Monday 12 January 2015

A Move

So. Sorry. I guess is the best way to start because as you can possibly tell I have not been posting on here at all over the weekend - usually I do at least one but I have been putting it off. As I have news.

I have moved! Out. There's no real way to make this sound or look more exciting - it is words on a screen after all. But we are, and it's awesome and strange all at the same time. The only thing is at the moment we have no internet! Insert dramatic music and what not - so it is all on my 4G at the moment so unfortunately it will most likely mean things are a little bit smaller in terms of posts because.. For whatever reason.. I have never been able to log into my O2 account. So I can't view my usage and whatever. We'll see.

Today means four pictures. Oh my.

Day 557
So let's start with this one here, of me being a man. And stuff. Sort of?

We went to IKEA for furniture because you can get a lot for a reasonable price which is from what I can tell - reliable. In this picture I was putting together a chair for the dining table set that we bought. It is fun in IKEA, but I tell you what, we wrote down all the Swedish words for the furniture and then completely forgot what they were when in the stock room bit. We got it all though. So yeah. As you can see there we have some Juliet doors which open up to.. Let in a breeze?

Day 558
As you can possibly assume we weren't staying the flat for a lot of the week, and Amy was sorting her bits out and found some antlers!

And we must say, they fit like a glove. He can even sit up with them sitting on his bonce and I think he looks very happy as well. He looks happy all the time to be fair, but even more so now. We spend our time doing wonderful things.

I can already feel the autocorrects coming on.

Day 559
So one thing we wanted to get was a nice TV to sit in the front room area and we went to many PC worlds. Looking at what was on offer, as there are lots of different ones of course. Through much exploration we chose one. We bought it. Then upon setting it up.. Look at what we got..

I'm not too sure if you'll be able to make it out properly but in the top left of the screen - you can see a crack. Which I very much hoped would be lightning reflected in it but.. It wasn't raining.. Or storming.. It was just cracked. From the top left corner, to the bottom left and the top right like something had been dropped on it. It was very disappointing and I ended up taking it back for when the shop opened. They were very nice about it and replaced it for us so we weren't left without one. Especially as we paid for it. Ahhh!

Day 560

Because we have laminate flooring everywhere! So in the interest of not loosing our feet to frostbite we have got some slippers. It is surprisingly cold when it is but then nice and warm otherwise. Mine are some that I found whilst cleaning my room, Amy's are from good ol' Primarni. 

Thanks. Shall see how the posting goes, it may be every other day to keep the text content on par with the photos because I don't want to fall back into the old trend of barely saying a thing! Thanks for reading. Blog you later.

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