Monday 6 April 2015

Happy Easter Weekend

Happy Easter Weekend people of the internet, I am very lucky to be included in that umbrella of people who have a nice extended weekend, so of course that means I am off of work tomorrow also! I like Easter, mainly because I really like eating the chocolate eggs, I know they are literally no different to any other time of year - just to me they taste so much better. The only way I can explain that is it's a psychological thing, not that I know what I am on about. A taste placebo if I may.

I am thinking about possibly changing the layout of the blog, because as much as I like the dynamic views I have set up at the moment, I would very much like to start using jump breaks. These basically add in a little "read more" option for each post, so I could break it up after a certain amount of lines for each post.. This would make a much more attractive front page and make it less intimidating than a wall of text and pictures.. It lets you take a little snapshot and decide if that is something you want to carry on reading. Unfortunately, this is not supported by dynamic views which is a little annoying because Blogger is basically limiting itself with what can be done. I will have to have a play around and see if I can find a layout I am happy with, I can always make a backup of the current one so I can revert but - who knows?

This post is going to be quite disjoined, I can feel it happening already, I just have random stuff I want to blurt out when I think about it but obviously these pictures will tie in as nice little breaks and hopefully tie together my thoughts.. Onto the first one for the day!

Day 639
This time of year, everything changes a little bit. The clocks go forwards, the days become longer, and hopefully the weather gets a little bit better. I really like this time of year personally because you can get so much more out of your day but that first week of adjusting is always a little bit strange, one thing I really don't like it now the clock in my car is actually right. We never bothered to change it last year because with the car's clock.. You have to cycle round the entire 24 hours to get it to where you need to be - whilst I am sure in the last however many months I could've found two minutes to do that - I got used to just taking an hour off. I just always find it strange looking at the clock thinking 'this time last week it was..'

The weather has improved though, very much so. It has been lovely for the last couple of days, not too hot or cold with a gentle breeze and blue skies. In this Snapchat from Amy, you can see it was pretty darn windy.. The days following the day light savings, it was super windy everywhere we went. I hate driving in the wind because you can feel that ever so slight push on the steering which you know you have control of, but we went to the cinema and there is a bridge which is notorious for having high wind speeds because of it's location.. Driving next to a lorry on this bridge is just scary.

Another thing which I am very happy about it not walking to work in the dark and walking home in the dark. It makes you feel like you've missed the entire day even though you have been doing stuff. Once again, maybe it's just a psychological thing that when it is dark you assume that you should be indoors rather than out.

Completely random tangent - games with gold this month has two games, and will do for the entirety of April. At the moment, for the Xbox One, there are three as the Rayman game is still on offer. The other two include on called Child of Light which I have yet to finish downloading/installing, the other is a Pool game which was 12GB which I thought was really strange at the time but I really like pool so.. I went for it.. And now I have played it I can see why it is such a big game. It has hyper real graphics for the majority of things, including random little cut scenes for when you pot balls and what not but.. So random, I haven't had a change to play it properly yet as you have to wait for it to be fully installed and at the time - it wasn't. I shall let you know. I am also planning on possibly getting Lego Marvel as it is for sale and I got a £15 voucher for my birthday and it is on offer for £8, of the temptation.

Day 640
Next, onto a little creation from a colleague I work with who, as you can see, is very adept in the art of crocheting.

The person in question decided to make everyone a little Easter gift and mind turned out to be this little fellow who know has pride of place on many different places around my desk. He was stuffed with a creme egg which was quickly devoured, and being hollow allows him to sit on stuff quite easily. Usually you'll find him on the top of my monitors. I just looked again and can see what at the time I was Googling crochet chickens which was for a Colleague of the Month thing we do as she also made little easter chicks, also with assorted egg inside. It is amazing what you can do with wool and a needle at the end of the day.

Have you heard of Vsauce3 on Youtube? No? Well go, now! Amy air played their April Fools video on the TV and it was two hours long of looping video explaining paradox's which were pretty cool. It looped in such a way that it made sense for it to loop but obviously stopped after two hours because.. It would have been a huge video to upload! It did get me pretty inspired to look at some different types which I may blog about in the near future.. I didn't realise there had been so much work to look into this idea because time travel, form what I understand, it pretty much a scientific no no!

Day 641
With this picture begins the first of my Easter gifts, as I have received two in total but that is more than enough for me. Both of the eggs below are not mine.. One for me and one for Amy, from my parents. Amy was very happy because this is the exact egg that she had her eye on as soon as she saw in the shops, I got her one and now she has two so happy days! I like going to shops that over ordered because it goes super cheap just to get it out of their stock rooms so they can start filling it up for the next holiday event.. Which at this point will probably be random assorted Summer stock for like BBQs and the such. That is what I got from my experience in a shop environment, there were cages of coal and disposable BBQs!

I just had a quick Google because I know this day is really to celebrate the rebirth of Jesus but.. I didn't really get the whole idea of the egg. Apparently, the egg represents life to Christian's and the breaking of the egg represents the empty tomb they found when going to check for his body. Okay, makes a bit more sense now.. Now I just want to know why there is an Easter Bunny because he/she doesn't lay or assist in the production of eggs. Apparently this sources back to Anglo-Saxon times where the Goddess of the Spring time had a companion which was a hare, this was then adapted by Christians to go alongside Easter celebrations, partnered with the egg - boom. You just got some knowledge!

Day 642
This is by far the better gift because it is a Stitch and I am always happy when there is a Stitch involved, especially when there is a new one!

This little guy has actually been in the flat for a couple of weeks, maybe even a month now but I wanted to save the unveiling until today, Easter Sunday - as I am typing this now yesterday. Amy saw him in the Disney store and couldn't resist waiting to get him but I officially became his owner today, I am so proud.

We went to Bluewater on Friday which.. Well it never really seemed like a good idea because it was so busy being a bank holiday and everything.. It was packed, it took ages to find a space but when I did see one, I pounced. We got a free cookie from Millie's thanks to O2 priority moments which was nice, I chose double chocolate which I think may be my favourite from there. They do them large cookies, like a tray bake type thing? Now they do it double layered for only £5 more which would be so sickly but nice at the same time.. I also finally spent my Waterstones voucher which I had inadvertently bought myself for Christmas as my mum had asked me to.. Gave me the money back.. Then gave me the gift card. I bought a book called Rivers of London, sounds pretty cool.

Any way, as you can tell, I finished this the next morning as I fell asleep which I am not too surprised by at all.. But we are off to the designer outlet at Ashford right now, early to beat the traffic (hopefully).

Blog you later!

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