Who is Benny you might ask? Benny was my first car, even though she has a mans name she is a lady. Just the way it is. We got Benniy two years ago in July at which point I was learning to drive. I've been many places with her, Portsmouth, Miadstone, Ashford.. A lot of memories all thanks to that car. A lot of favours done in that car. A lot of money spent on that car - not such a good thing but its still true. As of tomorrow I shall no longer be behind Benny's wheel but instead a Citreon by the name of Bubble. It looks like a bubble. Word association is a good thing. Right now it is quite a sad thing for me because your first car is more than just a car, it's your independence. You can go where you want with who you want for as long as you want. Later in life I wouldn't be surprised if I just moved around cars like no ones business but I would always like to think; there's something about your first car.
Play sad music.
Anyway, a little emotional rant over. My day. What did I do? Well, I played some Battleblock on my Xbox, which I am really enjoying. More than I thought I would, platformers aren't my go to game type but this one has something about it. I then decided to watch some more Lost. Just got a third of the way into season 2 and it is just so good! I want to talk about it more but I don't know who has and who hasn't seen it. Maybe once I've got further in I'll do a post about what I think is going on and what not - it'll all be outdated and wrong by now as it has been out for at least 7 years. If anyone really wants to by me the box set I wouldn't turn it away. I like the boxes, they are so fancy.
So me and Amy are quite bad at deciding what to have for tea. We like to cook and the independence we gain from it but sometimes we just have no idea. Nothing screams 'eat me' in our minds; we just draw a blank. I would really quite like to think its not just us who has this problem, we'll probably be fine when we've had years of practice. Today we just went he'll with it and had a burger from the chip shop. Great choice! Haven't had one from there in ages but it was dam good. Their ketchup is so much better than what you get in the shops. If anyone has ways to decide food then let me know. Decisions are hard and that's just about food.
We also watched a program called Barely Legal Drivers I think anyway.. It was on BBC3. It's about young drivers who are given their parents cars to drive but they don't know that they are being watched. By their parents. And a ex traffic cop. If they do well, they get money towards a car or advanced driving lessons. Today the drivers were okay and both got a car. I can't help but feel a little cheated because I feel my driving is a lot better than theirs. I am so big headed. One went 40 in a 30, the other missed people on a crossing. All fails in a driving test but here they are on TV getting a car for free it would seem. Good ethics. Rant rant rant - wuhahaha. You love it.
No for some pictures. The first was from our trip to London earlier this year in Madame Tussaudes - spelt wrong I do believe. A nice close up of the Hulk. They had the awesome 4D thing which I would advise to try and see before it gets changed for something else!
The second is from when me and Amy first started cooking. Back then we would literally just make pasta. Or stick stuff in the oven. This meal was rather good, ripped chicken with rocket. I think I went a bit top heavy on the rocket side but oh well - we all need some rabbit food.
Thank you for reading. Whenever you do. Let me know when you read this. Like I mentioned yesterday, I post quite late at night and some people have already mentioned that they read it the next day in the morning or at lunch. The time stamps that you get with the views in your stats page aren't always that good. Blog you later.
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