Tuesday 6 January 2015

Back to the Future

A great film series for those of you who have seen it, I know they managed to get three films out of it but they were pretty good. I remember watching them when I was younger. Of course, in one of the films they went forward in time to the year 2015 - the second film I do believe. I remember them having some pretty far out technology depicted in this film so I wonder if we have actually managed any of it.

The first that popped into my mind was the self tying shoe laces because they would be pretty awesome, probably do a lot of good for your back and knees over the years of bending down to tie your laces. Commercially, they are not available of course otherwise we would no doubt see people running around with them on right now. Some were made by Nike I think it was to commemorate the film and there is now a dedicated company making something called Powerlace which fits to your foot on its own using simple release mechanisms. They are currently on Kickstarter looking for $650,000 and haven't quite made it to $100,000 yet but if that is something you would want.. Well here you go:

Another thing of course is hover boards, they are pretty awesome in the film and it is very good how they did it in comparison to when the film was made. They also had other vehicles which could do the same and it might interest some people to know, they have made a hover board that works!
From what I can see the Kickstarter is already finished and it is fully funded and they expect to be unveiling the finished article later this year. To get your hands on one of the first 10, you had to pledge $10,000! Of which, 11 people did so either they are making an extra or one person will be missing out and not be a happy bunny.. Then again if they have that much money to donate, they can probably afford to buy one anyway. The board floats using Magnetic Field Architecture which just sounds awesome on its own. They think that once the tech is developed enough, it could be applied to buildings and other things to prevent them from being damaged by earthquakes and other disasters. Genius!

Now, the most obvious item in the film is the machine which actually allows them to travel in time. Has this been done or been considered? I think it is safe to just say no on this front. Hypothetically they believe you can travel forwards in time quicker by getting close to the speed of light which is not possible with any of todays tech. In terms of going back in time, there's pretty much no chance. You can travel ahead of the light of the planet and look back - possibly - but physically moving yourself to a previous time period is pretty much out of the question. It has already come and gone and will stay that way!

So why did I talk about this today? Partially because I saw one of them on TV the other day.. But also I keep seeing things on Facebook about cartoons predicting things about the future like celeb meltdowns and political problems. It got me thinking about what other films assume about the future. Turns out the cartoons are pretty much better at it.

Day 553
I can once again admit that either through preocupation and mainly not having anything too interesting to snap a picture off, find some of my favourite artwork for the Shadow of Mordor.

One of my favourite things about games is that they do come with artwork which will turn up online at some point or in the limited edition. I got the limited edition of Dark Souls, the first one, and the artwork book which came with that is amazing. If I could ever draw something remotely close to these things I see, I would be head over heels and probably in the wrong profession!

Thanks for the eye movement. Blog you later.

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