Sunday 19 January 2014


Day 203
So Amy saw this interesting looking thing to try on the interwebs and we thought we'd give it a try today. What you do is cut open some glow sticks and empty the liquid into a clear jar - quick tip - cut off both ends and it will all empty quickly. Breaks the vacuum and stuff. After that you add some glitter - as much as you like. Then put the lid on and shake like crazy! The more the better. Then show whoever you want and take a picture because the glowing effect doesn't last very long outside of the stick; I'm presuming because there's not as much of the activating agent left and what not. The effects are really cool and depending on the quality of the glowstick you'll get a brighter glow and a longer effect. We made two. The first was with 4 pink standard size ones which worked okay, the second was with a real chunky wilderness glowstick which was awesome - that's the picture I've included. They're really cool so give then a try.

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