Just a quick thing to point out - when I blog from my phone, for some reason it gets some words mixed up. It changes of to if and cat to car. It was pointed out to me yesterday that my post said that my car was rolling around in the sand. As impressive as this would be, it didn't happen. Nor will it ever. Until we make transformers which obey our every command. Can't wait for that.
So today, I was planning to watch a good chunk of the first series of lost but as it turns out, I got called into work. I know I could've said no but - earning money is more constructive it is safe to say. Before I managed to get there I was trying to wrestle a bird cage into some hooks and it just wouldn't happen. Birds are happier indoors anyway. It was pretty and yellow.
After work, Amy got to finish at normal time rather than 6 so we got to spend more of the afternoon together as per normal. It was awesome. Always is, always will be. So that put me in a good mood so I decided to cook us some strozopretti! I'm pretty sure that's spelled wrong but you get the general sound of the word. It was really good today, the secret is heaped teaspoons of the ingredients. Amy's discover so all credit to her, but if I get tastier food from it then go for it!
Today we were betrayed by the ice cream man. I told him how long we had been waiting and then today he decided to skip his usual parking spot in the car park in front of my house! It was actually quite depressing watching him drive away after seeing everyone else get their cold deserts. He even came after dinner this time. We will catch him again one day.
So apparently tomorrow is going to be the hottest day of the year so far. Before the weather turns cold again but.. Call in sick to work. Enjoy it while you can! Makes no sense me saying it as I literally just said earning money is more productive but.. The cold is coming so say goodbye to not needing a jacket! Well apparently. They've been wrong. But usually they are mostly wrong about nice weather so it's going to snow tomorrow.
So today's pictures - the first shows Amy's ice cream with two wrappers. Yes - two. We had to resort to our own ones as they ice cream man was a no go. Luckily this entertained us for a few minutes enough so for me to take a picture. I quite enjoy unwrapping them so I was a little envious. I also like to think that there is a rogue naked ice cream out there in someone's else box.
The second picture just further enforces the fact that nature is dam awesome. There's a fence in the way of where the post is growing, so what do you do? Grow next to it or away from it? Hell no, I'll just eat the thing. Amy pointed it out when we were out walking yesterday as we didn't go today. It's really cool, the fence is proper wedged in there. Blew my mind to be completely honest. Never seen that happen before!
Thanks for reading, I know it's a tad short but 4 hours of my day can be explained by - would you like me to pack your bag? Shall blog you soon.
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