Wednesday 1 April 2015

Norse Mythology - Part 2

So yesterday I covered the creation story according to Norse Mythology, now I will explore some other areas.. Hopefully nowhere near as strenuous because as I mentioned yesterday, I was planning to do this all in one post. Vast under estimation on my part but I guess for those of you who are interested, content for the win! I will make this a bit of a mix though, just for the people who tune in for the usual stuff, the me stuff.

The Worlds
So I mentioned how Ymir’s body was taken apart to create the world, and this didn’t just narrow down to Midgard which is the realm of man. This is the main one that is focused on from what I can see because it is us – we live here. The World as specified by Norse Mythology is actually comprised of nine different sections. I am not too sure which bits were made from what part of Ymir but I can only assume that it was different organs etc. as they were very liberal with the descriptions such as the brain and skull being used. He would’ve been a great advocate for organ donation.

So I will start from the top and work my way down.. It goes like this..

1.       Asgard, home of the Aesir
2.       Vanaheim, home of the Vanir
3.       Alfheim, home of the Light Elves

4.       Midgard, the best place ever – I mean the home of Humans
5.       Jotunheim, home of the Giants
6.       Svartalfheim, home of the Dark Elves
7.       Nidavellir, home of the Dwarves
8.       Nilfheim, the icey place mentioned yesterday, this is also home to Helheim, home of the dead
9.       Muspelheim, the fire place mentioned yesterday, home to fire giants and demons

When I look at this list – I am slightly perplexed. I don’t really understand why they would’ve needed all of this background to the world and what evidence they would’ve been able to provide to prove it. Just seems like a person with a very over active imagination who is terribly convincing. The only piece of evidence I can think they would provide.. Is rainbows. They referred to them as the Bifrost which means rainbow bridge and connected Midgard to Asgard – you can see this depicted in the Thor films by Marvel.

These different layers are said to be incorporated around the tree of life known as Yggdrasil. This was said to be an immortal – ginormous – ash tree. The tree itself is held up by three roots which are located in three different levels of the world, one in Asgard which became known as Urd’s Well. The second spans to Jotunheim and is known as Mimir’s Well. The final one goes down to Niflheim known as the Hvergelmir Well. This is where this all gets a bit weird for me.. By the third root, there lives a dragon called Nidhug and he gnaws on the on the root and drinks blood from dead bodies, who is the mortal enemy of an eagle who hasn’t got a name – who lives right up the top of the tree.. And they are mean to each other through the use of a squirrel? I really don’t know, they must have found some sort of natural high at this point because I don’t understand how this is relevant or important. The squirrel, Ratatosk, would run up and down the tree stirring it up by passing the insults from one to another – otherwise they would probably get on pretty well. There is always that one friend in the group though isn’t there?

I must say I find it a very interesting concept but who knows what is really going on? I'll tell you what I don't understand - why they never do any updates to the Blogger app! It needs many more tools as simple as text editing and adding hyperlinks and stuff.. I am doing this from my phone if that didn't give it away.

So let's have some normal bloggy stuff shall we? As I have mentioned, I am due a loot crate soon and they get delivered to my parents house and the post man has timed it when no one was in twice! We have scheduled another delivery because it is free, you can get it sent to a post office but.. It's 75p.. And I never have change and don't want to put that little amount on my card so.. Redeliver is free! Should hopefully be captured on Thursday and then I can do a post once I have enjoyed it all - I still need to read that book from the first one.. I forget stuff too easily. 

I am getting a little paranoid because the font sizes are showing differently on here at the moment - and there is no font settings.. Dang it, I'll only know once it's posted and I'll have to sort it on the Mac. Oh well.

Day 637
Oh, Matt.

So I was just looking through my phone thinking what could I use today - I was going to take a picture of our fruit bowl because we are actually adding to it a lot more. Amy's making smoothies with pineapples and strawberries and I have got me some kiwis. I couldn't remember if I liked them.. And they were 30p loose or six for £1 so I got six.. And really like them. I chomp them down with the skin on more like an apple and people find it a bit odd.. But you get four times more fibre out of them and extra vitamins so it is winning all round; and I don't have to wash up a spoon! I did try with a spoon but I couldn't get on board with that.. Not that any of this is to do with me having a banana box on my head! This was from before we moved as we used banana boxes to move stuff, they're really strong which I learnt from working in a shop obtaining many a cardboard cut which are so much worse I can tell you now. I guess I fancied a hat? I remember it hurting my forehead..

I still haven't had an email to let me know who is sending a PS4 - common people!?

May have mentioned this before - a TV program called Teens? I am pretty sure I did so I will be brief - definitely watch it. It seems all the more trivial watching it back knowing we've just come out of school.. Well four years ago which isn't that long really. The differences in the life style and the attitudes towards different subject matters is really strange!

So I shall leave is there, once again. I shall hit you up tomorrow with more Norse stuff and also more me stuff. Hurrah! Blog you later peoples.

The sources are the same as previously mentioned but here are the image sources, once again in order of appearance.

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