Tuesday, 30 April 2013

Bye bye Benny

Who is Benny you might ask? Benny was my first car, even though she has a mans name she is a lady. Just the way it is. We got Benniy two years ago in July at which point I was learning to drive. I've been many places with her, Portsmouth, Miadstone, Ashford.. A lot of memories all thanks to that car. A lot of favours done in that car. A lot of money spent on that car - not such a good thing but its still true. As of tomorrow I shall no longer be behind Benny's wheel but instead a Citreon by the name of Bubble. It looks like a bubble. Word association is a good thing. Right now it is quite a sad thing for me because your first car is more than just a car, it's your independence. You can go where you want with who you want for as long as you want. Later in life I wouldn't be surprised if I just moved around cars like no ones business but I would always like to think; there's something about your first car.

Play sad music.

Anyway, a little emotional rant over. My day. What did I do? Well, I played some Battleblock on my Xbox, which I am really enjoying. More than I thought I would, platformers aren't my go to game type but this one has something about it. I then decided to watch some more Lost. Just got a third of the way into season 2 and it is just so good! I want to talk about it more but I don't know who has and who hasn't seen it. Maybe once I've got further in I'll do a post about what I think is going on and what not - it'll all be outdated and wrong by now as it has been out for at least 7 years. If anyone really wants to by me the box set I wouldn't turn it away. I like the boxes, they are so fancy.

So me and Amy are quite bad at deciding what to have for tea. We like to cook and the independence we gain from it but sometimes we just have no idea. Nothing screams 'eat me' in our minds; we just draw a blank. I would really quite like to think its not just us who has this problem, we'll probably be fine when we've had years of practice. Today we just went he'll with it and had a burger from the chip shop. Great choice! Haven't had one from there in ages but it was dam good. Their ketchup is so much better than what you get in the shops. If anyone has ways to decide food then let me know. Decisions are hard and that's just about food.

We also watched a program called Barely Legal Drivers I think anyway.. It was on BBC3. It's about young drivers who are given their parents cars to drive but they don't know that they are being watched. By their parents. And a ex traffic cop. If they do well, they get money towards a car or advanced driving lessons. Today the drivers were okay and both got a car. I can't help but feel a little cheated because I feel my driving is a lot better than theirs. I am so big headed. One went 40 in a 30, the other missed people on a crossing. All fails in a driving test but here they are on TV getting a car for free it would seem. Good ethics. Rant rant rant - wuhahaha. You love it.

No for some pictures. The first was from our trip to London earlier this year in Madame Tussaudes - spelt wrong I do believe. A nice close up of the Hulk. They had the awesome 4D thing which I would advise to try and see before it gets changed for something else!

The second is from when me and Amy first started cooking. Back then we would literally just make pasta. Or stick stuff in the oven. This meal was rather good, ripped chicken with rocket. I think I went a bit top heavy on the rocket side but oh well - we all need some rabbit food.

Thank you for reading. Whenever you do. Let me know when you read this. Like I mentioned yesterday, I post quite late at night and some people have already mentioned that they read it the next day in the morning or at lunch. The time stamps that you get with the views in your stats page aren't always that good. Blog you later.

Monday, 29 April 2013

Cutting it close

Hello readers. I'm cutting it close yet again, but it would appear that the later I post the more readers I get. The Internet is making us all nocturnal very slowly. Next thing you know you'll spin your head near 360 and hoot.

So I know there was no blog on Friday and Saturday but I was really busy, tired and feeling a bit under the weather towards the end of it all. Well, I did post on Friday during the morning which covered the last couple of days but the rest of the day to you is technically a mystery. I ate some food and went to work. Mystery solved!

Saturday was a good day though, me Amy and Tate decided to go to the Ashford outlet store. Me and Amy had been once before but this was Tate's first visit. I really do like it there, even though everything to me is still really expensive, it's just a nice place to go and walk around. Loads of parking at £1 for 4 hours, food court which looks like an Apple shop and loads of really nice shops. My personal favourite is probably the super dry outlet but all the stuff I like is still £150+ even with £100 off! It's funny how stitching the phrase super dry into something can make it infinitely more valuable. For some reason the guidance my phone gave me was different on the way there and back. The motorway literally chucks out down the road from it yet on the way it lead us through some small roads and places. I don't get the mind of Siri.

We then all continued back to my house to have a kebab. I feel this may have contributed to my jippy tummy but who knows? I had a chicken, I do love chickens kebabs. Especially when you chuck it all in the pitta with a salad and just go to town on it. Tate had a wrap which looked awesome which I want to try next time. Amy had a classic doner or elephant leg as she described it. I will never look at that revolving meat the same again.

Amy then went babysitting so me and Mr Tom had a massive nerd out. We played Minecraft for about 4 hours, and it sounds so bad looking back it now but it was so good! We created a new world in survival mode and decided that for once we would do everything legitimately. We continued this today actually for another couple of hours. Good times.

It would appear that me and Amy are lagging a little on our walks. Maybe we'll go for one tomorrow.

Pictures! The first is of the cookie I got my mum for her birthday. I know I've mentioned it on her but not so sure if I've showed it.. So here it is either way. I forgot to get a picture without a slice gone but it was so tasty. All gone now unfortunately. I want to go back and just get one that says 'I love myself' and eat it.

The second is of some cat food which for some reason made me the think John Claude Van Cat. My mind is a mixed up jumble of randomness. So glad I can share that with the Internet. I might think of something worth while one day!

This post seems a little light today but I shall leave it here for now. Hope you enjoy reading. I'm trying to work out a way for people to subscribe or something to the page. The best way at the moment I would definitely say to be twitter. Every post I do will be shared on twitter as well as facebook. Eventually reddit when I understand it! Blog you later.

Friday, 26 April 2013

The last couple of days..

I'm sorry for missing Wednesday and Thursday. I got in on Wednesday and sort of just passed out on my bed. Then yesterday I was playing football and by the time I got in there was about 10 minutes to get a post up before midnight! And I know, I usually take it right down to the wire and upload at like.. 23;55 but these posts take at least 20 minutes. So I am posting now, in the morning to let you know and there may be a post later depending on what happens today!

So, I have finished season 1 of Lost and started season 2. It's just so good and it keeps me watching the episodes one after the other without really thinking about it. I won't divulge too much of the storyline in case some of you, like me, are just starting or planning to watch it all.. But for all of you who know what I'm on about - 4 8 15 16 23 42 Execute. Thankfully I'm not lost with it yet, everything so far is making sense. I assume I will get to the proper mind boggling stuff further down the line but until then, I've got this. Next time I talk about it I'll be saying I've started from the beginning again because it doesn't make sense!

Before football yesterday, me and Amy went to Bluewater to get some things, for example, my mums birthday present. It was a giant Millie's Cookie which she seemed to like a hell of a lot. Can't take credit - Amy thought of the idea. Once we gave it to her I was upstairs getting changed for football and I heard them all laughing so I can only assume that's why there were laughing. Smells super good. I'd probably not eat it for ages so I could enjoy the smell for as long as I could. Amy also got some clothes, some new things for the summer. It's funny when girls try on clothes, all the boyfriends stand outside holding coats, bags and other bits of shopping. We all look at each other and nod, yet we know exactly what we are saying to each other. I swear we are telepathic.

Football last night was pretty good, but strange as a lot of us hadn't played since last year. We played on the football pitches next to Wrotham School as it turned out you could hire them for half the price of Goals where we would usually go. Plus it's just up the road - for Goals we would be going to Dartford or heading up towards London somewhere. Was quite strange going back in the school to park, as my car was technically in the French rooms and the science blocks no longer existed. A lot of memories gone it would seem. Got some war wounds, I don't like to call them wounds as they sound a lot worse than they really are to be honest. Left ankle got trod on making it bleed a little. Slipped over and where the ground is so dry being artificial, it was like sandpaper on my knee. It's all good. I had a bath.

Went to Tesco after that where Amy found a really nice jacket which I hate.. Because it was a woman's jacket. Never seems to be a lot of stuff that I look at and think 'I want to buy this' when it comes to clothes. The only things I generally look at are shoes and that'll be conversers. Or hoodies, do like a good idea. I used to love buying hoodies in all wacky colours. I still do know but.. I've got quite a few colours.

The first of the two pictures was from the first week when I got my phones. That was when I wanted to be Instagram famous like anyone who has an iPhone. I think I said it was a graph to show colour imbalance in a pack of skittles? I think I must have just been really bored to do that.. I'm hungry.

The second was from mine and Amy's walks the other day when we spotted a birds nest. It's odd how they can make them out of twigs with their beaks and no thumbs yet I can't even put together a kinder egg toy properly. I guess I need some perspective. I wouldn't die if I didn't make that toy.

Thanks for reading, I know it's a strange time for me to be posting. I am awake for the most of the day.. Just I usually do it at night in bed. Blog you later

Tuesday, 23 April 2013


Just a quick thing to point out - when I blog from my phone, for some reason it gets some words mixed up. It changes of to if and cat to car. It was pointed out to me yesterday that my post said that my car was rolling around in the sand. As impressive as this would be, it didn't happen. Nor will it ever. Until we make transformers which obey our every command. Can't wait for that.

So today, I was planning to watch a good chunk of the first series of lost but as it turns out, I got called into work. I know I could've said no but - earning money is more constructive it is safe to say. Before I managed to get there I was trying to wrestle a bird cage into some hooks and it just wouldn't happen. Birds are happier indoors anyway. It was pretty and yellow.

After work, Amy got to finish at normal time rather than 6 so we got to spend more of the afternoon together as per normal. It was awesome. Always is, always will be. So that put me in a good mood so I decided to cook us some strozopretti! I'm pretty sure that's spelled wrong but you get the general sound of the word. It was really good today, the secret is heaped teaspoons of the ingredients. Amy's discover so all credit to her, but if I get tastier food from it then go for it!

Today we were betrayed by the ice cream man. I told him how long we had been waiting and then today he decided to skip his usual parking spot in the car park in front of my house! It was actually quite depressing watching him drive away after seeing everyone else get their cold deserts. He even came after dinner this time. We will catch him again one day.

So apparently tomorrow is going to be the hottest day of the year so far. Before the weather turns cold again but.. Call in sick to work. Enjoy it while you can! Makes no sense me saying it as I literally just said earning money is more productive but.. The cold is coming so say goodbye to not needing a jacket! Well apparently. They've been wrong. But usually they are mostly wrong about nice weather so it's going to snow tomorrow.

So today's pictures - the first shows Amy's ice cream with two wrappers. Yes - two. We had to resort to our own ones as they ice cream man was a no go. Luckily this entertained us for a few minutes enough so for me to take a picture. I quite enjoy unwrapping them so I was a little envious. I also like to think that there is a rogue naked ice cream out there in someone's else box.

The second picture just further enforces the fact that nature is dam awesome. There's a fence in the way of where the post is growing, so what do you do? Grow next to it or away from it? Hell no, I'll just eat the thing. Amy pointed it out when we were out walking yesterday as we didn't go today. It's really cool, the fence is proper wedged in there. Blew my mind to be completely honest. Never seen that happen before!

Thanks for reading, I know it's a tad short but 4 hours of my day can be explained by - would you like me to pack your bag? Shall blog you soon.

Monday, 22 April 2013


It'll make sense in a minute. A bit further down the page. Cool.

Feels like I've been pretty proactive today in terms of what I have done. Here's a short list of what I basically did - bought and insured a car, saw my nan, cleared up the garden, watch a cliffhanger on Lost, finally got an ice cream from the ice cream man, went for an epic walk with Amy. That wasn't really that short come to think of it.

So yeah, I 'bought' a car. Basically just swapping with my dad as its hell of a lot cheaper - once again, no numbers for you. Private! But I am now technically the owner of a 2003 Citreon C3 Desire, name pending. It's a bubble on wheels. I'll have to give it a nice clean and maybe treat you to a picture. Maybe.

My nan lives in a care home, she's the same age as the queen. She's pretty cool, even though today she thought I was my brother. Apparently my curly hair makes me look like him, I don't see it myself. She has a birds best right outside her window so everything she sees she assumes to be a bird. Even squirrels. Not quite but I guess they're still in a tree.

My mum and dad have gotten round to clearing up the garden to how they would like it. So today, Homebase was the place to be to buy about 360 litres of bark shavings. Luckily that worked out to be the exact amount we needed to fill in the area we needed. It looks pretty good, probably would make sense to show you at some point. Maybe a little in the future as we spread a load of grass seed where the patchy bits are witch we filled in. Once that grows it'll be nice and even. My dad also taught me a game called splits. Odd. Maybe another time. The car was on the prowl whilst we were labouring away but I stopped to take a picture of him covered in sand. My dad cleared a pile if rubble which is now a sand pile and parking fit the wheel barrow. Needless to see, this to my cat says - role around in me. So he does, a lot. Then he tries to bring it in doors. Then he gets scared by the Hoover to clean his mess. He roles in sand. You can see where I'm going here..

So I thought I would squeeze and episode of Lost in today. Spoilers for anyone who like me, has only just discovered the series properly. So, they decide to make a record of all the survivors to keep track. They then find the seating plan of the ship where they cross out names of the dead but upon doing so, discover that someone in the camp wasn't on the plane. Ahhhhh!? My mind was blown. I can't wait to see what is coming next, I'm hooked like a stupid fish!

So luckily Amy got let go from after school club a bit earlier today. It's lucky as I got some more time with her but also, we were back in time for the ice cream man! Finally! Been waiting so long for a whippy ice cream and it was so worth it. Especially as his we're still £1 rather than the silly prices they charge these days else where. That's the second picture down the bottom, showing the ice cream and the van. That is artistry right they ladies and gentlemen.

So as mention, me and Amy have taken it upon ourselves to keep active and go for a walk. We try to keep it daily where possible. Today we started out on our usual route but then decided to float of down some quiet little country footpaths. We found a huge fly tipping area which I didn't think to take a snap of. We found a huge statue in a garden or something looking over the fence. An egg purchase station where they trust to give money and take some eggs. We ended up near the duck pond but decided to save their visit for another day!

That was my day. I'm quite pleased with it. You probably aren't all that bothered to be fair.. But I shared and if you are this far down you probably read. Or you just like the pictures. Each to their own. Blog you later!

Sunday, 21 April 2013

Sunny Day

I thought I should post today seeing as I haven't for the last two days, especially as I did quite a but yesterday. So hey, how are you? You better had been lazy today because its Sunday. Unless you were working - like me - so yeah. I never get bored of people being surprised to hear that we shut at 10 on a Sunday. We don't even care, but still pretty sure it costs more to keep the shop open compared to the income. Who knows?

So Friday, I watched another two episodes of Lost. That is some good TV right there. Only 112 episodes to go so I guess I can't complain of having nothing to watch like ever. Slap me if you hear me saying that. I also did some more work onto my new build on Minecraft - a zoo. It's pretty limited at the moment as I play on creative to get all the resources which doubles up as peaceful. So I can't really add in any angry things. At the moment it's just a huge car park so.. Lots of black wool.

Saturday was pretty awesome, we had already organised another 'Kinect' night. We didn't use it all once again but it was there ready. Before that, me Amy and Tate decided to go out for a walk as it was a really nice day. We decided to go to Moat Park in Maidstone, I've never been there before but it did not disappoint. It was really nice, little but chilly due to the breeze but it was really nice. Saw loads of cute dogs too which is always a fun time. And one massive St Bernard's, big ol' doggy. Also made up for me and Amy missing 3 days of walking technically. I was at work for two so not a lot could be done about that!

We popped to Tesco's afterwards as we fancied some cider. Got some Bulmers no. 17 and the new pressed red grape flavour - which I'll be honest doesn't taste like a whole lot. Still good though. As long as it is really cold - same with most drinks I would say though. Also got some Tesco's own brand ice cream as the ice cream van is still hiding from us! They are really good and only £1 so I would advise them!

After that we headed back to Tate's with two new additions - our late night Tesco buddies. Played some 4 way castle crasher, watched some TV and then got a curry. The Raj in Borough Green is so good! And pretty cheap. We then watched Hancock which I had watched for the first time quite a while ago, still really good. Will Smith is good at any role you stick him in so he did not disappoint.

Today was back to reality as me and Amy popped to Tesco and Asda have a look at some proper shoes for me. My current ones are dying but shoes are not at the top of my agenda - I'm a guy. Didn't find any for my oddly sized feet, rather large (11/12) and wide. Awkwardness. Had a pretty chilled out afternoon basking in the sun coming through my bedroom window then I was off to work. For the shocked remarks.

Amy pointed something out to me that has been making her blood boil. So the Boston bombings where unfortunately 3 people died put Boston on lockdown. Constant media coverage. The whole sha-bang. Yet, in other countries at the same time there are Earthquakes killing 80+ and sexual assaults on 5 year olds yet you never hear about it. I hadn't until Amy told me, but I don't really follow the news. It's a very interesting point that the news coverage is poorly distributed. There's a whole world out there yet they only let us know about half of it.

Today's pictures, the first is of the lake or river at Moat Park. If you haven't been there you really should. Especially on a nice day, shiny water is pretty. The second was of our shop at Tesco's which looks really bad I know but we put it all on one to make the most of Amy's double points coupon. Slurp.

Thanks for reading. Something a bit different on a Sunday! I do prefer to try and blog daily apart from Sunday. If I am super tired or really not in mindset I won't blog or what you'll get will be a pile of doodoo. No one wants to read that. Anyway, I will blog you later!

Thursday, 18 April 2013


I'm not actually lost. I've just decided to start watching Lost on LoveFilm to finally make use of it! I am really impressed, the streaming is high quality, very fast and doesn't take long at all to buffer. Today I watched about 7 episodes back to back and its awesome. Crazy to think that this was first released in 2004! I did start watching it back then but where it got so much traction and popularity, it moved over to Sky and I don't have that. Freeview feels like the stone ages now. Luckily it is all in one place for me to watch to my hearts content whenever. £4.99 well spent!

I spent a lot of this morning trawling through different insurances for cars and it is a crazy and confusing business. The cars I was using for quotes have a 2 year age gap but create a huge void between the two prices! I won't go into it because numbers and numbers and a but private so.. It's confusing as most of you may already know. 

Dinner today was a nice chicken korma with garlic naan bread. Nice quick and easy meal to prepare, really tasty and worked out pretty cheap as all of the bits we needed were on offer or reduced! All in all.. This meal literally must have cost about £5.08. That right there is some good value, a shame that it all has to go back up in price at some point. 

Everyone loves the ice cream van. Apart from you who do not like ice cream.. Me and Amy have been waiting all week for him to appear when we are both here and so far he has not. He appeared yesterday while I was at work which sucked. He appeared on Monday when we had no change for him. It's like he knows.. Well they. There are two different ice cream vans that come round my way. I know they probably cover different areas different days but with two of them around here, I really thought our luck might have paid off! This seems crazy that I would appear to be ranting about an ice cream van. I'm not - just pointing out our bad luck. Would be awesome if he turned up while me and Amy where out for a walk, its nice being out in the sun walking with a 99 in your hand. Wonder if they are still £1. I know if you go to the beach in some places they charge £1.50! They are called 99's so they could be 99p. Well I like to think thats a reason. 

Some numbers for you, about my blog. It would seem on average I am hitting 30-40 page views a day now! The main bulk obviously coming from when I post some new content as its all new and shiny which is nice. Before I post anything, as I generally post in the evening, the page slowly gains a couple of views. It's nice as it means that my blog has made people want to come back. It is very humbling that something that is coming out of my finger tips is making people want to come back to my page. My tiny little corner of the internet which I can share with people.

Today's picture is a card that I saw on Moonpig that I found really funny and thought my friend would greatly appreciate. He did. Nothing more needs to be said.

Thank you reading as always! Hope you're having a good week and don't worry - its nearly the weekend!

Wednesday, 17 April 2013

Middle of the week

Apparently this is the most depressing day of the week, not Monday. Interesting. I always thought it would be Monday as you are looking at the week ahead and Wednesday is closer to the end of it but.. Blah. Scientists know what they are doing.

Was up nice and early today, it's quite strange how much longer the day feels at the end of it. I've been awake for about 14 hours now but I don't feel tired at all. I either have the energy levels of a child with a bag of sugar or I'm part nocturnal. I'm going nocturnal, more likely a scenario.

This may sound really harsh but I don't understand why Margaret Thatcher got such a big funeral. I understand she was prime minister and she was influential and all of that but to such an expense of an economy which is only just recovering from a double, nearly triple dip recession - hmm. Maybe it's just the pessimist in me stamping his feet but I don't know. What I did see of it was very respectful and a great show of our countries armed forces and police etc. Does this mean that all prime ministers that will die in the future will get the same? My mum was very interested in the horse which seemed to be biting the other horses face. It wouldn't stop. Literally.

I just said something political. Uh oh.

The highlight of my day was my break at work. Not because I got to stop working but because I got to see Amy. She had work all day until 6 and I worked from 4 until 10 so it was really nice to be able to see her before it was dark. Really wish I didn't have work as it was perfect waking weather! So sunny, gentle breeze and I just wanted to be outside. The closest I got to that was checking the dates on flowers. I think I would have dragged Amy to the ducks if we went on a walk. We are liking our walking, shame we had to miss one today. Looking forward to tomorrow's!

Now, a lot of these pictures which turn up on here are old pictures that I haven't deleted. Like the one of me with the apple in my mouth - pretty sure it said May 2012 on the screen. These pictures are like a little glimpse into my past. Spooky.

The first picture down the bottom is from last week. My mum and dad gave Amy a make your own Easter chocolates thing and we made them while they were away. We decided to melt cadburys chocolate rather than the cheapy stuff that came with it because that was some funky stuff. They turned out really well, tasted good and I got to lick the bowl. I don't care how old I am.

The second is from my birthday trip to London. In the aquarium they had a glass floor and all these crazy fish were darting around everywhere. Pretty sure they know what a camera is because I can't see any in the shot but - a fish is a fish right?

Might be talking about a game I'm really hoping is made and looking forward to tomorrow. It's currently on PC on Steam and is called The Binding Of Isaac. I've never played it but love watching it. The port would have new content and be called Rebirth. Fingers crossed!

Thank you for reading. Hope you enjoyed as always. I said something controversial today, don't know if I'm proud of that or not. It's on the Internet now so.. Ahh.

Tuesday, 16 April 2013


I have been with my amazing girlfriend for 2 years, 2 months, 10 hours as of right now. I love her more and more each day and am very thankful to whatever power gave her to me.

I love you Amy!

I wonder

Holy cow, I'm doing a post from my Netbook today. Feels strange already but I wanted to add something in which you'll see later on.

In reference to my title, I was thinking about animals when I was driving home. Prepare for some random dribble leaking out my brain through my finger tips. I was driving, and a cat saw my car and bolted. It was no where near me so it was in no danger but it's just what cats do. We obviously have a relationship with cats where they will come and expect love from us and food etc. When they see a car they instantly think danger - but what do they think when they see a human getting out of the car? The car to them is a big scary animal that wants to eat them and wear their fur as car seat covers, so when we get out what do they think was going on? Do they think we got attacked or something crazy but survived? I guess we will never know. Not until we can do some crazy stuff with brain analysis.

Randomness aside. I really don't know how my brain works sometimes.

So today, I took my nephew dentist because he broke his retainer thingy. He has his braces off but there is still some metal in his mouth somewhere which he snapped brushing his teeth. His dentist office is really posh. Huge wavey desk in the reception which only has two people behind it each with ridiculously overpowered computers for the menial office work, and a printer each. Each? Wow. The magazine selection looks like something I would find in an old ladies house. The actual dentisty bit where all the pain happens was proper kitted out. When she went to cut the piece of metal off she asked for the 'diamond drill.' They have enough money to put diamonds on their cutty things? Which they then threw away! I know there was probably no diamond on it and it was just a name but I like to over inflate these things. It's fun. 

I did some achievement whoring today. The points make me feel good, all 55,000 of them. I'm sure other people who hunt achievements or trophies or anything for that matter, know that satisfying feeling when you get something you've really been working hard for. I didn't do this today but you know what I mean.

I know most of you will have heard about the bombings in Boston yesterday, I don't really want to get into it. I'm no news blog, but I would like to say that my thoughts are with the families of those effected. Hope the FBI find whoever did it and make their life less than desirable to put it so kindly. What I would like to share with you is Patton Oswalt's response to the bombing, it has been shared over 200,000 times already and I can see why. Very strong words.

Thank you for reading today. Hope you enjoyed it and had a nice day. I shall blog you tomorrow as always and thank you for the support. Every view counts! Sorry for no pictures today, just talking about the Boston incident, it didn't feel all that right having something a bit comedic or fluffy. Pictures tomorrow!

Monday, 15 April 2013

When does your week start?

Odd title I know. I just wondered because when I was at school I always thought the week went from Monday to Friday. Where I work the working week is from Sunday to Saturday. Maybe that's just a shop thing.

Either way, I hope you had a good Monday. Mine was pretty good. I can quite easily describe it as perfect back to school weather. As soon as they are all back in the classroom - the sun is out. Funny how it works like that. Needless to say I felt quite summery so we had bruschetta for lunch. We had a bit of a twist this time by having it on rosemary sourdough bread and also cheesy jalapeño bread. And sweet chilli sauce of course. You probably could've guessed that.

Also watched quite a few episodes of How I Met Your Mother, just finished disc 1 of season 2. It hasn't disappointed, it is all very funny. I think it is on some on demand services like LoveFilm but don't quote me on that. I should know now I actually have it but.. Yeah.

Me and Amy have decided to take it upon ourselves to go walking more in this nice weather. 3 days in a row so far, not exactly medal worthy but better than nothing. We went at about 7pm today to the park and back, as much as I hate loosing an hours sleep, it is so worth the extra hours of sunshine. Plus we'll get it back later anyway.

We also went to Tesco's and Sainsbury's today with a couple we know. It is sort of our version of double dating - works out a lot cheaper though. Didn't by anything, just nice to walk around though. We also get to enjoy some lovely singing by the driver - if you can't tell, I'm bring sarcastic. This time we managed to film him so I shall try and get it on here somehow. The end of the video was funny when he realised the road we would take home was closed for roadworks. He shouted a bit. Kind of bad as there was no warning signs up anywhere that the road would be closed. Not to worry, we made it back.

Hello Speedy. My cat has taken to sleeping on polystyrene which leaves him covered in little white bubbles. The carpet next to where he comes in is covered. He doesn't even offer to clear it up. The other picture is the very first picture I took on my phone. It is also the first thing I ever put on Instagram I'm pretty sure. It was a book in a library and I thought to myself 'couldn't have though of a better use for £125 if I tried.' Knowledge is way too expensive. It shouldn't be - we have everything on the Internet.

Thank you for reading, as always. Thanks for all the interest people have had in my blog, it makes it all worth while! Blog you tomorrow.

Saturday, 13 April 2013


Such an original title. Ooft.

What a miserable day. We were planning to go on a walk today but when it wasn't raining we got held up with stuff so by the time we were free to go into the wonderful world - it was peeing it down. I guess it made us run though, to and from the car and shops but that doesn't really count as out door activity. Then again, that's also pretty stupid as you'll get hit by just as much rain whether you walk or run. Doesn't make a difference, maybe a few raindrops here and there.

I bought Trials Evolution on the Xbox the other day, it was on sale for 800 points rather than 1200. I enjoyed the first game, Trials HD, so I thought I would give this one a try. Well done Red Lynx as this game is even better than the first and has endless amounts of play time in it with the introduction of online multiplayer. Amy wasn't too fond if the first one but she has become quite addicted to this one. I leave the room for a couple of seconds to come back to her revving a bike to hell. She's also developing a touch of nerd rage. How cute.

iPhone users, get Daily Spank now! I have mentioned it before I do believe but scrolling through, I haven't seen any familiar faces! It's up to you honestly though, but it is quite fun and addictive. It's also oddly satisfying getting a spank from a stranger. Sounds so rude but you would understand if you had the app.

Amy also introduced me to another app called 9Gag the other day which I now love. It's like all the silly Facebook groups with funny pictures bought together in one place without the picture being a bit too big, or not loading or with pictures of admins mixed in half way through. It's memes galore I tell you! There's so many things on there that'll make you smile, laugh, think and generally just throw your phone at your friends faces. They'll like it too.

See, I think this may be one of the only times I've uploaded on a Saturday so chances are tomorrow there may not be a blog. I was thinking of maybe doing a Facebook post on a Sunday which runs down all of my blog posts for the week. That way there is a link to them all in one place. If you've missed one, you can find it there. If you want to share it, you can do them all a once rather than every day - I know pressing buttons is a lot of effort. That way it'll help me out and you too if I can keep you entertained for a couple of minutes. Every little helps. Plus I was hoping to get some conversations going and that would be a good place for it as all the posts would be there ready for reference.

Blogging from my phone is so much easier.

So an explanation of the pictures down below. The first is of a pigeon which was inside The Mall in Maidstone. We were in Pizza Hut (woo) and the pigeon was obviously locked in until morning. So he was getting some water from a puddle. I thought it was interesting and also I had just got my phone so I wanted to test the zoom! That pigeon did seem to be the centre of attention for most people's conversations in the restaurant so.. Go pigeon?

The second one is what I did when my friend left his phone in the canteen at work. He didn't have a password lock but I'm not evil so I did this instead of changing his profile picture to a male with a large appendage. Ahem. I have a large mouth to say the least as that apple was a little bit larger than my fist. He rather enjoyed it. I laid the trap by telling him someone just text him, usually he wouldn't be bothered but he didn't get signal at work. He dropped what he was doing and ran in to find that. It was a tasty apple too.

Thank you for reading. If you are reading, I agree with your choice of a Saturday night in. Or thank God for 3G if you are out. Now get back to your alcohol. Blog you later.

Friday, 12 April 2013

It's Friday. Looking forward to the weekend?

Yes I just half quoted Rebecca Black but it had to happen at one point so I thought I would get it out the way with. Plus you probably have an annoying song in your head now. The funny thing is all of the hate and trolls that video got, they made a couple of grand from it. Now who is laughing?

So today my mum and dad came back from their Sun holiday so this morning we were clearing up little bits we left around the house. I must say, compared to what it could have been - we left it pretty respectable. Also known as habitable. But it was nice to be the one responsible for the house. Did all the washing up and looked after the cat. Then again I like cats and washing up because I'm just that weird. If you pay me I will do yours too. Ha.

My parents bought us back little presents, most from the Thursday they went to an arcade and by the looks of it cleared out the 2p machines! They got me and my sister a key chain each, they say 'To the worlds best brother/sister from the worlds best liar.' Charming I know. They also got use a little gummy pizza which tasted kinda strange but had added fruit juice which made it okay. They also got me a tie hanger because my collection of ties was strewn across a couple of pegs on my wall. Such a simple thing, now they are all organised and hanging in my wardrobe. I like ties. They also got us some fudge which thankfully was only £1. It came with a free postcard but when we opened the box, it was three quarters empty! There were only 10 bits of fudge in it. I forgot to take a picture so I shall try remember to get one tomorrow to show you the size of the box. It's not so bad as it was only a pound but any more and it would be worth the drive for a refund.

Anyone that has spent a fair amount of time around me will know that I like playing minesweeper on my phone. The app works well and it's really simple. I've only ever finished about 5 games out of about 1,500 that I've played (and that's after resetting my stats). It's because you always get to that point in a game where you have to guess. And it'll be 50-50 so half the time you are right, and then you'll have to make another guess with the same odds. It's a loosing battle and the odds are you will loose. I remembered to take a screen shot of a game that a I won to put on here. I play on the largest possible grid with the most possible mines. I'm that hardcore. No autographs please.

I was in Tesco's the other day when I took the second picture from down below. I work in a shop myself and in the shop we sell Manuka honey which costs about £12. I thought that was expensive but then I saw this stuff and thought wow. Especially as when you read the label they advise you have a spoonful before every meal! It's only a little jar and if you did this your probably get through about £40 of honey a week. Then if your family does the same - ahhhh! I just don't get it. Throw your money at me, I'll buy a weeks worth of food with £20.

Amy's asleep right next to me. Where's a pen.

Last picture is of a floating wrapper which Amy attempted to throw at the bin. It was having none of it and thought that it'd chill there. Static is awesome.

Thank you for reading again. I haven't posted anything yet today but somehow there are 35 views on my page! Mind = blown. You are awesome. Blog you later.

Thursday, 11 April 2013

Rich people

I'm not one of them. There would appear to be a hell of a lot of them in Bluewater though. I know this is all stereotypical blah blah blah but you can usually tell the difference. There's that one side of the whole complex full of posh shops where rich people go to throw their money away, just for the hell of it. On the other hand there's me in a shop looking at the sale section painfully thinking £8 is still an awful lot for a t-shirt. I don't go shopping for clothes almost ever. I go maybe 1-2 a year and then that's generally just with my sister who points at stuff and I buy it. Otherwise I rely on Christmas and my birthday for clothes - it has worked out so far. I think they only clothing I would be willing to optionally go and buy myself would be underwear or suits. I do like a good suit. I don't own a nice one now but I will one day. I scrub up gurd. Needless to say, I didn't buy anything today but it was nice to get out the house. Cats are greedy when it comes to attention - see the picture down below. It was the only place he could get.

I think I mentioned that me and Amy tried one of them 'just add ingredients and do this' meals on Tuesday. A pasta bake which didn't turn out all that tasty. We tried another today, a carbonara which Amy doesn't usually like but this one was dam tasty. A nice creamy sauce which diced bacon and mushroom covering the spaghetti. I can't remember the brand but it was in a purple packet. If you're ever amiss at a meal for tea, I'd recommend that. It's pretty simple, ingredients will be stuff a lot of people generally have anyway so, the powder is only about 69p. Well that's what we paid I'm pretty sure.

I would like to thank you all for reading. I've been getting between 20-50 hits a day which is crazy! Especially as I'm just laying on my bed hitting a contraption with my fingers and you out there are taking the time to read the outcome. It's mind boggling and very much appreciated. Thank you! I won't lie - I would love for this Blog to get popular. Like thousands of people reading it. I said to Amy today 'wouldn't it be cool if one day I was walking down the road and someone stopped me and said, hey aren't that guy from the Internet?' Who knows? I've got hits in some foreign countries, the main bulk from the UK and America obviously. But I have had one from Canada and another from Afghanistan. As cool as that is I really have no clue how my page gets so far. A friend of a friend of a friend of a friend? I could go on but you have stuff to do.

I'm really getting behind on my art. I said it would be done in a couple of weeks and that sort of failed. It will get done, don't you worry. It'll be worth it I swear!

Thanks for reading again or at all if you're a first time reader. I hope you liked something and keeps you captive at the hands of my typing. Optionally of course. I'll blog you soon.

Wednesday, 10 April 2013

Pizza and movie night!

Pizza and movie night was a success it was safe to say. There was pizza and there was a movie and there were people - everything you need. Me Amy and Tom (and the cat) sat down with a nice large pizza which only cost £7 thanks to an awesome offer of 3 larges for £7 each. We watched End Of Watch which is easily one of the best films I have ever watcher. It has everything in it from comedy to romance to action and at the end, a tear jerker. If you haven't seen - track a friend down who has it and watch it. Even if they don't say you can - sneak in while they are asleep. They'll never know. Unless your loud. You'll fail. Luckily this time none of us cried but when we saw it in the cinema we all had a little teary moment. BBQ Supreme! Picture down below as once again, I'm going mobile.

Amy also made some chocolate brownies today which also had cookie dough in. I was going to get a picture like I said I would but before I could manage - what happened is also down below. Too slow I'm afraid.

I also got a new arcade game today off the dashboard made by the same people as Castle Crashers so I assumed it would be good. It really is. It's calls Battleblock Theater, not really sure what the name has got to do with anything but, it's all good. The story line is pretty funny and the narrator is really good with a little puppet show to go along with it. It's a mix of humour which masks quite a disturbing story in all fairness. I'd say it is mainly a multiplayer game like most of Behemoths games. It still has a single play campaign with Xbox live compatibility so you could jump on with random people if your friends don't have it. Then again, if your like me, I prefer to play with friends. More comfortable. By the way, when I say it has live comparability, I also assume that it has PSN and Steam compatibility but I'm not sure. I'm an Xbox guy. If you have 1200 Microsoft points then definitely get the free trial and see what you think. Might be worth your while. Here's a link to the website:

Also signed up to LoveFilm today. Some people came to my door, I asked them to come back in an hour and they showed up. Then a girl turned up and she said she would slap them for me - she was nice. They were offering 3 months for the price if 1 with unlimited live streaming to PC's and consoles so I went for it. I was actually thinking of looking into it yesterday so it seems like good timing! Watching one film gets your money's worth so it's cost effective with new and old films ranging in price from £3-15. She also mentioned that they have gay and lesbian porn on there because she gets in trouble for not mentioning it? I found that a bit weird.

What have you been up to on our pizza and movie day? Let me know on Facebook or Twitter or on here or.. Somewhere. We can have a nice chat. Awesome.

Think that's all for today once again. My cat is not making an appearance for those of you looking for him. He's been out a lot and then asleep when's he's in. He's black so the photo is never good.

Hope you enjoyed today. If you want to know whenever I have posted something there should be an RSS subscribe thingy on the left of the page somewhere - probably not on mobile devices unless you view this in the non mobile format. I think it sends an email whenever something comes up on here. I need an easier way for people to find out really. Ideas? Blog you soon!

Tuesday, 9 April 2013

How was your day?

The EDF energy orange bouncy cute thing is back in the adverts! And this time it is riding a dog. I want one. They could sell them as toys and everyone would buy them. I should make one. I'll be a millionaire! You better know what I am talking about.

So today I am once again posting from my phone because for some reason I am finding it a lot easier to get an entire post done in one go rather than getting distracted by the Internet. Plus I really like typing on my phone. It's pretty fun.

So what have I been doing today? Well it started as a pyjama day but we weren't feeling it. For once we weren't feeling lazy, who knew it was possible for me to get motivated to get dressed. Before that - I moved the sofa out from its place in the living room to try and have a proper blast at the Kinect. I really wanted to be the table tennis opponent on championship difficulty. I did it. 10 Gamerscore. Not necessarily worth it but hell, I got a little work out from it. After this we decided to head to Tesco's to get a hand mixer and a new hair dryer. Of course - as soon as we went to get one, they had none even though they always had an abundance when we didn't want them. Instead we headed to Asda witch turned out to be our saviour!

The hand mixer there was cheaper but still no hair dryer. Amy did get a load of cake mixes to try out so I'm sure there will be some pictures for you to see of these lovely creations in the next couple of days. She did make some red velvet cakes today and it turns out that the cat goes crazy for the icing. We didn't feed it to the cat - some fell on the floor.

Excited for tomorrow - pizza and film night! I'll tell you more about that tomorrow.

I thought I would show you my daily spank picture today - they wanted you to take a picture of a little adventure that you were having today. I went for a picture of me playing Castle Crashers with Mr Tate. We're really into it at the moment. I think the picture will appear at the bottom of the post if you'd like to see it.

Thanks for reading. This casual blogging style is coming real natural to me and I am enjoying it - I hope that comes across in the content. Thanks for reading and I shall blog you soon!

Monday, 8 April 2013

From my phone

So today I thought I would try a post from my phone to try and see what the formatting would come out like. Also it has gotten to this time of night so I don't really fancy sitting on my netbook at this time. So today my Mum and Dad went away for a holiday so I have a free house. Most people would say 'woo party time' but when it's not a weekend, not many people would turn up as good an idea as it is. So me and Amy decided to take the Xbox downstairs and enjoy that on the big TV and watch a load of DVD's and also get some headway into How I Met Your Mother. We are on the last disk of season 1 now so.. 6 more and a bit to go!

We decided to have lasagne today but once again we decided to make it ourselves rather than an oven or microwave meal. We also decided to invite Mr Tate over to say thank you for letting us into his home many a Saturday. I should have taken a picture of the lasagne but to be honest - we demolished it. It was so good! Amy made it all herself so I can't take any credit but we did act as taste testers and we aren't dead so it's all good.

While Tate was round we decided to hit up some more Castle Crashers as we can all play and it is pretty addictive. We managed to beat the main campaign again today and get a couple of achievements so it was all good. It also looks so much better on a more modern HD TV than the one in my room. I shall have to take a picture of that tomorrow so you can all see. We might try the Kinect down there as well, may need to move the sofa but getting to use it without a chimney in the way is well worth it.

An app that you iPhone users should try is Daily Spank. Not sure if it is on any other operating system but if it is - go for it too. It's free and it's kind of like Instagram but it is more addictive to me. Each day you are given a topic and you take a picture based on it, caption it and share it. People can spank it - the same as. Like - and follow you to see your daily spanks. Simple and effective and for some reason quite rewarding even though most of the people are strangers. You also get a daily streak but I'm not sure if that really adds to anything.
Here is a link to the website:
Then again I'm not sure if that'll make a URL from my phone so.. If it doesn't I shall sort that on the netbook tomorrow.

It would seem my blogs are getting more bloggy and less factual. It'll be a mix of both just.. This feels right to me at the moment. Listen to my life in your own voice in your head.

Usually I upload pictures from my phone then move them around on the netbook so I have no clue at the moment as to where the picture of the cat went. Turns out he is a bit of power when the camera is out. Here is his ready for summer beach look. Yeah.

Hope you enjoyed today's blog. Bit of an experiment to see how the formatting comes out but none the less - I hope you enjoyed it and I shall blog you soon.

R.I.P Margaret Thatcher 13.10.1925 - 8.4.2013

Sunday, 7 April 2013

Hello Again

Sorry I haven't been posting as much as usual - well almost not at all. It's not because I haven't wanted to it is just that I have been really busy. I've been out spending a lot of time with Amy and my friends as we all managed to get some time off at once so it worked out quite nicely. You would have thought that would mean there would be loads to tell you. But there is only so much I can say about going for drives and looking in shops. Although an alarming number of shops that we went to had out of date pet food left on the shelves. We even removed them and put them in obscure positions to try and make them notice - they went straight back where we found them. 

Something I did want to talk about was a buffet that me and Amy tried on Thursday night. It's in Maidstone in the Lockmeadow complex and serves cuisines from all over the world all you can eat. Literally all you can eat. I managed three plates, two of curry and the other a mix of Thai food which I had never tried before. It was pretty good. The price varies depending on when you go - during the week it's £12.99 per person plus drinks on top. On the weekend I think it goes up to £15.99 but for an all you can eat I guess it's not too bad. Depends on how much you can stomach. They do a good deal where if it's your birthday you eat free as long as you are in a group of six - which for a birthday meal I would say is pretty easy to amass. You also your parking fee deducted from the price of the meal, unless it's after half 6 as the parking is free then anyway. I would recommend going there, all the staff are nice and friendly. The food is very well presented and pretty decent which I wouldn't expect from an all you can eat assuming they are cooking so much. Only thing is it was quite hard to find prices on the web at first.
Here's a link to the website if that sounds like something you would be interested in.

So as most of you know, I have an Xbox and obviously I get emails from them with information and stuff. They have recently started doing rewards which give you points for doing things like signing up to Sky on your Xbox. This time round they are pretty good, play a total of 20 hours in arcade games, buy 4 arcade games, and spend 800 points on each. Now this is pretty good as it works out as you getting a free month of gold, a free arcade game and an exclusive thing for your avatar. I had some extra points so I thought I would get me some arcade game goodness, one of which is quite an old game being 2-3 years old now - Castle Crashers.

The friend we play Kinect with a lot invited us to his house to play Castle Crashers with him as it is four player multpliayer so the three of us jumped in. I enjoyed the game so much I decided to get it myself on my own Xbox. The best part was is when I recovered my account at his house, it transferred all the stuff I did from there to here. Now I didn't know that it did this - it used to be that you'd have to do it all again. The power of Cloud Saving. I would really advise checking it out - more so if you know your friends have it. It is very proud of its multiplayer side. It is a 2D game where you move linear to the screen, button mashing and killing stuff. What more would you want? It is available on the Live Arcade, PSN and on Steam so most of you should be able to get your hands on it. It was 800 points on the Xbox so it should be less than a tenner. It has a huge amount of replay value so your money would be well spent here.
Here's the link to the website.

My cat hasn't made an appearance in a while so here he is. He was grumpy because everything was out of the kitchen and in the living room while my dad painted the ceiling. He decided to look like hover cat (Google it) and sit on the back of the sofa. Even though his bed is clearly not obstructed in anyway!

Thanks for reading, posts should be back to normal as far as I know. Unless randomness occurs again. Hope you had a nice weekend and I shall blog you soon.

Friday, 5 April 2013

Short post

Sorry I haven't been posting recently. Just been really busy and spending some time with friends as we all managed to have free time at the same time which doesn't happen very often! This'll only be a short one as well. These last couple of days have made me realise how much value a strong friendship has. Hold onto your friends because they will be there for you when you need them.
Shall blog you soon!

Tuesday, 2 April 2013

Random Stuff

So this post is sort of a mish mash of things that are floating around in my head today. It was one of them days.

First off, me and Amy went to Frankie and Benny's today for the lunch menu which works out at under £25 for two people, three courses and unlimited drinks which is on the same par as Nando's. We used to go to there a lot to eat, it was the first place we ate out and we like to go there on Valentines so it has a lot of fond memories for us. I'm also pretty sure that my favourite type of food is Italian so that always helps. Carbs for the win. It got me thinking about what is really important when you go out to eat. I'd say for a lot of people price is probably one of the biggest attractions for them, because places like the Hungry Horse boast really cheap meals but in comparison - the food and service isn't up to par with somewhere in London where a glass of mineral water costs £5. There needs to be a balance between quality of food, the price, the environment and the service. To be fair to the Hungry Horse, it doubles up as a pub so you may go there for that banter based environment rather than a serious meal. For me, I would say my favourite place to eat out would have to be Chiquito. The food is always good, the service always comes with a smile, the music is pretty good and the cocktails are awesome. Alcohol. Let me know where you like to eat - what matters to you?

Something I was thinking today is about how people show their idea of being emotionally strong. Some people are okay with being sad or crying in public with other people where as some will feel they are stronger by being able to put on a brave face. Honestly there is no right or wrong here - we are all different, we each deal with things in our own way. Just something I wanted to chuck out there. Because I can.

military working cat army

Yesterday was April Fools as we all know and some people take it more seriously than others. I myself don't really do a lot of jokes because it's a bit obvious when you do it on the 1st of April. Just do it at another time of year and call it a joke. Same principle really. I found this article about loads of tricks which companies did yesterday, I think it's awesome that they can actually take the time out from making money to do something fun. Give something to the community.
Some of the things like Google Nose where you can search your favourite smell and then smell it. As much as you want. Sounds like the ideal thing for a party - then you get them to smell something nasty.
Toshiba said they were releasing a games console. I think we would stay away from that.
A dating website offered kayak dates.
There were quite a few it is easy to say as there is every year. Just it seems silly that some people may still take a load of them seriously. It's April Fools! Happens every year.
BBC joined by saying that the world had exploded and I'm pretty sure it hasn't or it just so happens England didn't notice and we are floating through space.
The army decided to say they were turning cats into soldiers. It was actually just a picture of grumpy cats head on a soldier. I think it would be pretty scary.

Sorry that I posted quite late today, it was the same yesterday. Just having some busy days in the half term - making the most of all the free time! Not that I am at school but there is less traffic thankfully.
Shall blog you all tomorrow.

Monday, 1 April 2013

Random Bank Holiday

We all like a bank holiday, usually means a day off work and a time to go and have some fun. That's what me and Amy were thinking but we were at a miss as to think of something to do. We were just sitting there trying to work something out and probably not holding much hope for some miraculous idea to materialise. Then we got a random text from a friend offering for us to go to Maidstone so we thought - why not?

It's safe to say that toady was a good day. Indicator would be the lateness of this post as I've literally just got in and am sitting down to do this. We had a full car of five which wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't a 3 door with 2 people at or over 6 foot in the back. Little like a clown car where the giants emerge from the back. We popped to Pets At Home again to say hi to the hamsters; who clearly want to come home with us. One of the rats really seemed to have a thing for me but it wasn't to be. We went to TK Max and Hobby Craft and then Fremlin's to have a walk around the other shops. A lot of places were closing early so it was a bit short lived but it is arguably better than sitting in. 

The real fun started on the way home when we decided to take the back roads home. The person driving said there was a zoo just on the edge of Maidstone which turned out to have no animals because it was an old zoo, he forgot to mention that bit. None the less, it turns out what we had instead was a completely empty country park with a play area. Something which with hindsight shouldn't be so appealing to a group of 20 year old adults. All that really means is that we can swing people higher because we are taller and have more muscle. Oh yes; but we were yet to reach that infamous childhood legend of getting the swing to go all the way around. Here are some pictures including some fake cars, a swinging rope thingy (technical term) and a zip-line.

Thankfully it was also a nice day. The 3rd picture is freaking epic - very glad the iPhone camera doesn't blur or that could have come out all bad. After this we went home for about half an hour before then going to eat out at the Hungry Horse in Rochester. It's really good value for money and the food isn't too bad but for some reason something is never quite right. Still worth it though, we managed to get a table with a TV on it so we got to watch a 72 year old body builder lift stuff while we ate. Thank you BBC news.
All this day explained to me is that you don't always need to know what is going to happen. The randomness of life can create outcomes which you would never had thought of and really enjoy it. Embrace the randomness and see where it takes you. We did and it's safe to say we are glad that we did.

Thanks for reading today, once again not necessarily 'interesting' but this is some proper bloggy stuff about myself. Hope you enjoyed it! Shall blog you tomorrow.