Wednesday 11 February 2015

Sofa Buddy

So, I missed yesterday. I was a bit out of it, and I'll leave it at that. None the less, let's go on to talk about other random stuff. That's what I do.

So, as previously mentioned not so many posts ago, we are seeing Fifty Shades of Grey on Friday. Critics reviews have come out saying to not expect much and in all honesty, I'm not overly surprised by that response. Half the time the critics are too critical because that's what they're paid for and publishers don't want trivial non aggressive pieces that aren't going to generate a response or discussion. That's what drives the media, us talking about it or it wouldn't go anywhere. Personally I'm not too sure what they were expecting, the books were a global phenomenon but many bashed them for being poor in terms of literary skill. I've read the first two myself, looking back I really can't remember if I was reading because of the hype but I know the smut sort of made you forget about the overall experience. Without the smut, it was a romance story with a millionaire. Well. We shall see.

Day 589
Amy's new slippers are totes famous.

So to start with - cute, right? They're from Asda Living and of course, Amy's on the ol' Twitter and Instagram and shared them. Asda actually came back to here to ask if they could share the picture from their end. They used if in a post asking which slippers were cuter - obviously giraffes every time. Pretty cool and odd to see something at home shared on a bigger scale.

Day 590
So we were watching TV and mini stitch seems to have gotten pretty interested in what was going on..

Amy sat him up like this and I enjoyed it far too much so out came the phone. Picture. Text. Blogged. I can't even remember what we were watching at the time; all I know is it must have been good to get his attention.

I actually wrote half of this last night before falling asleep so I nearly got there but I can just share it this morning, no biggy. I used to get really annoyed with myself because I would be watching a video.. And fall asleep. And my phone is set to not lock itself unless I tell it to. So it stays unlocked all night using all the battery and then I've forgotten to plus it in. I then, for whatever reason wake up a couple of hours before my alarm would go off to a dead battery. Then I have to wait for it to turn on to turn the alarms back on!

Have a good day peoples. Blog you later.

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