Thursday 2 April 2015

April Fools

I thought I would take a little break from doing the ol' Norse stuff and do what I did last year - have a look at what some organisations and people did for April Fools day. I always find it interesting when companies do this because if they do it right, they could probably get a lot of wanted attention. Then again, one that I have seen today.. They didn't really do that.

I will start with the one that didn't do it - Microsoft. The Australian branch Tweeted something new called a Surface Watch and what they ended up needing to do was take it down - because people actually thought it was real and with the recent publicity surrounding the Apple Watch - it would make perfect sense for Microsoft to release a competitor.

Now you may ask why I am saying it wasn't a good idea as an April Fools? Well, for one, not releasing a competitor may make them look like they have no idea or interest to compete. The main reason was the Tweet that came with it, which basically said, phones are outdated. Which wouldn't be weird if they hadn't just chucked millions of pounds into developing the new Nokia phones.. It was taken down pretty hastily from all the sources I have seen on the internet, I wonder who got a slap on the wrist for that..
There was a cheeky little one in the Metro saying that Tesco's was going to install trampolines down aisles for little people to reach the top. Whilst a cute little idea, it is far too obvious as an April Fool's joke for me.

I really like this next one, because I am a proud lover of marmite! Whether you love it or hate it, you would be pretty impressed if they had actually managed to do this.. *drum roll*

Clear marmite - it would have actually been amazing. I can't imagine eating any sort of clear spreadable - I don't really think it would be possible to be fair.. Not without it being horrendously artificial and lacking any taste.. It really makes me wonder how much businesses actually put towards this type of thing, or if it is just something that marketing decide to do once every now and then.

I like cats. The Royal National Institute for Blind People announced a Catnav scheme today - so basically training cats to be guide dogs instead. I like how they went about this though, publicised it to be a pilot scheme and the webpage straight away says nope, it is a joke - but look at all of these facts about sight loss and blindness, accompanied by a large number of cats in different types of vest, like this very impressed looking one here..

They've even incorporated cats into raising money for them via a text scheme. April Fools done right - best example I have seen!

For those of you who want more, here are a couple of sites which I have been looking through today:

Right. Now. I need to have a little bit of a bite at Blogger - I need an update for the mobile app! I did yesterdays post from my phone and I checked it today and the images were huge.. And when I went to format them on here, the Mac, they now will not centre on the post. I remember an update that came out ages ago when I started that said it offered more options for images when uploaded.. Did the update.. And wehey nothing happened. I am still waiting. It would make it so much better.

Day 638
I have never made it a secret that I really like ties. Today I wore a nice gold tie that I got for Christmas and thought I would try something different with the knot.. I have tied the same knot for probably 10 years now when I started Secondary School but today, I was pretty proud of how this one turned out!

This one is called a trinity know which I presume is due to the three distinct areas you can see in the knot.. It was really weird to do as I was following a step by step guide which was just an image on Google search. All the work - in terms of tie movement - is done by the thin part of the tie and it tucks in and out of itself and finally just gets tucked under the collar of the shirt. I will have to try some more when I find some that make sense, I've always wanted to do a full windsor as they make a lovely shape.

We went and watched Cinderella at the cinema today, one of the first live action remakes that Disney have done. There was a Frozen short at the start of the film, after which two people genuinely just got up and left and didn't come back. I am not too sure if they had paid to be in that film as they were right down the front in the 'last choice' seats but who knows? It was pretty good, had a good cast as well but it was really weird seeing people from actions or horror films doing a children's film. Apparently they are planning to make Mulan as well which I think - if done properly - will be really good. I like the dragon.

I have tried to experimented with a page break on this post which is supposed to break this done so it has a read more option so it is not a page wall of text but it doesn't work.. Possibly as it is with the dynamic view that it is set to.. I will have to play around with the formatting at some point..

Thanks for reading everyone, blog you later!

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