Monday 9 February 2015

I'm Not Even Mad

So I was all ready to get my Blog on and share the three pictures that I actually remembered to take - and I feel asleep again. I'm not even mad either because in a sense.. I am happy with myself for actually being able to fall asleep at a normal time. Then again - I do keep missing out on doing my blog meaning big old chunky posts full of pictures. Which I guess is nice to look at.. I just feel less consistent. I don't know anymore. Pictures. Weekend. More stuff. Commence.

Lets rewind, all the way back to Friday. I can do that because this is the internet.

Day 585
So, of course, I had work on Friday. Did that. Had a couple of friends around for the evening as they hadn't been the flat since it had all been set up. Last one had saw it we were still in boxes and also building out of boxes.. Which isn't quite the desired look. The other hadn't seen it full stop so.. First impressions!

We decided to have pizza - the picture below is actually of another time we had pizza.. It is just that this pizza stack was much bigger and looks pretty cool. We also then decided to watch The Interview - decided against the cinema in the end. We were sort of at a miss of what to watch so we went on the ol' Netflix which is notorious for having a tonne of stuff to watch. Sarcasm.

So, it was okay. The Interview that is. Some of it was funny, other bits were uncomfortable - which is what you are expecting when Seth Rogan and James Franco - and then some bits were just down right weird. For example.. Fingers not being attached to where they should be anymore.. That type of thing. I can understand if the media was true, about Kim-Jong Un being mad about the film, because it really didn't make him look that great. Of course, that was the point of the film and if anything it was just a huge piece of over the top satire. I honestly wouldn't rate it though, I can imagine that being the type of film that I would have gone to the cinema and would possibly have been a bit disappointed.

Of course we ended the night on a little bit of Cards Against Humanity because what evening with friends would be complete without being horrendously offensive?

Parks and Recreation is so dang good. Watching it right now and it has taken me over 30 minutes to type out the above.. My lord its addictive.

Day 586
Saturday, Saturday, Saturday. We got a letter from the postman saying that we had missed a signed for letter and we honestly had no idea at all what it was. So we decided to go find it, because it wasn't the one in the high street.. Like we thought..

And it turns out we had been there before. There is this massive industrial estate near where we are that has numerous car dealerships, like, a ridiculous amount in one place. The sign for the post office has the teeniest tiniest sign I have ever seen, especially when you compare it to the size of the actual building. There were only two people filtering a really long queue through.. Really fun. Turns out we did know what it was. It kind of ruined the surprise a little bit to be honest.. We did however find a rather large Morrison's.. The more you know?

And by the way - look what we made.

We were honestly at a miss with what to have for tea. So I Googled what to do with chicken because I wanted chicken. The only thing we could find that was remotely interesting at that point in time was a quesadilla which we have wanted to try before but were never really too sure how to make.. And out of every video we watched the most useful one turned out to be Epic Meal Time making a ridiculously unhealthy one. The irony. It has chicken, cheese, spicy chorizo, sour cream and also pico de gallo which is a mix of tomatoes, onions, chillies, lime juice and salt. It was so good. Like. Really impressed with ourselves. It is really filling though, it was quite surprising. Definitely making that again - I would also recommend you give it a try if you are feeling adventurous.

Day 587
So this day here, it was a Sunday. A very lovely amazing Sunday. Why you may ask? Because this day, number 587 was mine and Amy's four year anniversary!

Here are the cards that we gave each other, Amy Moon Pigged my one hence the custom cover. I used to give Amy Me to You cards literally all the time, for any occasion in terms of birthdays, valentines and stuff. I haven't for a while and as I thought this was a nice celebration of us I would throw it back to the old times. Plus I like the card, the bears are using a well! I am also really excited because Amy has got me a three month subscription to Loot Crate which is this awesome box that comes in the post full of loot, like nerdy stuff. I say nerdy loosely but it is the best way I can think to describe it. Definitely means there'll be some pictures generated from them, I can tell you that now!

There is also a house warming card from my parents as they popped down on the weekend. My Dad drilled some holes into the back of the shelves we had for cable management. They were pretty dang messy. Still are in all honesty..

Amy also made a lovely mac and cheese with pancetta and chillies for tea. We usually don't have chillies but we had them left over from the day before and thought we wouldn't use them otherwise - added a really nice subtle kick to the meal over all. Developed pallets and what not.

Day 588
Which brings us on to today.

Of course, having just moved out when I pop home to see the family and what not they tend to have found more stuff lurking somewhere which is mine. This weekend I went back to see they had found a load of old pictures I had drawn including a rare which I actually added colour to. The Taz in the background, I remember taking a really long time to do that one because I really wanted it to turn out well. I was happy with it, so much so I even coloured it.

Thanks a bunch, and what not. I'll hopefully blog you this time next year when it has been/is our five year anniversary. Wonder where we will be then.

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