Thursday 28 August 2014


Day 422
Sorry, it's a bit late.. I'm not so good with jet lag in turns out. I am hungry at strange times, had like a four hour nap after coming in from the flight.. But I will just have to get around to it at some point.

The flight was okay. Felt really bad because I couldn't sleep at all and everyone else seemed to be able to.. I just wanted to sleep. I did watch the Amazing Spider-Man 2 which was pretty good. Enjoy the new Peter Parker, but Toby Maguire is still the one I grew up with.

My parents were amazed by the amount of goodies we bought home, an entire 20kg bag full.. It's going to take a while to get through but we'll manage of course. 

I didn't have any issues adjusting back to the normal side of the car and road and a manual, I think I prefer the gears still. Just that little edge of control that you get from telling the engine what to do. It has a new suspension leg and we also put some air in the tyres today, it's like my car have a new pair of running shoes.

We went to see and Tate and his lady friend, attempted to play Disney Monopoly but got a little bored.. And we moved onto Cards VS Humanity, we ordered it in America from Amazon and was there waiting up our return. I really like it. It's like.. Awkward because you need to be offensive but you don't want people to think you mean it. Of course no matter what you do they'll think you do. Yeah.

The capture card works after some poking a prodding, it made the display fit at first but now it's all good. Super excited for that!

This picture is a larva of sorts that my dad has been finding lately. I like bugs and stuff, just no spiders thank you. This thing is pretty big and has a huge thorn on it's bottom. Nature is awesome.

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