Wednesday 5 November 2014

Stars, Isaac and Gammon

Day 492
Well, you could say that is a bit of a mish mash of a title.

I will start with the gammon, as that is the thing that happened first. It was Amy's Dad's birthday today and they planned to go for a meal at the Harvester near where I work so they told me to tag along once I was finished. As I am on the late shift today which means I finish at 17:30, they were already there but ordered for me so I basically got there, sat down for 10 minutes and I have a gammon steak plopped in front of me. Whenever I go to somewhere like a harvester, I have gammon with pineapple because you don't seem to be able to buy steaks like that in shops. If you can - tell me please. They usually - I assume - use a piece of tinned pineapple. Today, it was a slice out of a fresh one, which was odd. You had to cut the skin off of it.. And then you don't get as much to have a bit with each mouth full.. Which was a shame. I had a chocolate orange match maker sundae. Ice cream all the way!

After that, me and Amy popped to Tescos which is where my picture of the day comes in. The Fault in our Stars has come out on DVD and Amy got the triple play, so the Bluray, DVD and digital download version. The only Bluray player she has access to is at home which is barely used but none the less, I'm sure we'll use it at some point. I remember going to watch the film, I probably posted about it but I was one of only two guys in the cinema. I know it is probably seen as a 'girly' film but it is really good. The story is told very well and it nearly made me cry. I won't lie. If you get a chance to watch I would recommend it but be prepared because it also touches on some very sensitive notes which might hit home for some people.

There was also a display of the new Call of Duty and.. At the moment it is not peaking my interest. I didn't get the previous one at all, and people have told me that it plays like Titanfall which is a good game but CoD should be separate. Maybe in the future when I have some spare money and fancy some multiplayer.

I've been thinking about getting some sort of headset for gaming, I used to have a Turtlebeach which was good at the time. I got so used to hearing the sounds of footsteps in games that now I can tell which direction people are coming from without them. It's a bit surreal. I have been looking at these:
Which as you can see from the page are apparently the most comfortable ones ever. The exchange rate makes them about £50 but I can use them for gaming on the Xbox and on the Mac.. And I can make use of the mic to record my voice for when I get a chance to upload some stuff. I am still trying to work out the rendering problem I am currently having but I am sure something will sort it. The internet is a place of many answers.

So.. Some of you may have seen this #alexfromtarget thing on Twitter. My opinion of the situation is that I am not too bothered. I do agree with a lot of people saying that it is not really fair that he has become infamous just because people think he is attractive. He ended up on TV, with a huge amount of followers.. There are many people on the internet that spend time and effort trying to get noticed even if it is just in a small way. This poor teenager has had it thrown at him and from the interview I saw on Ellen's show - he isn't all that comfortable with it. Although he did get a free iPad.. To 'keep up' with his new followers..

Watch this:
Because cats.

Here's a quick snap of my states. I will admit that I am dying more than I would like to. I wasn't ever 'good' at the first one but it seems to be getting easier? If that is the right word?

I am still enjoying Rebirth, I am playing it a lot. I am still having the problem of not being able to use the mouse to navigate the settings, even with a wireless one plugged in. I was hoping that it would recognise it separately but clearly this is not the case. I'll pop in here some more items which I have found so far which I am really enjoying.

The first of which has got to be Monstro's Lung. It makes you shoot like Monstro so basically a shot gun shell of tears. The run in which I got that I also got piercing shot and stacks of damage upgrades which really let it shine through. It just tore through groups of enemies and then in that crazy boss room at the end it made it a piece of cake! 

I think it is called.. Bob's Brain? It is a little green brain that follows you around and acts very much like Little Chub but instead of chomping its way around; the brain flies off and explodes on contact. This then cools for about 10-15 seconds and is ready to go again. If you are far enough away from the enemies then it is pretty good but I have often been caught in the backfire.

I have also noticed a lot more items which give luck bonuses which I like because it was just the Lucky Foot before and from pills. I got one called the Lucky Scab from a boss room which gives you an extra heart container and also a boost to luck. Magnetic tears is cool because you can manipulate consumables on the ground!

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