happen which then got delayed which was like.. Noooo! But yeah. It kind of lead me discover something. 

So, I know a lot of people can probably empathise with videos on YouTube only being available on certain platforms. You can get all of them on PC but then only some on mobile or on console - in my case the Xbox. I never knew I could link my phones YouTube app to the one on my console which opened up a load of videos that weren't available on my Xbox. Having just finished Walking Dead I can now watch YouTube on the bigger screen. Happy days. And it doesn't even drain your battery - bonus!

I also burnt the Sicilian Lemon Yankee Candle all day to try and level it off and it seems to be going that way.. I did kind of give the sides that weren't burning a poke so they were down in the hot wax so it levelled off. Amy is planning to get a lid for them which more evenly spreads the heat of the flame - or something - so that it does burn evenly.

I went to work. Bloop!

Thanks for taking the time to read peoples. Blog you later.

Day 108
Here is the king of Suzuki. Also known as my cat. Usually when he's up there he just ignores your existence but.. Today he let me give him a fuss. New things with an old cat eh?

Tuesday, 15 October 2013

Pumpkin tree

Day 107
I finished watching season 2 of Walking Dead today but otherwise I would say I eventful. So here - the pumpkin tree I should've snapped up for you yesterday! We put candy cane tea lights in them which is quite sweet and only available at Halloween. It smelled the room out really quick - not sure if that's because they're smaller they're more potent.. Nice smell though.

Monday, 14 October 2013


I was up in London today hence why I needed to get to sleep. I was up at 6, train station by 7 and at my destination by 9:20. Pretty good haul apart from the peak time ticket price.. Ouch is says the wallet. I shall not state why I was there but.. I was there.

After everything was accomplished that needed to be I headed home - obviously. Got back into Walking Dead. It's just getting better and better and I like that their not afraid to do some 'controversial' things such as turning a little girl into a zombie. Who was also one of the main characters. It's nice because it's not something you expect and when you see it you're just like dayum! 

Then me and Amy went to Bluewater. She got a little Yankee Candle tree type thing with little hanging pumpkins which you put the candles in. Pretty cute, I think it'll look even better once it's all lit up and what not. Plus, once it's not Halloween yo can switch the pumpkins for little buckets instead. All year round goodness - I should've taken a picture for you really..

Thanks for reading.. I am once again rather tired but I feel a owe at least a medium lengthed post. I hope this suffices. Thanks for reading!

Day 106
Here's my favourite jumper. Amy got it from Primark for me, only £5 so that's a bargain. Safe to say I have lived in this jumper on occasion. So warm and comfy!

Sunday, 13 October 2013


Day 105
Sorry it's a short one again but I'm rather busy tomorrow so I'm up bright and early! Doughnuts. Lots of them. On Amy's birthday she needed to take in some cakes or some sort of yummy treat for everyone. I've always thought this tradition is a little backwards because you have to give other people stuff on your birthday.. Oh well. Look at them all. 

Saturday, 12 October 2013


Day 104
Look at all the little shiny people across our desk. They all spin rock and balance and just generally be awesome. The complete set is only £4 and their pretty awesome. Yeah man.

Friday, 11 October 2013


I watched a couple of films today. Wrath of the Titans was the better of the two.. Although for a film like that it had the common downfalls of far too much story line compared to action. I also watched Truth or Dare which was a horror thriller type thing.. I'd heard of it somewhere before so I thought I would give it a go. It wasn't too bad actually. Strange plot twists at the end. Horror films for you.

It's raining by the way - incase you didn't notice. I just find it strange that the weather is such a common choice of topic as it is something really obvious to notice. Yet we'll tell each other anyway.

I didn't have work today! Booked it off. And Sunday. Nice load of free time. Amy was unwell unfortunately so she was sent home from school; slept the afternoon away and it now much better.

I kind of failed at cooking today.. I got the two baking trays out the oven to check them as you do.. They needed longer so I went to put them back in. Without the oven gloves. And I held them for a second or two and stopped and said 'why am I doing this?' And put them back down. No burns fortunately but I am surprised by the fact that I just genuinely forgot the oven gloves. That could have been a lot worse.

Thanks for reading. Blog you later.

Day 103
So this correction.. One of the recent pictures was of a little metal seesaw from Tiger. Tate was round yesterday and discovered how it was actually supposed to sit.. And now it actually moved side to side and the such. Dang.

Thursday, 10 October 2013


Day 102
Today was Amy's 21st birthday so my dad told me to go get her a cake. I did - and my dad likes fireworks. But to usually have to be inside for those.. I'm pretty sure you may have saw this on my own cake when I started my blog - indoor fireworks candle for cake thingy. It touched the ceiling a little bit. No fire. Cat disappeared. Tasty cake though! Cadbury flake!

Wednesday, 9 October 2013


Keeping it short as today I was mainly running errands for people as I had nothing to do before I went to work.. I got stuff done. Tidied my room a little bit.. Went for a walk.. General stuffs. And of course I had work - as always on a Wednesday. Otherwise yes - have a look at this picture.

Day 101
This little item is something that Amy got in Tiger, it's just one of the strange items which they sell. There were four different models and she picked this one as it was her favourite which makes sense.. Yeah. It was quite annoying at first to balance and now we're treading on egg shells to make sure we don't knock it!

Tuesday, 8 October 2013

Day 100

I want to keep this one short because I was at work most of the day and then it was also my Nan's birthday so a big Happy Birthday to her! Popped over to see her and she is still as funny as she always has been. Even if the humour is a bit touch and go.

Day 100
For my 100th picture I wanted to share with you my favourite moment from Heroes as I have recently watched it all. This bit stuck out so much that I could still remember the episode and how far in it was - I just think it is quite funny.

Monday, 7 October 2013

No More Heroes

For those of you who have read anything in the last.. 2 weeks? You'll know I'm talking about Heroes the TV series apposed to No More Heroes the Wii game which I always wanted and never got.. But now I have no Wii so this point is moot.

Yes, today I finished Heroes completely, all four seasons and it ended with a 'To be continued..' as they did at the end of all of the series prior to it.. So I assumed this meant there was a fifth series that I was somehow missing. Upon googling this, I discovered that Heroes was cancelled after the fourth series which sucks! Super sucky douche move by the TV people.. Apparently it was continued in the form of comic so I might have to look into that to see what happens because.. I'm not sure if I want it to end like that. The end of a TV series will usually have some big conclusion which leaves you feeling content and satisfied yet sad that it's over.. I don't have that. Probably means they didn't know that would be the last season or something bigger may have happened.

So I thought I would be at a miss as to what to do or watch but lucky for me.. I thought I would randomly check The Walking Dead page on LoveFilm to discover that the entire second season has appeared! Hooray for me, even though I'm pretty sure the fourth is about to start or has already started.. I just need one of them sensory excluders from how I met your mother so I don't see anything I shouldn't yet. It's like reading a random page of a book you like to accidentally stumble across a character dying. Then you're just waiting for it.

British topic - the weather. Quite eclectic lately if you ask me.. It's Autumn so I am expecting it to get colder and in the morning it most definitely is.. And theres condensation all over my car.. But then in the day time it is still getting pretty warm and uncomfortable. And I swear my room is in that one position where the sun is always going to get on your nerves whether it's right in your eye or glaring on the screen of shining off of everything.. I used to be in the back room of the house which was smaller, hotter but mostly sun free. Can't have it all though can you?

I'm going back to my sweet chilli ways, I've been finding excuses to use it on most of the food I am eating. Especially lunch times because I can just whack it in a sandwich instead of butter - because sweet chilli and butter would just be a no go.. But I'm happy for it to be back in my life.

I have my Twitter and Instagram linked on my Blog I am pretty sure.. Over to the right somewhere but I never really use them.. I used to use Instagram a lot when I first got my phone because my old phone didn't have app for it being on Bada - Samsung's operating system. I always got stuck with Twitter because I can never think of anything.. All of it it now is mainly me sharing my blog. I shall have to try make more use of them.

Thanks for reading, blog you later.

Day 99
Technically I have now uploaded something for about 100 days straight which is pretty cool even though it is day 99.. I did on before I started this so.. Boom. Anyway, I was sitting in my car after work in the rain and I really like the pattern than the rain on the window casts over the car. It's pretty awesome to put it nicely.

Sunday, 6 October 2013


Goodbye to another weekend; which are much too short. Weekends should always be 3 days in my opinion, have Friday off. The work force would get much more done in 4 days rather than being drained all week and doing less. I'm babbling - lets move on.

Yesterday we had a little run down to the Ashford Designer Outlet as we hadn't been there in a while. Amy had a look for some shoes as she is still after some.. She'd like some flat, simple boots. If you have any ideas they'd be much appreciated. We also had some Millie's Cookies which are always good but they were fresh as well.. Even better. So gooey and warm and tasty.. Ooo.. I want more. We then popped along to Maidstone to return some bits and bobs. Good times.

X Factor - shocked me. I had been informed that our old teacher had made it through to the live shows but she was sent home yesterday. We were so surprised because obviously we'd been assuming she was fine. The only other thing which could explain this is that she has gotten through as the wild card and last year.. The wild card made it very far so who knows? Fingers crossed.

Slept in far too long today.. By accident.. We took it turns waking up and sleeping again and trying to get the other to wake up.. It didn't work very well. Love the Z's.

Happy Birthday to my sister! It was today. Woop. Yeah.

Thanks for reading people of the internet, blog you later.

Day 98
I did some colouring today. Amy god these books full of patterns from Tiger in Maidstone, only £1. I haven't coloured anything in ages mainly because I don't like to colour any drawings that I do so.. This was odd yet enjoyable.

Saturday, 5 October 2013

Cat owners!

Day 97
About bought this book in Waterstones today, it was in the humour/gifts section very appropriately. It was also marked as British Humour even though it's an American import.. Logic! If you own a cat - it will open your eyes as to how your car acts. Turns out he or she is trying to kill you, take over the world or is 'a raging homosexual.' Not my words..

Nerdy Squish

Day 96
It would appear that Squish will fit in to many a human interaction. Today I caught him playing Minecraft when I left the room for a little while. Cheeky thing, should've just asked!

Thursday, 3 October 2013


Day 95
Sorry it's just another picture, I was in Maidstone most of the day with an old friend that I hadn't seen in a while but I was mainly shopping for presents so I don't want to let any little details slip. I know I would somehow manage to. This shall make up for it though - Squish (the turtle) using the Mac. Yeahhhhh.

Wednesday, 2 October 2013

Pencil case

Day 94
I swear I had a picture ready today to put on here.. Either I never took it or it has disappeared! Anyway - a very old picture lurking in the dark corners of my phones memory; a picture of my pencil case with light shining on it. Super scary huh? I just liked the way it looked like lightning so I thought you might too. Sup?

Tuesday, 1 October 2013

Death in The Simpsons!?

I was basically waiting in all day for things again as none really appeared yesterday.. Did better today with the phone call and two parcels but still no dishwasher - I think I will move to paper plates soon. Also.. I joined Amazon Prime for the free 30 day period to get one day delivery and it didn't turn up today so.. That obviously doesn't work. When they say 'free one day delivery' paying £49 a year.. I don't see that qualifying as free delivery. Just bulk payment of delivery. I don't use Amazon enough to even make that worth it!

I'm now on the final series of Heroes and I've just noticed I seem to switch between saying series and season.. But the end of the third blew my mind. For anyone who doesn't know and doesn't want to - MASSIVE SPOILER ALERT - they turned Syler into Nathan Patreli. I was not prepared for that. I don't usually put spoilers on here but I wanted to just blurt that out because chances are more people on the internet will know than people I actually know. Only one of my friends has watched it all as far as I know.. Maybe two?

We got some Halloween decorations today because we like to stick things in the bedroom window so people can see them. We got this orange ghost thing today which might appear on the Blog later. Amy also got some skeleton arms which are apparently salad servers.. They're really good back scratchers but we don't see them working for salad.. The gaps between the fingers would drop everything.

A Mr Tate popped round for a little while this evening to see the water slide I am building on Minecraft. The three of us share an interest for large and over the top builds on Minecraft which you can see in my little slideshow from Flickr on the side bar.. I should really use Flickr more. I could make an entire album with the daily photos - why didn't I think of that before? I'm only 90 days in.. Anyway, Amy asked if his coat was warm - I quote his reply - 'It's a Superdry.' BOOM.

So Amy just once again pointed me in the direction of a juicy news story - in the new series of The Simpsons a key character is going to die! Quite surprising as most people know Maude Flanders is the only character to ever die on the show. I have this itching feeling in my stomach that it's sort of a call for attention as I've been told by many the newer series don't quite compare to the older ones; I say this as someone who doesn't have Sky so I can't watch it.. But I presume this has been planned for a while. Also there is going to be a cross over episode with Futurama which will be epic. Shame that's ended. Fortunately there do not appear to be any plans to stop producing The Simpsons. At the moment, odds are on Sideshow Bob to be the person who dies. Have a look!

Thank you for reading people, nearly topped 100 views yesterday which was interesting. Unexpected is the word. Blog you later!

Day 93
As I mentioned yesterday.. We had to hack off one of the legs of the dishwasher to get it out.. As its broken it doesn't matter all that much how many legs it has. We left the hacksaw outside and when I looked the cat seemed quite interested in it.  I went back 5 minutes later and both were gone. I am pretty sure my Dad moved it or my cat is making something. A mouse trap?