Tuesday 12 November 2013

Mr Ben

The mornings of iced over cars seem to be ever getting closer and closer.. And I really am not looking forward to them. Probably going to end up deicing the car twice a day. Also with the car I am driving now it seems that it is very prone to the doors getting iced shut which I find weird but.. It happens.

So I extinguished my stocks of sweet chilli sauce the other day so I got myself self some more yesterday and since have already used on all meals bar breakfast.. Only because it would be socially frowned upon. Rice crispies and sweet chilli - I could totally see that being the thing. Just the milk ruins it.

I know this'll come across random a maybe slightly creepy but.. I've come to appreciate a sharp knife. Preparing food with a knife that is actually sharp is satisfying for no reason what so ever. It's just nice to be able to cut through something like a tomato without the skin holding it together just a tiny bit so you end up ripping it and getting your hands all juiced up. 

I think I'll stop here.. Reading back through that I am honestly just thinking 'why did I just type that' but I shall not waste it. At some point in my head all of the above seemed coherent and like a decent idea to share so.. Yeah! Blog you later.

Day 135
I know its a pain and it's sideways but for whatever reason on the Mac photo album it is upright.. Then as soon as I upload it to here it turns sideways again. I've tried it all four different ways and Blogger hasn't got any image editing tools, even simple ones like rotation so.. Yeah. Best I can do with this. 15 minutes is far too long for a picture. Anyway - it is Big Ben. Just pointing left instead of up. It's pretty awesome and I would say good reason not to own a fancy watch it you work in London.

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