Friday, 3 May 2013


Yay! Friday night means the start of the weekend. It is always a great feeling and it is a shame that it is the the shortest part of the week. I always find it odd that I am laying here in bed and there will be numerous people out getting drunk and probably doing things they'll regret. Funny how the world works.

This didn't happen to me today but I thought I would ask - do you ever get bored? But know that you shouldn't be? Sometimes I'll be sitting in my room bored even though there is a TV in front of me, an Xbox with numerous games and a laptop to surf the net, loads of books which I still need to read; yet I jut have no motivation for any of them. I just feel lost and bored. I find this very strange as kids used to be outside for an entire day with a hoop and a stick yet this boredom gets me.

So what did I do today? You may be surprised to know that I watched more Lost. I know I am talking about it all the time but it just blows my mind. I can't stop, every twist and turn just makes me want to watch more and more! It's a shame that I might not ever really know the true meaning of things, talking to someone I work with about it - we both have different ideas about each bit. That's the beauty of a thing like this, who knows who is right? And to be fair, does it matter if someone is? If it can make you talk about it and make you think - that's awesome in itself.

I also helped my Dad outside in the garage because he needed use of my huge arms. Ahem. We've got a lot of my nans old furniture from her flat which no one needs or wants so a lot went to the scrap heap. Makes more room in the garage so it's a win win really. Also got rid of the old snooker table, I would've kept it but it doesn't really help that I'm taller than it now. Removes the challenge if you can play standing up. I really want to join a snooker club though. Would be awesome. There was also an entire box full of old kinder toys. It was pretty crazy to look a what I used to get excited about when I was younger. The toys in the eggs today have moving parts and wings and crazy stuff, these were just plastic set in moulds and painted. Yet we loved them.

I also had work from 4-10.. Need a bag?.. Blah blah.. Receipt?.. You get the picture. Highlight of the day was picking up Amy up because we've got a good weekend ahead of us!

Just a heads up, there may be no post tomorrow as I am over Mr Tate's abode for the evening so I'm not sure if I will have the time. We are usually there until Sunday morning and I don't want to be rude and tap away at my phone for half an hour. Also the trip to Lakeside tomorrow which should be good. Only been into Essex once before to go to a fancy dress party. Shame that the price for the bridge has gone up though..


The first I took today when I was having some problems watching Lost, turns out I needed to reset the router downstairs. Luckily I didn't have to leave that episode half way through! It just seems whenever the screen freezes on a close up of a person you get the most unattractive faces. This I am sure to say goes to prove my argument. The second picture goes alongside this. I wasn't actually going for anything there when I took the picture, I just wanted to show him to someone. Not sure why, maybe to ask if they had seen him before. He's a comedian.

Thanks for reading today, if you made it this far.. Dum dum dum! Anyway, have a good weekend and enjoy yourself! Shall blog you later on.


  1. Sir, you can do a blog post when you're round mine! xD

    You can use the laptop too if it makes it easier, especially for those spelling/grammar errors that you seem so keen on doing :P
