Monday 18 August 2014

Stake 'N' Shake

Day 412
We had a nice rest day today. Mainly because we walked around all the Disney parks for two days straight and our feet were just murdering. Awkward really when they start doing that.. 

We indulged ourselves in some American day time TV which is a lot better than in the UK.. We watched the food network which had a children's cooking competition which ran back to back as the season finished last year. Little people can cook way better than us.. 

We tried some bacon mac and cheese 'Lays' today which are just Walkers. They're really nice; you can taste the flavour coming through. It was a competition to suggest a new flavour, there's that, mango salsa, wasabi and ginger and finally.. Cappuccino? I don't know if these are in the UK or not but yeah. 

We spent a lot of time swimming, it's nice to be able to just walk out the back door and get swimming. I am not very he at swimming but I am making use of this to get better. Bought a nose peg thing as I can't keep water out my nose which does not work. Slides right off. Waste of $8!

We weren't sure what to do for tea, it started to rain really hard when we were about to go out.. Then it was really hard to find somewhere that delivers.. And then it stopped raining and we went to Stake 'N' Shake. They sell steak burgers and milkshakes. Obviously other stuff but those choices are their bread and butter. And it's really cheap, fed us both for $20. Amy had a bacon lovers burger, I had a mushroom one. So good. I also had an M&MS milkshake, Amy went Oreo. You can't see these in the picture as they were low on staff and only had 1 person making shakes for the entire place including drive thrus. It's even 24 hours on a Sunday!

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