Pizza and movie night was a success it was safe to say. There was pizza and there was a movie and there were people - everything you need. Me Amy and Tom (and the cat) sat down with a nice large pizza which only cost £7 thanks to an awesome offer of 3 larges for £7 each. We watched End Of Watch which is easily one of the best films I have ever watcher. It has everything in it from comedy to romance to action and at the end, a tear jerker. If you haven't seen - track a friend down who has it and watch it. Even if they don't say you can - sneak in while they are asleep. They'll never know. Unless your loud. You'll fail. Luckily this time none of us cried but when we saw it in the cinema we all had a little teary moment. BBQ Supreme! Picture down below as once again, I'm going mobile.
Amy also made some chocolate brownies today which also had cookie dough in. I was going to get a picture like I said I would but before I could manage - what happened is also down below. Too slow I'm afraid.
I also got a new arcade game today off the dashboard made by the same people as Castle Crashers so I assumed it would be good. It really is. It's calls Battleblock Theater, not really sure what the name has got to do with anything but, it's all good. The story line is pretty funny and the narrator is really good with a little puppet show to go along with it. It's a mix of humour which masks quite a disturbing story in all fairness. I'd say it is mainly a multiplayer game like most of Behemoths games. It still has a single play campaign with Xbox live compatibility so you could jump on with random people if your friends don't have it. Then again, if your like me, I prefer to play with friends. More comfortable. By the way, when I say it has live comparability, I also assume that it has PSN and Steam compatibility but I'm not sure. I'm an Xbox guy. If you have 1200 Microsoft points then definitely get the free trial and see what you think. Might be worth your while. Here's a link to the website:
Also signed up to LoveFilm today. Some people came to my door, I asked them to come back in an hour and they showed up. Then a girl turned up and she said she would slap them for me - she was nice. They were offering 3 months for the price if 1 with unlimited live streaming to PC's and consoles so I went for it. I was actually thinking of looking into it yesterday so it seems like good timing! Watching one film gets your money's worth so it's cost effective with new and old films ranging in price from £3-15. She also mentioned that they have gay and lesbian porn on there because she gets in trouble for not mentioning it? I found that a bit weird.
What have you been up to on our pizza and movie day? Let me know on Facebook or Twitter or on here or.. Somewhere. We can have a nice chat. Awesome.
Think that's all for today once again. My cat is not making an appearance for those of you looking for him. He's been out a lot and then asleep when's he's in. He's black so the photo is never good.
Hope you enjoyed today. If you want to know whenever I have posted something there should be an RSS subscribe thingy on the left of the page somewhere - probably not on mobile devices unless you view this in the non mobile format. I think it sends an email whenever something comes up on here. I need an easier way for people to find out really. Ideas? Blog you soon!
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