Sunday, 26 May 2013

Insert Title Here..

I couldn't think of a better title so that'll do for now. It doesn't even say that in the title box but oh well. You get the idea of what I am talking about.

hells yeah ;P <-- From Amy.

So, I missed yesterday again because I fell asleep again. I was at work for seven hours so I guess I can use that as an excuse. Well I am going to anyway, even if you don't agree with it. I almost missed tonight as I am at Tom's right now. Just finished watching a film but that will come later on down the bottom.. As I do this all in time order. How my brain works. I am on his laptop as well so with any luck I shouldn't have any silly auto-corrects which I will get told off for. This thing is a tank. Dayuuum.

So back to yesterday morning.. Was up nice and early as usual. I like being up early because it lets me use the whole day. That's probably why I fall asleep before I can post anything. I said to myself I would only watch two episodes of Lost yesterday and I ended up watching five.. Naughty me. I just started watching and then I kept going because I wanted to know what happened next. And next. And next. Next. This is the first time in all of the series that it actually feels like there is a good side and bad side. But then again I am suspecting this to be a lie because you can never be sure with whatever is going on in that program. I trust nothing!

Just watched a new advert for visiting Las Vegas. What was that? You'll understand when you see it. It is super weird.

I then played my Xbox a little bit. Yeah, that's always good. Learned some new things, did some new things. I also helped my Dad figure out which wires were going where from the router. We need to jiggle them all about for the new router so we can have the wires in better places. Makes more sense to me but you want to know this. Or why would you be here? HA.

So today was pretty interesting. Woke up and kind of just laid in bed for ages. Just meh. It's nice to be able to just do nothing, not worry about anything and chill. Then a shower to make me feel 'fresh' according to these new Facebook things.. I don't even know what they are or how you do them but they are there. Just in case I ever want to. Then we had a chat with Tate and decided to head to Maidstone to do some shopping. We were also given the task of getting Mr Tate some new clothes for his impending holiday.

We didn't get any clothes. He threw up three times. 

We aren't sure if it was the heat, the lack of food in his system or the actual food he ate. He had a sweet fire supercharger. Don't worry, I had one too so I doubt it was the food. He hadn't eaten for ages or drunk anything all morning and it was a hot day. First he got to the toilet so he was fine. Then he sort of didn't.. And made a lot of people look and feel a bit strange. Especially the three girls setting down eating Maccy D's. Sorry. And then in the car park before we left to go home. By then it was mostly water so it was all good. He had a sleep when we got back and then he was all shiny and better again. But that did mean no clothes for him. Oops.

We were planning to go out for dinner and see Hangover 3 but we thought it might be better to scheduler to another day as he was sicky. Plus there was no offers on a Saturday and it would be super busy anyway. We will see that film! Apparently some are saying its not as good as the others but everyone will still see it anyway. You and I both know that.

As Mr Tate felt better we still decided to watch a film - just at his house instead. We also had some party food because we are awesome. I also insisted on a salad so that there was something healthy on the table. It tasted really good with some dressing on it. Never had a dressing before. I think I shall have them more often because they be dam tasty. Kind of removes the whole healthy aspect but meh. MEH.

Then we watched What To Expect When You're Expecting. I first watched this in Portsmouth with Amy last year when it came it. It is really good. And sad. And happy. And scary. All at once, that's why it is so good. It has got a bit of everything with an amazing all star cast which makes it awesome. Watch it.

Then we watched the end of Daredevil which someone needs to remake because that could be a hell of a lot more awesome with all of today's computer bits and bobs. The CGI in it for the time was pretty good.

Shan't add any pictures today because formatting right now is just bleh. Can't be bothered right now. IM LATE. BWARGH. Upload two today technically.. Ahhh.

1 comment:

  1. Aha, just reading that back put a smile on my face :P Thanks for looking after me!
