Saturday, 30 November 2013


Day 153
So I got this from work on Friday because I thought it looked nice and I knew Amy liked it. It's a cambert with pancetta on top oven baked for 30 minutes. We then sliced up some French stick for dipping and stuff.. It was so good. So tasty. Not too healthy though so I think we'll wait a while until we have another one. This is only a Christmas one so we'd have to make it ourselves afterwards which would be more expensive.. Rambling on.

Friday, 29 November 2013

Bravely Default

Day 152
Bravely Default is a game out on 3DS on Decemer 6th and I've had the demo for a while now and I am loving it. Got about a good load of hours play time in it and I think it is something I will definitely look to buy in the full. It is even affected by the time of day and street pass populates a village for you. Really clever stuff and a complete new take on turn based RPGs so - I'm a happy man!

Thursday, 28 November 2013


Day 151
This is the look I get from my cat a lot.. Even when it's not my birthday.

Wednesday, 27 November 2013

Don't Clone Yourself

I mean don't subject yourself to the film Clone. I'm not saying it was bad but I think it's targeted at a very niche audience as it is a quirky film. The ideas put across in the film are also very controversial and might not be to some peoples taste. 

Here's the basic storyline.. Two children meet until the girl has to move away. She comes back years later and they fall in love. He dies. She clones him, gives birth to him and raises him as his mother. Then when his.. Real mother comes to see him he starts asking questions. He finds out who he is. Then.. Naughty.. Hence the very controversial theme..

I don't think I'd sit down and watch it again but.. I guess it's something else I can say I've watched. 

Thanks for reading. Blog you later!

Day 150
I found it interesting that Siri has to specify that he hasn't tried spaghetti as a food type. I can't think of any other spaghetti in all honesty..

Tuesday, 26 November 2013

Total Recall?

So today I watched another two films. I am very much liking the sci-if section of now TV. There is a film with Matt Smith aka Dr Who which I may watch tomorrow. It's got a very strange storyline which lies on some awkward boundaries so.. Might be a bit awkward. I'll let you know. That films called Clone if you want read the story.

First thing I watched was Total Recall with Colin Farrell so not the original. I am a big fan of old films like this with the terrible effects - I love them. The Thing is one of my favourites. I was thinking they could do a lot with this given the new stuff we can do with computers. It was amazing. I really did like it and the action was fast and realistic and well acted - but they changed the storyline. Same character names, homages to the original - but they changed the story! I can understand why they didn't just make it as a stand alone film because they'd just call it a copy but.. Now it's not exactly a remake. Not sure where it really sits in the whole mix of things. IMDB gives the original a better score. Hm.

The second film I watched was Battleship. I was very skeptical about this as I didn't want to see it in the cinema because the trailer didn't do anything for me. I thought it was the new Transformers at first. I would like to revoke my skepticism as I did quite like it. It has the classic underdog story who comes into his own when a family member is killed.. And it tried to be too funny at some points.. But I like that the aliens were quite humanoidand you actually got to see them. Alien films sometimes hide them from you until the end and their design is somewhat disappointing so.. Yeah. The machines were badass too.

They killed Brian off in Family Guy. Why? Explain? 

Thanks, blog you later!

Day 149
So this fake snow.. Don't buy it. It's terrible. It doesn't really stick to the window very well, it runs everywhere. It's water based so it generally destroys stencils so.. Yeah.. Good for spraying the bottom of windows but it'll run on to the window sil.. And it sticks. Bleh. £1.

Monday, 25 November 2013

Oh, Despicable Me

Watched a couple of films today, first off I watched the most recent Underworld or Underworld: Awakening. I've always liked this film series and this one was another good addition. It felt quite short for some reason even though it was over an hour and a half long but.. It has sort of fallen into the classic storylines associated with mythical creatures - humans find out and ahhhh revolution. Although their twists make this story interesting because biological engineering comes into it to favour the opposing side of the main character. I just always wonder how they cast the children actors for films that are say.. 15-18+ because does that mean they shouldn't legally watch the film they were cast in until they are 18? Or is there like a PG version for them? Always wondered.. 

Secondly I watched Dread, the more recent remake. I'm not sure if I actually watched the original but some bits felt really familiar so I presume that was me remember the old film. I really liked it. It is no bars hold action and very bloody so not for the feint of heart. It was more believeable because I think most of the stuff that went on could really happen given the correct technological advances. Not that I would want this storyline to ever play out in the real world but.. You get me. That's one of the things I love about the film Watchmen - they only included things which were theoretically possible.

I like films.. 

Thanks for reading, blog you later.

Day 148
Also picked this up today because it's just awesome. Get it from Asda as it's £10 and has exclusive bonus features with it including three short films which are really quite awesome in themselves. Oh, Despicable Me.

Sunday, 24 November 2013


Day 147
My dad knows his stuff with puff pastry. He made this, it's an apple and raisen pastry. He said he also made done apple a d strawberry ones but they got eaten before I got back! He's been playing around with pastry recently and he's making some awesome stuff. Mr Chef.

Saturday, 23 November 2013


Day 146
So I know voice recognition stuff isn't perfect but somehow my Xbox manage to hear 'Xbox search' and then this.. From our conversation. Not even close. 

Friday, 22 November 2013


Day 145
I honestly can't remember if I've used this or not but I want to you use it again if I have. This was Lily, my sisters second dog. Unfortunately the pre-existing dog did not agree with it so it was moved to another home. She was rather cute and always moaned if you weren't giving her any attention. Apparently she's all grown up now but I haven't seen her since the last day we dog sat her. She always pee'd on the floor though..

Thursday, 21 November 2013

Sad kitty

Day 144
As you may have seen yesterday, we've done done stuff the our living room. Cat don't like it. Not one bit. It took him an hour to walk across the room to his bed because of the rug. His eyes are always huge and he tends to stare at the fireplace like he's expecting something.. So now he has taken to this new spot. Super warm, quite quiet and he gets to surprise people when he decides to wander off. Radiator friends! He's that really dark bit in the middle.. Black cats don't photograph well. 

Wednesday, 20 November 2013


Quite pleased with myself not to be too big headed. Had a load of left over mushrooms so me and my dad fried them up and they were all nice and crispy. I wanted something with them so., I microwaved some butter and mixed in some garlic salt and ta-da! Dipping sauce. I thought it was lovely. 

I also watched Pirates on an Adventure with Scientists. It was quite funny, obviously aimed at children so it didn't exactly choke hold my attention. It had the cheeky adult jokes in it but.. It was an okay watch. I'm also half way through Django Unchained and that - so far - is awesome. I'd heard many a good thing about it so I decided to give it a try and I'm very much liking it! I now understand why the actors were quite uncomfortable filming it due to the excessive use of a distasteful word. Hm.

Thanks for reading! Blog you later.

Day 143
So my mum and dad wanted a fireplace in the living room again.. So they went on Gumtree and found someone selling this unit with the electric thingy included for £30! Bargain. I like to think it looked quite comical across my dad's roof rack. The carpet is a new addition today - cat hates it.

Tuesday, 19 November 2013


I was at work for the day so.. Yeah.

Mr Tate cooked spaghetti for us today. It had the sauce and then chorizo, peppers, jalapeños, onion and I added some cheese. Tasty. I want more.

Yeah. Be amazed. Blog you later.

Day 142
I helped my dad take some stuff up to a relative and they gave us a case of this stuff. I'm pretty sure it's Swedish; it's a little out of date but I like it. It's also water so I like to think its healthier. I really can't stand sparking water but if it's flavoured I'm game.

Monday, 18 November 2013


So I presume most people reading this will probably be subscribed to at least one person on YouTube who is angry with Google+. I can understand why - didn't really effect me because I use Google+ to use Blogger. It is no where near as attractive to use as Facebook because everyone already has it - it's hard to try and jump in and be as successful. I agree it's not right for them to force on people but I guess they're just trying to get more traffic. Wrong way - but understandable.

I've recently been using Twitch a lot lately. Something more appealing about knowing its live.. As good as all the YouTube content is; some could be planned or set up with no real way of knowing but.. Live is live. No getting around it. I like it. I just find it strange that they can literally sit and play games all say and make a living out of it. Crazy.

I've recently downloaded the Bravely Default demo on my 2DS, it's a game by Square Ennix out in December. If their name is on it I generally trust it. There's only been two games from them that I thought were God awful but that's just my opinion. I will admit this was quite hard to pick up as there was no real tutorial; more just test it out see if it works. I have sort if got the hang if it but., obviously it's a demo so it's limited either way. 

Thanks for reading. Picture. Yeah. Blog you later.

Day 141
This little ladybird appears to have moved in to our kitchen for the Winter. He mainly sticks to the light fittings but other day I did see him wondering around the ceiling. He's quite content. Bit tight as he won't pay his rent but.. Yeah.

Sunday, 17 November 2013


With any luck this'll upload straight away because it's a tad annoying. Don't see why uploading from different places is such an issue - that's beauty of accessing your account from any device! But what do I know?..

Day 140
These pumpkins were inside the London Dungeons as we went at Halloween. I thought it would've been really awesome actually carve something like but they were all made of plastics for obvious reasons. As you saw none of mine came close to this but I can aspire!


Day 138 & 139
I am not sure what's going on but uploading pictures seems to be a mo go at the moment so.. Let's see. I'm trying this on 3G to see if that works but I can't do it too often because of usage and what not.

Thursday, 14 November 2013


I watched two films today so let's get right to it.

Beautiful Creatures
See a lot of people said it really wasn't all that good and it was just trying to be a new thing like Twilight but.. I'm going to have to disagree. In all honesty I like most films though so don't take this at face value. I must say its nothing like Twilight, I can see why people might say that but it's witches and not vampires.. Yes there's a love story between two young people at the heart of it but there's a completely different reason for that being a problem.. And the characters were very well played although the accents were starting to play havoc on the old ears of mine but.. Otherwise a good film. Also based on a book so there will be more coming. It leaves at a strange point but if you've read the books then it'll probably make a hell of a lot more sense. I would recommend it; I don't like to listen to critics all the time because I've liked a lot of things they haven't.. And hated things which got majorly hyped. Oh well.

Life of Pi
Oh my oh my. I really really liked this, it was amazing. It's set up to be a story being told by the main character later in life which sets you up to know nothing can happen to him.. But they pulled it off well. The story was thrilling and I found myself thinking 'how did someone even think of this?' I've always wanted to write a book and if I had my name on something like this I would very easily manage to mention I wrote it in every conversation I ever have forever. I'm pretty sure it was in cinemas when lots of films were big on 3D because you can see a lot of scenes were specifically catered to watching in 3D. But it was beautiful and lots of it was done with CG as there's only so much you can with real animals especially with some of the stuff that happened. The CG was very good most of the time; at some points as with most films you can tell difference. I would 100% recommend watching it; I really liked it.

Since when did Facebook chat have them weird giant sticker things? Amy sent me some today and I thought she's sent me a picture at first but.. Yeah. So they're a thing. And it looks like some will cost money at some point - that to me just sounds like Facebook shouting for money but we all know they have enough.. They offered Snapchat $3 billion today; they got turned down though so ha!

Thanks for reading, blog you later.

Day 137
The reason I am including this picture today is because I'm pretty sure it's like a lionfish or something along those lines.. But in Animal Crossing it's known as a zebra turkeyfish which might be completely right for all I know. They have some gimick names for the fish so I am not sure on this.

Wednesday, 13 November 2013


I knew it. There was a good layer of ice covering the entire car today.. And it wasn't nice. My hand was quite numb after that because of the ice spraying over my hand whilst scraping through it all. One side of my car has a fence alongside it which protects the car from the ice.. So it comes off very easily but then it keeps the sun off of it.. Which means it has a boat load of condensation any other time! No winning eh?

Made a nice pasta bake today; it was very nice. It's basically just macaroni cheese with bacon; and baking it just crisps the top up. It was very good, first time that we'd made one without using a jarred sauce. I like cheese. Shame it gives me headaches in vast amounts.

I like Christmas stock at the Coop. It's one of the only things that the Coop does that I really like and it only comes around once a year. They sell little boxes of fake Gullian.. The posh sea shell chocolates and cheap chocolate orange segments. Only £1. Or 90p with the discount but.. I do like me some of that.

Thanks peeps. Blog you later.

Day 136
Alligator. Look at it. Every time we've been in the aquarium this thing has been laying there. It might be facing a different way but.. It's always there. Under the light. I wanna poke it.

*If you're reading this then I still haven't managed to get the picture to upload yet.. Error message 500, 404 and 400 so.. Yeah.. If there's a picture here then yay!*

Tuesday, 12 November 2013

Mr Ben

The mornings of iced over cars seem to be ever getting closer and closer.. And I really am not looking forward to them. Probably going to end up deicing the car twice a day. Also with the car I am driving now it seems that it is very prone to the doors getting iced shut which I find weird but.. It happens.

So I extinguished my stocks of sweet chilli sauce the other day so I got myself self some more yesterday and since have already used on all meals bar breakfast.. Only because it would be socially frowned upon. Rice crispies and sweet chilli - I could totally see that being the thing. Just the milk ruins it.

I know this'll come across random a maybe slightly creepy but.. I've come to appreciate a sharp knife. Preparing food with a knife that is actually sharp is satisfying for no reason what so ever. It's just nice to be able to cut through something like a tomato without the skin holding it together just a tiny bit so you end up ripping it and getting your hands all juiced up. 

I think I'll stop here.. Reading back through that I am honestly just thinking 'why did I just type that' but I shall not waste it. At some point in my head all of the above seemed coherent and like a decent idea to share so.. Yeah! Blog you later.

Day 135
I know its a pain and it's sideways but for whatever reason on the Mac photo album it is upright.. Then as soon as I upload it to here it turns sideways again. I've tried it all four different ways and Blogger hasn't got any image editing tools, even simple ones like rotation so.. Yeah. Best I can do with this. 15 minutes is far too long for a picture. Anyway - it is Big Ben. Just pointing left instead of up. It's pretty awesome and I would say good reason not to own a fancy watch it you work in London.

Monday, 11 November 2013

Sup Monday

As I said - I am on the Mac today so I am doing some typing. It's a bit of a shame that I am typing because I didn't get up to a lot today.. In the morning I all of a sudden felt very strange and sort of ended up half sleeping until 12.. I remember watching videos and hearing them but every now and then I wouldn't be able to remember when the next video started.. But I must have done it. Creepy eh?

*Spoilers for Animal Crossing.. Yeah*
I did spend a good bit of the day on Animal Crossing as I just gained access to the little island resort which you take the boat to get to - for those of you who know what I am on about. I like completing things and as the game has a museum which you fill with insects and fish - this little island was like a gold mine. I caught 3 sharks thinking I could get doubles and sell them for money because I assumed they would be worth a lot but.. Turns out that they were 3 different ones. There is a hell of a lot more to this little game than first meets the eye. I took my DS out with me the other day and the Street Pass picked up some people with it and their houses really blew my expectation so I am looking forward to the later game.

So as I promised, there is a picture of London today, hope you like it. I would like to point out that Amy most likely took this pictures as they are from her camera. Blog you later.

Day 134
Here is a nice one from across the water of the London Eye, we didn't manage to get on it because the queue was as long as hell - as usual. It's very popular and I think it is something you can go on multiple times and it will not get old. It'll be different every time because you're always going to notice something different.

Sunday, 10 November 2013


Day 133
So I think I will use pictures from London starting tomorrow. Yeah. That sounds like a good idea, also means I can do some typing. Today's picture is of some magnets that someone gave to my dad. He's a decorator so he is often offered things which they were just going to get rid of. This being one - it's really fun. We can't make any of the little things displayed on the box without nearly ripping our hair. We managed to make a little swing and as you can see by the motion blur - he did swing.

Saturday, 9 November 2013


Sorry if you couldn't find the blog yesterday, I was having trouble getting it to upload so I couldn't link to it because I was asleep before it got round to doing it so.. I think I did it at around 5am but that's still no good really. 

Day 132
So here's my cat being cute lying next to the radiator. This is his favourite place in the winter due to the epic warms. Plus there were fireworks today so he had to stay in - doesn't look too bothered about that does he?


Day 131
So I got myself a muffin at work as it was only 20p so that's just fine. All of the chocolate chips were in one place! Right there.. So I saved that bit for last. Mmm. And I seem to be having trouble uploading this one for whatever reason so I shall just leave it going and it'll upload when it uploads.. Yeah.. Fingers crossed!

Thursday, 7 November 2013


So we watched Silver Linings today and by we I mean me Amy and Mr Tate. It was very good. So so good. It was a very happy, feel good and funny film. Bradley Cooper is awesome. Jenifer Lawrence is awesome. Watch it. Some of it was a little too easy to predict but I'm glad I was right so.. That's a good thing? Yeah. 

Blog you later - Amy has put all the London picture onto the Mac book so I shall post some of them soon. Blog you later.

Day 130
These are the tickets for the London Dungeon. They're pretty cool. I'm not sure if there are different things on the back of all of the messages or not but.. All of ours were the same.

Wednesday, 6 November 2013


Day 129
These are the decorations on the front of The small in Maidstone. I still call it by the old name which I am not going to butcher the spelling of but.. Yeah.

Tuesday, 5 November 2013

A new leaf

Got a sore throat. No idea where it's come from - but sucks. Cough.

I bought Animal Crossing New Lead for the 3DS today - I have a 2DS if I forgot to mention.. I also have Pokemon X version if people want to hit me up.. Yeah ask for my friend code; friend safari and stuffs. I must say I am very impressed with New Leaf and very much look forwards to playing it. From what I can tell there is something new to do everyday and you unlock new things to do as you go along. Everything is also done in real time so it makes it feel a lot more of an accomplishment to do something. Highly recommend!

We also went to Maidstone for a Pizza Hut as we had a 40% of voucher from an email. We had the usual but I managed to draw everyone's attention outside as I spotted a tiny little mouse. Everyone agreed that it was cute as long as it didn't come anywhere near where we were eating.. I understand why. I just wanted to stroke it, was very small.

We parked in Fremlins as their parking machines give change as we didn't have exact monies. For whatever reason the top two floors were blocked off which to me just seems silly.. A 3 story car park where you can only use one level? Waste of space surely! 

Thanks for reading people. I'm going to go catch some fish.. Yeahhhhh! Blog you later.

Day 128
They were putting up the Christmas decorations on fremlins walk and they looked rather lovely - so I took a picture. That is Amy.

Monday, 4 November 2013

Sounds Like You're From London

I'll be honest - I have no idea where that quote comes from. I just remember a lot of people walking around shouting it in each others ears. Pretty sure it was Rustle Brand.

So London - often have I proclaimed that London is a scary place for me due to the volume of people. Still the same. Me, Amy and Mr Tate went up to London for a nice day out on Saturday to do some stuff, make use of our passes and go to the Ripley's Museum.

We managed to drag ourselves out of bed for the 8:36 train and by we I mean me.. I like my bed. It was a nice journey, managed to get a 6 seat section and no one else really seemed to want to sit with us so we didn't feel too awkward having a chat. First thing on the agenda was breakfast; we ended up going to KFC. On the way there we were all discussing McDonalds breakfasts and that it turned out that Burger King and Subway both had a breakfast menu. We also said it was a shame that KFC didn't and obviously we were wrong.. No chicken on the menu which was a little disappointing but it was actually really good. Had a breakfast wrap which had sausage bacon and egg in it with tomato sauce. Came with a hash brown and a cup of hot chocolate. I would quite like to try a Subway breakfast because they sound really yummy.

The first place we went to was the London Dungeons, we'd always wanted to go but whenever we'd walked past it had looked really busy so we always left it. It opens at 10 and we were there at about half past and the queue was already pretty big. Turns out there were three separate lines, people who needed tickets; people with booked tickets or annual passes; then our line for fast track and premium pass holders. I think that's what the three were anyway.. But we were inside and heading off by 11 so we were quite pleased. Got the expected dirty look from everyone else who we were overtaking but.. We paid for our passes so we get the perks. 

I won't give too much away because it is supposed to be a scary experience but I didn't find it too bad. I was looking over my shoulder a lot because I was expecting something but it never happened. The effects were really good and all the actors and actresses were amazing; they must really enjoy their jobs. But as I said - I don't want to say too much about this because I wouldn't want to spoil it for anyone else who is going. The suspense is the best bit! There are two rides in there though, one of which I really didn't like all that much because it's like a mini detonator which just makes my tummy hate me.

We went to the aquarium afterwards, literally spent 30 minutes in there just walking around because we've been there so many times now. It's just nice to get in really quickly for free. We did stop and have a look at the penguins again. I also melted my hand print into the cold wall because I have super hot hands. Yeah.

We then headed off on the tubes to go to Piccadilly Circus as that's where the Ripley's museum is. First we wanted lunch and off in the distance we could spy a Burger King and headed off in that direction through the crowds. It's very scary crossing the road in London because it seems like the traffic lights never change so everyone just dashes across in a gap. Thankfully most of the roads are one way so you don't have to look both ways which makes it a lot easier to run.

This Burger King was really quite awesome. We noticed everyone walking around with empty cups and thought it was a bit strange.. Turns out you have to fill your drink yourself from a drinks machine in the eating area. It had so many different drinks in it, it was amazing. Under Coke there was regular, diet, zero, caffeine free, lemon and lime, raspberry, vanilla and probably a couple of others. Fanta had orange, diet, lemon, fruit twist, grape and probably some others.. It was awesome. If all Burger Kings had them - I would go there a hell of a lot more! Hint hint..

Ripley's is awesome. It's basically a museum of really really weird stuff. Things you'll look at and think - nuuuuu. They had meteorites, petrified humans, models of the worlds largest man and woman, an 8 foot Optimus Prime, art work done on poo (I know right), a dragon carved out of camel bone (my favourite thing there) and loads of other stuff. They have an annual which is out every year with the weird stuff in it. Turns out they also have other museums all over the world in different countries. I would quite like to visit them all but I have a feeling that would be rather expensive. There was also a very large mirror maze which was really fun to walk around. I mentioned this yesterday and included a picture of it. The gloves were rather uncomfortable.. But when you're in one of them, you always think you know which person is real.. And then you really have no clue and its awkward. People kept walking into you with their arms out saying "Oh, you're real!" Yup. There was also a laser race thing in the basement which we didn't do. It is basically a room with lasers and you have to get to the other side as fast as possible without hitting the lasers. There was a rather large queue; and it was one at a time so we were looking at maybe an hours wait. Shame.

It was a really good day. I would recommend going to all of the places we went to above; here are the links to the websites if you fancy having a little look or maybe book some tickets. Just a note - if you want to go to more than one thing in London under the Merlin umbrella, you can save a lot of money by doing more than one in a day. It's awesome.

And by the way, it was still the Halloween event at London Dungeons so there were a lot of pumpkins; not sure if there were any other differences as that was the first time I'd been there at all..

Thanks for reading. LONG. Enjoy. Picture also; probably not what you were expecting though! Blog you later.

Day 127
So I really fancied an omelette for my lunch today. I've never made one before. I do scrambled eggs in the microwave so.. It was a little adventure so to say. I was very impressed with myself, I'm not going to lie. Look at it, magnificent! I know it's not exactly a hard thing to cook but I always hear people complaining that they wanted an omelette and they ended up with scrambled egg instead.. So yeah. I'm going to try one with cheese, bacon and mushrooms tomorrow. We had carbonara today hence the leftover bacon and mushroom. 

Sunday, 3 November 2013

London tomorrow

By that I mean I shall do a post about the trip to London tomorrow as the Mac is dead and needs charging and it'll be a lot of typing so.. Yeah. For now look at this.

Day 126
Here's a picture from inside the mirror maze at the Ripleys Museum in London. It was rather cool there apart from you had to wear gloves. I know it keeps it all clean because it would be horrible to actually clean.. But your hands get so hot and sticky in them.

Saturday, 2 November 2013

Ghost cakes

So today me Amy and Mr Tate went to London for a nice day of activities. I shall probably dive into that tomorrow so I am more awake in all honesty, tubes and walking is tiring malarky!

Day 125
So Amy made this little ghost cakes for Halloween. She found them on YouTube and wanted to make some herself. It's all very clever - first you make the cake mix and add some to a flat based ice cream cone. You then bake until the cake is done and leave to cool. Then you roll out some ready to eat regal icing - I think - and drape on top. Then wet it a little to get the chocolate chips to stick. I think they're rather genius. And tasty. Definitely that one.

Friday, 1 November 2013

Dragon Pumpkin?

Day 124
It didn't work quite as well as I had hoped as I wasn't sure how deep to go. If I went too deep it would just fall apart but.. I'm not sure if this picture is good enough. I can make it out probably because I know what I'm looking at..