Thursday 29 January 2015

White Rain

Any snow for you today? I personally didn't see any but there must have been some as the windscreen of my car had some on it. Had to whip the wipers up to cut through it and get it off so I could see where I was going. Now I walk a lot more around town, I really notice the cold a lot more, like my hands get that slightly painful numb feeling which makes things like texting hard because you can't really feel when your fingers hit the screen. Makes it a little harder. I have seen some pictures of places which have had a bit of a layer not too far from where we are, about 10-15 miles away. The cloud just chose to ignore us when it appears.

I like snow myself, people do interesting things with. Worst I've done with snow was to make a giant snowball as you do if there is any and rolled onto someone's drive way and left it behind their car. At the time me and my friends thought this to be hilarious especially as we were so impressed with the size for three 11 year olds. Turns out the guy just pushed it out of the way without too much effort at all. Anti climax or what?

I'm sure I've mentioned before that I've been to Iceland the country not the store.. The snow there was up around our waistes which I found really exciting but for them it was standard, everyone went to work and there were no snow days or anything like that. I distinctly remember the coach driver driving on an icey road with one hand reading a book - didn't even care. It was a straight line and he must have known the road so sell.. I'd still prefer him to have been looking!

Day 577
Cookies.. I like it when Amy makes cookies.

I literally remembered that Amy made them, ran to the biscuit tub and ripped the lid and tinfoil open to take a picture. Just for you. Feel special, tinfoil is strong so it took a lot of effort. These cookies were made with a normal cookie mix and hot chocolate powder with chunks of dairy milk chocolate lumped in with it. My favourite thing about them is that they are like.. Half baked I guess is a good term for them. So you get a lovely mix of cookie doughness and crunchy cookie bits with lumps of chocolate.. Magical. I feel bad as I have kept referring to 'them'.. I totally ate one straight after this picture so there's only one left. Oopsie!

Thanks chaps, blog you later. 

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