Saturday 23 August 2014


Day 417
So Amy overslept. Like. A lot. We planned to get up at 6 to have breakfast and stuff.. And go to Busch Gardens and Sea World. But she got up at about 9:30. I tried to wake up her up for an hour to no avail.

So we just chilled by the pool. I chose to eat at Olive Garden for lunch so we could try the lunch menu. It was.. Okay. I think it was just USAs version of Italian food, it didn't hit the mark for me. And I don't understand why the starters cost as much or more than the mains or entrees. It just seems a little bit backwards to me. 

There was a Best Buy next to the restaurant and I had no clue what it was. It's basically a giant PC World and it was awesome. We went to two different ones.. As I was looking for something specific.. A capture card. And now I have one - the brand new Elgato HD 60 which means that soon I will be uploading Xbox 360 content to YouTube! I am very excited, I can honestly say that I've wanted one of these for years and years. Amy bought some beats, so she was happy. The best part is - where they were at American prices.. We saved money if we bought them in England. Win win!

We chilled by the pool some more until it started thundering and lightning all over the place. Makes England's storms look like babies. 

I did more stuff to the website. I am really excited, it's coming along nicely. My only problem is that the site still seems to be in it's infancy as you can't do simple stuff.. Like.. Changing picture sizes.. Removing buttons.. Changing where buttons go.. But I like it. It's very creative.

We ordered Pizza Hut as you can see below. We ordered it.. And thought it was going to be great as the pictures made them look small. Well no. It's huge. And we have lots left over. Awesome.

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