Monday 10 November 2014

Caution, Spoilers Ahead

Spoilers, probably not the thing that is going to entice people in.. Right from the get go, let me tell you that it is about How I Met Your Mother as they have an alternate ending on the DVD for the 9th series and I know people just watched it on TV or online so may be be mystery for some. I what I will do, is post it further down so that it isn't the first thing you see incase you don't want to know.

So before this post, I just quite contently sat here and ate some chocolate buttons drinking some bitter lemon watching The Walking Dead. Now I don't know about you but even I think that sounds like a bit of an odd trio to slap together. I know for sure I have mentioned my love for bitter lemon.. If you don't know it is a mixer but I drink it like that because to me it is awesome. As is The Walking Dead. I am enjoying this series from the get go, I like that they have split people up just because you get to follow the different story lines and stuff. Todays had some big reveals but I will not be spoiling this.. It has only just been out for a day so I can't do that. Nuh uh.

One quick thing - do you prefer zombie viewing where there are real actors or CGI ones? I am partial to either but a friend of mine mentioned that as he told me he didn't like WWZ which is fair enough. The CGI zombies didn't do it for him, not the same effect. I never really thought about it until then. Both have their qualities and what not so I guess it is fairly balanced.

So come on, who has seen Don't Hug Me I'm Scared? One of three things just happened - you closed the window because you hear that and think I'm out. You are still reading because you saw that and thought I'm in. Or you are also reading because you have no idea what I am on about. At the moment it is like a mini series with only three episodes which are interesting. I am going disclose nothing. I am also popping these here as I know people I work with haven't seen it and I mentioned it. Just watch.
Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3

Day 497
It was feeling pretty blocky in terms of text so PICTURE!

This is some art work from Sword Art Online which I did start watching yesterday. The story line is pretty good. Crazy CEO of a video game company basically traps a lot of people in a video game where if they die.. The actually die. That was very brief and not really justifying but yeah, that's the idea. The art style is nice enough to look at as you can see here. I am really enjoying that idea that it is based around a video game and they really do play on this in terms of things they add into the story to survive. Highly recommended!

So here we go.. Spoiler alert! Let me say it right now, out in the open. The alternate ending in my opinion is a bit of a hoax really. They have put this big old sticker on the box saying never before seen alternate ending and.. All they do is stop it when he talks to the mother at the station under the yellow umbrella. That is it. Nothing extra happens, the difference is that the mother doesn't die. I don't really know if that counts as an alternate ending and they put it on there to try and sell more stuff but.. I think it is the better ending. Actually lives up to the name of the series.

I won't say anything about Isaac today.. No real new developments apart from dying a lot. I am spending more time trying to get the D6 so I can get into the new items even more!

A game I have had on my phone for a while I will actually pop on here.. It is a game on my phone and I don't know what platforms it is on but it is a spin off from 2048 which I know was pretty popular. I wouldn't be surprised if this was one was also when it came out but it has been out for a while so I'll give it a bit of publicity to the people who read. It is basically Snake just 2048 style. Simple, simple sound effects as well but it is pretty awesome.

Thanks for reading people, much appreciated as always, for now, mort Sword Art Online! Looking back at this.. Maybe there aren't that many spoilers.. Blog you later.

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