Saturday 6 September 2014

BBQ and Oreos

Day 431 & 432
It happens again. I must have been quite tired yesterday because.. I just laid on the bed for a couple and minutes and gone. Out cold until this morning. So my apologies but I shall double post for your reading pleasure.

So the Sims 4 has come out recently and.. They've done something which I really don't agree with. They've released it just for Windows as an OS and not for Mac.. Even though they released a demo for both. The website says they are focusing in this version as well with no release date for Mac. Just seems really crazy that they'd give both platforms and demo and then only one the game.. Even if that's only initially! 

I have watched a lot of cat videos today. Internet.

We went to Asda and shopped around a little.. Got some chocolate orange lots of joy which are really tasty. They've also made cheese string into a spread which I really don't see working.. At all. If I wanted a cheese string sandwich, I would just peel a cheese string into a sandwich which works just the same. And is more fun. No knives involved.

We decided to have an impromptu BBQ today as we had stuff in the freezer left over from the previous. It was a big multipack which had burgers, sausages, chicken and corn on the cobs. It was all very tasty. See the pic down below, we moved it from the decking. This way we didn't have to carry everything up the too and then all the way back down. 

We then watched Dr Who.. And.. I don't know. This Peter Capaldi looks like the type who would suit playing him but the story lines their givng him are a bit wishy washy. Last weeks with the Daleks? They just appeared. Usually there is a big build up to them returning but these ones appear to have just been floatng around killing stuff when he ran into them. Just doesn't feel like it used to. Hopefully it develops a bit more further down the line.

We tried the peanut butter Oreos today. They don't work as well as the normal ones, the creaminess from the originals makes it less dry to eat.. Where as the peanut butter element dries your mouth out quicker. Tasty, but not quite as pleasurable to eat. I will update you with our verdict on the cookie dough and birthday cake variants in due course.

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