Monday 11 November 2013

Sup Monday

As I said - I am on the Mac today so I am doing some typing. It's a bit of a shame that I am typing because I didn't get up to a lot today.. In the morning I all of a sudden felt very strange and sort of ended up half sleeping until 12.. I remember watching videos and hearing them but every now and then I wouldn't be able to remember when the next video started.. But I must have done it. Creepy eh?

*Spoilers for Animal Crossing.. Yeah*
I did spend a good bit of the day on Animal Crossing as I just gained access to the little island resort which you take the boat to get to - for those of you who know what I am on about. I like completing things and as the game has a museum which you fill with insects and fish - this little island was like a gold mine. I caught 3 sharks thinking I could get doubles and sell them for money because I assumed they would be worth a lot but.. Turns out that they were 3 different ones. There is a hell of a lot more to this little game than first meets the eye. I took my DS out with me the other day and the Street Pass picked up some people with it and their houses really blew my expectation so I am looking forward to the later game.

So as I promised, there is a picture of London today, hope you like it. I would like to point out that Amy most likely took this pictures as they are from her camera. Blog you later.

Day 134
Here is a nice one from across the water of the London Eye, we didn't manage to get on it because the queue was as long as hell - as usual. It's very popular and I think it is something you can go on multiple times and it will not get old. It'll be different every time because you're always going to notice something different.

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