Sunday 2 November 2014

A Sunday Evening

Day 488 & 489
So the usual daily post has arrived again. Hurrah hurrah, this one'll cover today and yesterday.

Both pictures are actually from today so I will sort of just give you a little outline of the past couple of days. Friday was obviously Halloween, the total this year for us was up in the fifties which was pretty impressive. Ended up breaking into a tin of chocolates that was supposed to be for Christmas because there was not enough Haribo to go around!

Yesterday was spent being quite relaxed, popping to some shops when and where it is needed. Watched Strictly Come Dancing with my mum and dad, I enjoy it more than I should.. Not that it is a bad program by any means. Plus it was very enjoyable as it was Halloween week and the acts were themed. Scott Mills for example, danced to the Adam's family. It was not the best to be fair and it turned out to be his last which is a shame. I guess that means he has no excuse to be tired on the radio.

The worst thing that happened yesterday - I discovered that my left headlight bulb had gone. Usually this would not be a problem for most cars but mine is an absolute pain. You literally cannot see what you are doing, you just pop your arm under the bonnet and guess what you are doing. We took out the old bulb.. We then accidentally pulled out the diffuser. The bit that makes the light bounce around the headlight to make the right beam appear. I think. Probably wrong. And that only clips in a certain way, we ended up having four people try for about two hours in the rain.. Before we managed to get it to slot in and work. I ended up taking this picture on my phone upside down to actually get an idea of what was going on!

And I don't know about you but.. That just looks like a load of nothing to me. Well, it looks like car but that once again doesn't really help.

Had a rather lovely Spaghetti Bolognese for tea. We like to add in a load of extra bits, so today we had spring onions, peppers, mushrooms and pancetta which all went together rather well.

I decided to watch World War Z again this evening, I really like this film just the way everything is put together.

I always find the contrast between zombie films interesting, for example, in WWZ it is a pathogen and the infected move quickly and run and chase. Where as in programmes such as The Walking Dead, everyone is infected and you will turn no matter how you die. And once you do.. You're a bit slow on the uptake. I remember reading a while ago that scientists decided that if zombies ever came about and were like the ones in this film.. We probably wouldn't survive. Other way around, we would be fine. Not that I don't agree, I just don't understand which scientists got paid to work this out.

Just had a quick Google session.. According to this CNN news article, the Pentagon have a contingency plan if there ever was an outbreak. Apparently it is a common scenario that is used for training purposes just because the idea of it is so unreasonable.

Right now? I am watching Fullmetal Alchemist as I was told there was a lot more of it on Netlfix! I am also playing this logic cube game where you have to match the colours together which sounds a lot more simple than it actually is.. Been stuck on level 13 for a long time.. Try it here:

I am finding it so much better to do this on the Mac. I could get used to this. I never realised that I was always sharing the mobile site.

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