Tuesday 22 October 2013

Oh rain..

It was raining today.. If you didn't catch that. I did. I like to go for a walk when I can; a little fresh air and what not.. It was quite nice out when I left, in the shop for all of 2 minutes and downpour.. Luckily I prepared myself with a waterproof cost but only a little bag so.. Some stuff got attacked my the rain. 'Twas a shame.

YouTube is awesome. Only problem is is that a lot of the big content providers are American or Swedish or somewhere else.. And obviously the time difference mean that all the videos I like are released at night. I watch most the next day but I always manage to miss one or the other. 

Thanks for reading. Awesome muffins! Blog you later.

Day 114
Look at this muffin tray thingy made out of awesome orange silicon. If the mix takes exactly to the shapes and indents and stuff then they will turn out awesome. Shall have to see what happens!

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