Wednesday 8 April 2015

A Mixed Bag

Day 643
I will start this with a little adventure we had on the Easter weekend. We decided to go for a walk through a park which we have been told was pretty close by, and we were quite happy with the overall outcome. It turns out, it joined straight onto a path which as far as I know spanned the entire river Medway. It was quite strange as at the same time, we didn't know half of the places we came across ever existed, because we've never really had a reason to venture to these places.. You can sort of tell it was for people with a love of boats of the money to afford one - as they were everywhere. As were the ducks, also a couple of swans. We even saw one nesting which was a very unique experience because I know they can be quite aggressive if you annoy them but this one clearly didn't care that we were there. It seemed to know people would want to look because it had popped itself right next to a clearing in the brush next to the path so you could give it a good stare. We took something which we called a 'swelfie' - just a selfie with a swan in it.

I have always been confused by houseboats. Do they have somewhere they have to park? I don't even think park is the right word for that but.. I think I got some answers along this river as we saw some, and it looks like people have bought little sections of the river edge which they have decked and fenced off, and they were very trusting leaving things like bikes and BBQ's.. The picture below was from one of these little areas and in the ever so slight breeze was lovely to see and hear all at once. This is also compliments of Amy's Instagram feed.

It was a little tree with a number of wind chimes on it as you can see, and the time of day we were walking.. With the river and boats.. It all just came together. If I could animate it, I would like to have that as a desktop background as it was really quite relaxing all in all. I was also very happy that the people who docked up here were off down the river because.. It would've made taking the picture a tad awkward. We were quite happy to have 4G all along the route we walked so we could have a look on the map to see how far we had actually gone, in the end I believe we walked around six miles? We were out for about two and a half hours, I would like to thank daylight savings for this because it would've been dark if we tried this a week before hand!

I feel really guilty now as I used this Amy from Amy's Instagram - although I was there so.. Otherwise I haven't get any other pictures! I am either going to have to have a dig around here or I will be using pictures I found online..

I am actually going to go a bit 'intellectual' on you know and express my views on some documentaries which we have watched recently, it is not something we normally do but they have been ones that were just on in the background or ones which sounded interesting. Lets go for it!

Day 644
So the first that we watched was Louis Theroux's new one and I really enjoy the things that he reports on, he is quite happy to look into the weird and quirky yet serious stories. This one was about transgender children, and I wasn't really sure what to expect but.. That was literally it.

This program featured many individuals who identify themselves as transgender, the majority hold in this program being children, so people under the age of 18. One was a boy who wanted to be a girl and was only five years old, the parents were very accepting of it and let him/her be who they wanted to be. The picture above, the child on the left hand side is a boy who likes to be a girl when with his mother but a boy at school or with his father as they were separated. In this situation the mother was accepting, the father - not so much. His view was more, there is a time and place which is not school or his house basically. 

It was really interesting to see this aspect of life because it is something that a lot of people will probably never come in contact with or may not even know they have. The main thing that was bought up is how young is too young for children to make this decision? Or any serious decision which is clearly going to affect them for the rest of their lives, because a lot of adults who were asked who have gone through the process say they wish that they had chosen sooner. It would've made their transition much easier with things like hormone blockers to stop development during puberty. I would definitely recommend giving it a watch, and anything else he does really. I thought I would look up a quick review to share with you as well and I picked this one from the Guardian because I don't understand why they mixed the review in with the launch of the new Thunderbirds.. And there is no definition where the article stops and starts for each show..
I also don't think it is appropriate that they are talking about a new children's TV show and then say this, I quote - I went on a learning curve steeper than the trajectories of the penises the Californian reconstructive surgeon showed. No.

Random interlude right about.. Now. We decided to have strozzapreti yesterday and it was really nice, we tweaked the recipe and by that I mean we chucked in a hell of a lot more sweet chilli sauce than usual and it made it taste so much better, you get more of the spice and sweetness come through because otherwise the creme fraiche sort of blands it out - I just made up a word, blands. Definition, to remove or dull down - Oxford dictionary, here we come.

Another which we watched today was about pensioners.. So a little bit lighter on the whole morality thing. This one was about pensioners who like to party - and if anything harder than a lot of young people ever have or will! One of the old guys had been banned from a number of bars for going there and dancing - and that is it. He was banned for not buying any drinks because he was t total. There was also a couple who constantly hosted 24 hour drinking parties with fancy dress which often included x rated costumes and games.. A couple of retired ladies from the UK who were always out on the pull for younger men.. I don't know. Brain does not comprehend. I was going to share a picture from this but.. All of the ones that they have on the ol' image search I don't really want to share on here. They do some pretty rude stuff..

Day 645
Woahhhh now hang on, when the hell did this happen?

I often have a quick Google for Stitch stuff, I am generally trying to find a tie with him on that I don't have to custom make myself and then pay over £25 for - I am looking at you Zazzle. We actually found this in a shop the other day and I honestly never knew they made a follow up film and with Disney, that usually means that it was a bit of a flop. Despite this, I think I will need to own this DVD and some point and ideally I would like it if they made it one of them shiny covers that they do.. But I don't think this will have got one and a number.. I may be wrong, who knows?

When we were in Bluewater the other day they had a fuller collection of the new stacking toys, Tsum Tsums. They had the middle and large stitch size and I wanted them so bad but at the same time, wasn't sure if I wanted to increase the collection all in one day. Maybe some other time eh?

I will wrap up my post here for now, hope you had a lovely day. Please do have a proper look around the new lay out, I am adding in pages for the top bar as and when I think of ideas - I think I have just got one now.. Yay. I have also got some lovely icons to my other social medias on the right and also my good ol' gallery of things I have drawn/made. Send me an email of course, and I - will Blog you later.

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