It'll make sense in a minute. A bit further down the page. Cool.
Feels like I've been pretty proactive today in terms of what I have done. Here's a short list of what I basically did - bought and insured a car, saw my nan, cleared up the garden, watch a cliffhanger on Lost, finally got an ice cream from the ice cream man, went for an epic walk with Amy. That wasn't really that short come to think of it.
So yeah, I 'bought' a car. Basically just swapping with my dad as its hell of a lot cheaper - once again, no numbers for you. Private! But I am now technically the owner of a 2003 Citreon C3 Desire, name pending. It's a bubble on wheels. I'll have to give it a nice clean and maybe treat you to a picture. Maybe.
My nan lives in a care home, she's the same age as the queen. She's pretty cool, even though today she thought I was my brother. Apparently my curly hair makes me look like him, I don't see it myself. She has a birds best right outside her window so everything she sees she assumes to be a bird. Even squirrels. Not quite but I guess they're still in a tree.
My mum and dad have gotten round to clearing up the garden to how they would like it. So today, Homebase was the place to be to buy about 360 litres of bark shavings. Luckily that worked out to be the exact amount we needed to fill in the area we needed. It looks pretty good, probably would make sense to show you at some point. Maybe a little in the future as we spread a load of grass seed where the patchy bits are witch we filled in. Once that grows it'll be nice and even. My dad also taught me a game called splits. Odd. Maybe another time. The car was on the prowl whilst we were labouring away but I stopped to take a picture of him covered in sand. My dad cleared a pile if rubble which is now a sand pile and parking fit the wheel barrow. Needless to see, this to my cat says - role around in me. So he does, a lot. Then he tries to bring it in doors. Then he gets scared by the Hoover to clean his mess. He roles in sand. You can see where I'm going here..
So I thought I would squeeze and episode of Lost in today. Spoilers for anyone who like me, has only just discovered the series properly. So, they decide to make a record of all the survivors to keep track. They then find the seating plan of the ship where they cross out names of the dead but upon doing so, discover that someone in the camp wasn't on the plane. Ahhhhh!? My mind was blown. I can't wait to see what is coming next, I'm hooked like a stupid fish!
So luckily Amy got let go from after school club a bit earlier today. It's lucky as I got some more time with her but also, we were back in time for the ice cream man! Finally! Been waiting so long for a whippy ice cream and it was so worth it. Especially as his we're still £1 rather than the silly prices they charge these days else where. That's the second picture down the bottom, showing the ice cream and the van. That is artistry right they ladies and gentlemen.
So as mention, me and Amy have taken it upon ourselves to keep active and go for a walk. We try to keep it daily where possible. Today we started out on our usual route but then decided to float of down some quiet little country footpaths. We found a huge fly tipping area which I didn't think to take a snap of. We found a huge statue in a garden or something looking over the fence. An egg purchase station where they trust to give money and take some eggs. We ended up near the duck pond but decided to save their visit for another day!
That was my day. I'm quite pleased with it. You probably aren't all that bothered to be fair.. But I shared and if you are this far down you probably read. Or you just like the pictures. Each to their own. Blog you later!
I bought an Ice cream from these guys today, They spoke informally commonly a form of english tongue called pikey. A good ice cream for £.150 though!
ReplyDeleteIf you look closely, that is you strolling away from the van!