Daily Pics

This page is for any new people to my page or anyone who isn't and doesn't really know why I have random bold text dotted around my posts says "Day ..."

Basically, it all started here:

Amy challenged me to post a picture on my Blog every day for a year - and in hindsight I kind of failed due to things like issues posting, being a plum and forgetting or genuinely not finding something I thought would be worth sharing. It seems like such a simple concept and with a world like ours full of the weird and wonderful, there are plenty of pictures still to come. As you may have noticed by now, I have continued this trend and hope to do so for many a post to come!

These pictures started off being things that I have taken myself, but after the first year was up I have now expanded this to include images others have asked me to share and things I have found on the internet which I very much enjoyed. You'll be surprised how many memories can be sparked my looking at a specific arrangement of coloured pixels on a screen and I am glad they do - looking back through all the pictures I have posted now has some sort of meaning to me.

It's quite lovely really.

So now you know, click here and get back to some reading! If you are as new as I think you are, you have plenty to catch up on.

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