Thursday 5 February 2015


So, I was at work and I looked out the window and I was very confused. It was like the windows had been covered in sepia effect from a phone. There was this strange orange dull light glowing over everything. I looked away thinking nothing of it, the light from the setting sun was having an effect. I turn back five minutes later to see it snowing heavily, the wind kicking it up into a blizzard. After it stopped it was one of the clearest dark skies I've ever seen.. I love nature.

On a lesser side note, with the aid of a Mr Tate - finished the celestial levels of Peggle 2. Some of them levels are evil as anything, like literally. Sitting there for ages just on one and then smashing through the others without thinking about it. The challenges are really fun, especially one which is a classic level from the first game - pegs in the shape of a moving helix. I like that.

I've made it no secret that I am fond of a cat. Someone today told me of a place in London where you can book in to go have a drink, maybe a bite to eat.. Surrounded by cats. It sounds friggin' awesome!
I have no idea if this link will work as I am blogging from the phone today but - ahhhhh! All the cats even have their own Twitter accounts. Because why not?!

Day 584
Amy's been doing what she does in the kitchen again, making funky tasty things!

Don't they look amazing? They are Oreos covered in Candy Melts chocolate which is this American chocolate made for melting.. We used them to cover the Halloween cake pops last year some of you may remember. They the have transfers on top made of something I cannot remember the name of to create the spots and flowers. Cool eh? She made enough for everyone because she's lovely.

Thanks, thank you, merci and as many other ways to say thank you. Blog you later.

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