Monday 20 April 2015

Famous Paradox's and I'm on a Boat!

I love the concept of a paradox, a statement or idea that in itself, contradicts itself. The fact that it does this, then means you cannot for definite say whether or not the statement is true leaving it completely open for discussion. Such ideas have been further implemented into films, some of which I will discuss below. Little did I know, there are more than one type of paradox.. Prepare for a headache because they'll make you think - hard.

Something which I never knew was that the idea of a paradox can be applied to many things, I always just assumed this was a concept of time. I think there are probably the most common examples as they can be applied into things such as films or books without necessarily needing so much of an explanation, so this is where I shall start.

I will start with Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. At the time, when it first came out and I was a bit younger, I didn't really understand the whole idea of what was going on.. Especially the quote of Harry saying "I'd already done it!" Only until I learned what a paradox was, did I get it. This is an example of what is called a Bootstrap paradox, in which the information appears to have no logical beginning.

The reason this is a paradox is because when at the lake, Harry sees someone produce a stag to get rid of all of the demontors to save himself and also Sirius. We then find out this is future Harry coming back to do it, and he was able to do it because he had already seen his future self do it and so on.. So there is no logical start point that would've caused this. It is like a self contained loop which happened because it needed to - to save himself?

The idea behind this type of paradox is that by the statement lying, makes it true, which then makes it a lie. Which keeps going in this endless spiral with no way to resolve it! There are a number of statements which fall under this bracket, and I say famous loosely, not in the sense of the Harry Potter film above. Here are some examples:

Pinocchio saying "My nose is about to grow."
He would be lying as his nose was not going to be growing until he said this, which would therefore make the statement true - therefore stopping his nose from growing and so on.

Imagine there was a card with two statements written on it, one on each side.
The sentence on the other side of this card is true.
The sentence on the other side of this card is false.
As you can see, the statements on each side of the card contradict each other in a constant circle.

This one sort of comes under the bracket of time as it involves time travel to actually happen, and also worm holes. My example for this will be Donnie Darko which is a great film in my opinion, not loved by many and its sequel should never of happened but anyway! The idea behind this, is that Donnie was lured out of his room, by a man in a bunny suit moments before a jet engine - from the future - falls on his bed which would have killed him.

It is then explained to him in the next couple of weeks, that because he did not die, his family and friends would die around him at his own hand because he did not die. These series of events that should not have happened would cause the world to be consumed by a blackhole. It is basically a way for him to be told that his path was to die - for the greater good. He is getting the information he needs from some unknown source, so in four weeks time, when the engine falls out of the sky again, he dies. The paradox is created because how would someone be able to tell him he was going to die for this reason at this time in this place. Predestination. By the way, that is Frank - the creepy looking bunny dude.

Paradoxes are pretty interesting in my opinion, there are literally at least one hundred different types which can all be applied to different areas of the world, not just science. Finance, biology and even social events. There is always the classic - what happens when an unstoppable force meets and unmovable object? Well? mind blown.

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So now onto some me stuff, the world of Matt and his life which he puts on a blog. Well, I am definitely becoming move involved in the online aspect of a the blogging world, and appreciating receiving views. Before, and I assume a lot of people starting off may have made the same mistake as me, just publishing about popular topics. It is quite simple to just post about trending topics on Twitter or what is hot on Google+ and see what happens. It means so much more to you when you take the time out to write something you are interested in, find the relevant groups who will also be interested, and present it to them on a silver platter. Their input will be worth so much more than someone who came to your page thinking it was about something else and clicked off the second they saw otherwise. I am guilt of doing this and have experimented with it before, it does work. Earning it is so much better and grows an audience who are here because they want to be. I hope.

So I had a Sunday in my life, I last posted on Saturday evening.. Well Sunday morning in all fairness but you get the idea. It was mainly spent with family and catching up on a TV which in my opinion is not a bad mix. It was Amy relatives birthday, which we attended. I ate a jam sandwich and two slices of different cake - no problems there then. We then ventured back to our respective homes and did bits and bobs, I for example watched my Dad blowing up a..

Day 656
.. Boat. He didn't blow it up with his mouth of course, it is a 10 foot boat for crying out loud! He used a hand pump so it was still a little bit effort as you can imagine. It is pretty clever as the rim itself inflates and then so does the underside to give you a bit of a peak to cut through the water with nicely I would assume. It has four paddles but you can mount an outboard motor which I believe to be the plan, so he can then go fishing out at sea - a little.

I had no idea such a purchase was on the horizon, I knew my Dad liked fishing and I would really like to go again some day because the time I did go, it was really fun. I want to catch a big fish one day, I think I would get pretty over excited in all fairness. My Mum and Dad had been on holiday and came back with this.. I got two ties and a bag of assorted rock so I am happy enough. I'll sit in the boat. I think I would be pretty scared to accidentally snag the rubber with the hook because we would all be in a bit of bother if that happened! I say we, by that I mean it can hold up to four people. Im on a boat!

Day 657
This other picture.. I really don't know. I want to be able to say I know what it is but I can't it was just sort of there in the garden at the time when I was outside taking the picture and thought well - if I chuck it up on the internet, someone out there might know. As you can see, it is a strange little fluffy winged creature of sorts with a mosquito like snout which looks nasty.. It was just sitting on the washing line not doing a lot, so we knocked it into a jar where it remained docile.. And all of  sudden become flapping and trying to get out and then realised it was in a jar of lemon tea and calmed down again. I can only assume that is the reason it calmed down.

So, as I said. Internet. Do you thing, someone find me the name of this big - and if not, find me the name of a scientist who will be able to officially name our new discovery. It is not from the future.. August 2016 is the expiry of the now consumed tea - just in case.

I am far too into Masterchef now because when watching it, I am mesmerised and when I really think about it afterwards - it is just watching people cook and being told it tastes good or bad and looks good or bad. Despite this, I guess there is just something about watching food being made that entices the human mind. I personally don't care what it looks like - if it comes to be on a plate and I have utensils to eat it with then I am happy. If it comes to me all fancy, I can't help but feel a tad guilty for ripping it to pieces!

Thanks for reading, and for those of you who have found me via Google+. Please feel free to explore all of my social medias, I am actually using Twitter a bit more now so it is not covered with my blog. I am trying to get the hang on Instagram despite it just being photos. And email me too, let's not put to waste! Blog you later.

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