Tuesday 3 February 2015

My Bad

I know I keep forgetting to do my blog on a Sunday.. Its of no real fault of my own, I always seem to be busy or just like.. Sleep.. I seem to be doing that a lot more lately. I guess that's a good thing but at the same time I feel bad. And stuff. So I guess its another one with four pictures so brace yourself for a multitude of coloured pixels.

Just before I start, I just went onto my page to check what day it is and everything had changed itself.. I don't know why but I hope it hasn't been doing that for other people because that would suck. I didn't want it to look like that, I spent a good old while getting it how I wanted it. Tweaks n'all.

Day 578
So, so, so. All weekends start with a Friday, pretty standard stuff. I had work and stuff, as per the norm for a Friday which has not been marked as a bank holiday or personal holiday. I have also mentioned that we were planning to go and see Big Hero 6 at the cinema which we totally did. With films like this that are really children's films.. We like to book a late showing. There won't be any children or as many and also you can get better seats. It was in 3D as well, haven't been to see one in ages because it generally doesn't feel worth the extra money.. This was pretty good 3D I must admit.

It was apparently inspired by The Avengers and had its own comic series because it was Marvel - which is of course owned by Disney. I really like the entire thing like.. So much. It is genuinely just a feel good film which has a really good storyline and animation. Everyone was laughing and even for a late showing it was pretty full up which I wasn't actually expecting. I like how in the film, Hero, the fourth from the left, is the 'main' character. For me it was easily Beymax because he is in all the adverts and changes the entire film with his appearance. I would highly recommend this to all, being Disney they always manage to tailor the film to suit everyone even if you feel like you are just being dragged along..

DO stay until the end of the credits. As there is something. We wished we had checked to see if there was something because pretty much everyone left.. And we weren't sure.. Then our patients was rewarded.

Also, Youtube stars Dan and Phil had cameo roles in the British version. I won't mention where for now to see if you can pick up on their voices if you of course know who they are..

Amy is now making a list of all the films that we watch this year, at the moment we are up to three with a fourth planned. We have watched Taken 3, Into the Woods and of course, this. The next will be 50 Shades of Grey which I am really not sure about.. I think it'll be good but it is going to be SO uncomfortable in the cinema.. I don't want to get into it.

Day 579
Saturday was pretty cool. We had a pretty epic lazy day and stayed snuggled up with s blanket and sofa each. We also watched a lot of Parks and Recreation which is an American TV show that was not aired in the UK, Amy began which this to see Chris Pratt. He was first guest staring in the first couple of episodes to assist with getting the show off of the ground. He went from have some responsibility to have a hell of a lot more as he is now a full part of the story! Well done Chris Pratt.

I was really happy that Amy came across it because it is genuinely one of the better shows that I have watched. Also because I have seen a lot of overly manly men quotes or memes based around Rob Swansome so the ol' moustached gentlemen in the picture. Now I know where they all come from.

Once again, I would very much recommend watching this as it is very funny and touches on some comedic values of the workplace. I don't think nearly as many apply to an English office from my experience but some of them do, we are all people after all.

We started watching this in the early afternoon and this sort of carried on through all the way to night time when we went to bed.. It was very good. An accidental marathon, and a successful at that.

Day 580
So, as with any marathon they are always accompanied by snacks of some sort to keep the energy levels high otherwise it turns into a sleep over of epic proportions. What you can see below were my chosen provisions to keep me going.

And this is an actual picture from my own hands to yours, so don't get too excited because I can see this a bit of a change of tack from the other two pictures. Being a Haley means two things, you really like sandwiches and also.. You really look biscuits. These were mint chocolate chip flavour and honestly - blew me away in terms of a simple price comparison. It tasted like eating a mint choc chip ice cream cone with a chocolate wafer shell replaced by the biscuity value. I feel like I went into a lot of detail over a biscuit..

Right now there is a small invasion of toys of the cuddly kind. All the Stitches have made it to the bed and also my old Dog which is my childhood toy. My mum just made him a jumper as where he is so old, the material is wearing thing from far too much hugging - go me. I think I showed that on here.. Off the top of my head at midnight, my knowledge probably isn't too good. I will check properly tomorrow as if not I can show you. Sorted.

Day 581
The final picture in todays mini saga will be another film cover - just as it is something that we watched yesterday.

We did pop back to our original places of abode to see family and what not, it was odd seeing my room empty. Like.. Really empty. My Dad had moved stuff out to decorate as it needed a lick of paint from years of general wear and tear. It is a bit of a reality check to make me realise how far I have come to now be out in the world on my own with Amy. Makes me feel like an adult - one who still likes games and stuff.

We also some people around as they had got us a little house warming - if you are reading this then thank you very much, it is much obliged! We got some pizza and watched a couple of films, we started with the one above. This was the only one I had not seen before yesterday, otherwise I had seen them all in the cinema. I remember going to see the first one, we managed to get about 10 of us and had to sit right down the front as it was the only space left in the cinema that could fit us in. It wasn't too bad, I can understand why sitting right at the front gets a bad wrap though. You do have to look up a lot more. Then again, this was an Oden, Cineworld's have that level seated area at the front for movies which may be a lot better. Never had to sit there myself so your guess is as good as mine.

I feel like I am a little but out of it at the moment so I shall leave it here for now. If I am out of it right now.. Well done me. You managed to save pictures and stuff. Thanks for reading as always, Blog you later.

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