Sunday, 2 March 2014

CSI Teddy

I was looking back through my blog today; and I was also discussing it with a friend. It started out as a nice little project and it still is - it's something nice to do every day. Plus it acts as like a visual diary so in the future I'll be able to look back at this and remember. I'll remember today better than if I just closed my eyes and tried to think real hard. I also felt a bit guilty looking back through as I used to post things.. Possibly a thousand words long. Now all I seem to do is share a picture. I think I should start putting my thoughts down again, sharing and being more proactive with this.

So.. What's been going on with me recently? A month ago I started a new job with KCC as a computer engineer. I am really enjoying it and I get to wear a suit everyday - added bonus. I like suits.

So let's go with this weekend. Saturday, me Amy and a Mr Tate, we went to the Ashford Outlet centre - I really wanted to find a new suit. The one I have at the moment is fine, it's from Primark and came to under £50 so it was a bargain to be fair. But I was looking for something a little fancier, and apparently your general clothes shops don't cater for a larger man. I originally looked in Bluewater with no success. I went to Next which had a suit section the size of the downstairs of my house - they only had one suit which was regular fit, the rest were tailored or slim/skinny fit which is fine unless you have broad shoulders. Like me. So, we had a little wonder around, looked in some of the shops. No luck. Not until we got to Moss anyway. I asked one of the guys in there who measured my sizes etc. and the first suit I tried for lovely. I won't divulge numbers but it was good enough for me.

I also bought my first pair of Levi's. I have never experienced so much comfort from a pair of jeans! They're so stretchy.. It's confused me because I am very used to beig restricted and rather uncomfortable quite frankly wearing jeans. By the way.. If you're planning to go to Ashford look on the website first - they have this card you can sign up for first so you get 10% off on the day in some of the shops on top of all the other discounts. Fabulous eh?

Zizzi's for lunch in Sevenoaks as Amy had a £20 voucher. Turns out Tesco's are being awesome with what you can do with your money off vouchers - for example £2.50 with them is £10 at a restaurant. Or a cinema ticket. Or money off to a day out. Whenever I go to Zizzi's, I know I'm going to have something nice but I can never remember what I like - all of the names look the same. If it has chicken and mushrooms though, I'm generally on board.

Now.. I can't promise something big like this all the time. I would like to at least do something that's vaguely more interesting than a random picture. Getting closer to the year mark with that though.. Not sure if I'll carry on or change theme.. We'll see closer to the time I guess. Thanks for reading if you made it this far.

Day 245
My sister had a dog, naturally this dog will appear at our house every now and then. We like to buy toys for her to generally rip to pieces and this is her most recent victim. It was a sad scene to walk in on and it's kind of looked like a teddy crime scene. This one has lasted a lot longer than the others, probably a lot more stuffing to remove.. Usually she can empty a teddy of its inards pretty quickly. 

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