Friday 24 April 2015

A Little of This, A Little of That

Hello there internet, I feel rather out going today - two posts? Who'd of thunk it. It is nice to find myself inspired and thinking of different things to write, things I don't feel like I have seen elsewhere on the world wide web.

If you are reading this first, I will reference you to the other post which is found at the following link:
It is the first, in what I hope to be a series of posts about the myths and legends behind the games we love and play today. I started with Okami as being from Japanese heritage, held a rich background story to dive into. Please let me know if there is a game that you would like me to look into, it doesn't even have to be one that has an obvious background - that is for me to find out and share with you.

So any way, it has been two days. Where have I been and what have I been up to?

I think this is as good a place as any to start..

Day 658
People who follow me on Twitter or on Instagram may have already seen this little delight which we had yesterday. It is a dessert from a restaurant called Creams - I say it is a dessert but literally all they sell is sweet things! Everything that you order is big and over the top and just amazing from what I can see, and there is also a great selection available with different toppings - some with these strange things called fruits? Pfft.

I chose to have a waffle - because we didn't have like a main before it and was told on good authority this will fill you up a plenty. It has chocolate sauce on top with chocolate M&M's and a little bowl of ice cream to go with it, the kind you get from an ice cream van which is just awesome. I poured that all over it and went to town, I was the only one of the four of us there that finished it all.. I was struggling on the last quarter but when I saw two children munching one down each.. I couldn't let them beat me. They also have a great selection of drinks, I had a simple galaxy milkshake. I always like milkshakes made from chocolate bars because for one, they always taste awesome. Two, because once you are done, there will always be some big chunks of the bar left in the bottom of the glass which have been chilled and taste amazing. So good.

I think the only thing that let this one down is where it was located, in terms of the restaurant. It is at the Chatham Dockside Outlet Centre, but it isn't in the main block. It is off up the back in a building where it only appears two of the units are in use - so it looks a bit cut off, there are no signs pointing to it, nor does it look like a desirable location. I guess it is doing so well off of word and mouth, the old form of advertising. Go find one though, apparently they are dotted around all over the place.

After that, we ventured back to the park which we are now really quite fond of, we had a wonder and took some pictures, played on the zip line and in the climbing things. I always feel really awkward going into one of them little play areas if there are children in there for some reason, and I know it doesn't really make any sense. There are always adults in there anyway training on the little agility course with the chains and balance beams - but they are in gym attire. I am in jeans.

Day 659
So before I get into this picture, have a look at this here:
What this is, is an interview about the new Avengers film with Robert Downey Jr. It was a good interview, at first. They were discussing interesting questions, with their perceived meanings of the films and then.. Krishnan starts asking him about stuff from his past, about his drug use and time in prison, he referred to it as his dark days. And you can straight away see the discomfort on his face as he clearly doesn't want to talk about it. I don't blame him, because if you are there to promote your film - that is what you want to do. To be fair, it may have still worked as it has gotten a lot of attention, although not the desired affect. I respect him for being able to walk away, to know his own limits, and I am a little saddened because from what I understand - they have an agreed list of material which they should discuss. Channel 4, in all fairness is the channel that will push the boundaries and show the things that other channels wouldn't have the confidence or possibly viewers to do. This just rubbed me up the wrong way, because Robert Downey Jr. is now one of the more successful, yet modest and charitable actors in Hollywood. Props to him.

And is why I would like to use this as my picture.

The movie poster for the new film, which I have no clue when I am going to see but know I would like to. I have seen some mixed reviews at the moment, some positive some negative. I can only assume it is going to be amazing, because all the Marvel stories always are - every one has always been as good as the next, the previous and hopefully never the last.

Speaking of Marvel creations, they have released Daredevil as a series on Netflix which I am planning to watch, I have started the first episode as of this moment in time. I think it is an interesting move because the most recent film otherwise, was a bit of a flop. I quite enjoyed it and think it was done pretty well but with this one, they've gone much darker and violent which I think gives the character a lot more scope. It looks like they have spun him as a character who is fighting for the greater good but also gets angry - like people do - which spurs him on and possibly makes bad decisions.. Who knows? I shall try keep spoilers to a minimum because they are much better enjoyed first hand of course.

All I want to say at the moment is.. The title sequence is amazing. I don't know if they were intending it to look like blood or red paint seeping down the city buildings, and the Daredevils costume but either way - it worked for me. I also very much liked how they introduced the point that his hearing is his 'ability' so to say in the scene in the holding cell. I'm done. No more from me.

Day 660
And here is another link for you, one that Amy shared with me because she knew it would resonate well with my brain:
To be fair you can probably get the majority of the idea just by looking at the name of the link. In Australia, they went their next national park to be designed in Minecraft. I think that is awesome, they have to include areas for hiking, cycling and camping. It is slightly backwards that they want to promote the idea of being outside and designing something by making kids be inside playing a video game.. But I am sure the end result will attract a lot more people to it. Maybe this is a good idea which hasn't been tapped into; technology being so present in todays world, incorporating things form games would definitely encourage young people to be outside and interact with it. I'm just spit balling here.

My picture for today will be of some rock, a present from my Mum and Dad's holiday.

I always remember that being a hard choice when on holiday, you would always have to pick one stick of rock. Depending on the shop, there would be loads of different flavours to pick from, and you got one - which would always be really annoying to eat because the outside became this chewy mess, the middle always became sharp shards - yet it has this odd charm to it. This way, with a selection bag, we can try a little of everything. I wonder if chefs play around with this a lot more now because I could imagine them being able to make sticks with crazy flavours that you would never have thought to try before..

On the subject of food - Masterchef final is tomorrow/today. I really like the guy with his quirky moustache and soul patch to accompany. I would quite like him to win and I am referring to him as 'him' because despite watching it for a couple of weeks now, I can't remember any of their names. As soon as I seem to they get sent home so I thought it best to stop doing that.. Then again as it is the final three and that can't happen any more - it might not be the worst thing to learn.

I shall leave this post here and go and do some Daredevil-ing. I am also in the progress of righting a new 'The Story Behind' post, the subject of this one will be the 2010 game Dante's Inferno which was an old favourite of mine. That has a lot more of a rich background I would presume so it may take a couple of days to research and write but of course - you'll be first to know when it is all finished. I have added in an extra page along the top as you may see, this will act as a little directory for all the posts I have done surrounding myths, legends and folklore. Enjoy!

Blog you later.

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