Monday 24 November 2014

On The Mend

Thankfully, yes I am. I felt about as bad as I did on the weekend when I woke up this morning.. I don't know what helped but whatever did thank you very much. I feel a lot better now, I am not sneezing any more, my eyes aren't watering.. But my lips are as dry as anything. Almost there.

Weather, why you do this? I went out to my car this morning and my car was like an igloo. I pulled the door handle which was a bit rigid, gave it a tug and it sounded like it snapped in all honesty. It didn't - but the door still wouldn't open. Even bigger tug and it broke all the ice freezing the door shut - yes, freezing the door shut - and managed to stick the heater and rear window heater on full blast. Anyone who has done it will know that spraying a car with deicer and then scraping it like bad to get the excess off is no fun, because if there is ice, it must be cold. Once I got in the car.. I wiped all the condensation off the windows.. And then tried to open the windows to do the outside.. They were frozen shut.. I saw there punching the windows until the ice broke and they opened. NO FUN.

I took some of Amy's lovely cakes to work today. They went down well. Someone even asked for a second but I only bought it one for each person..

This evening, we ventured out to the loveliness that is Nando's. We ended up getting about £30 worth for £13 thanks to our saved up rewards from previous visits and our gym discount. I had a lovely butterfly chicken breast burger, which is basically a double breast fillet but.. With the skin and sideways. I then opted for a slice of pineapple in the middle.. It was a beast I will not lie to you.. It is exactly the type of thing you do NOT order if you are trying to impress someone. Unless you have a big enough mouth and they are impressed by it or you're a gurning champion. If you don't know what that is you can click here...

Day 510
Let us have a picture in here shall we?

That right there is my first Christmas present! Calm down.. There is an explanation. I am not that impatient. My Nan usually gives us money for Christmas and I found a cardigan in Tesco that I really liked - above. So this is technically from my Nan, but there would be no point having it on the tail end of the cold season so I have it now. And I am going to be so lovely and warm, it is squishy and has a large collar. To be fair a picture of me wearing it would've been better but I am in my pj's at the moment.. Which  does not consist of a shirt so.. Chest.

I just hope it isn't too festive because I am going to wear it at other times anyway. Swag and stuff. Man. Soon to be wearing the Christmas ties as well. As of course I have some of them, 4 to be exact because you totally wanted to know.

We did unfortunately miss Celeb today as we were wondering the aisles of Tesco's.. Amy is making up a Christmas gift for a friend in America. They send each other stuff which they cannot get in their respective countries, it is a good idea really. And if Amy's American friend does so happen to be reading - hello!

So Black Friday is a thing. Not so much over here but from what I understand, more online shops are taking part in it than usual such as Amazon. Another that will is Steam.. And I am not sure what to think at the minute because it will be really good but I don't want to get sucked into buying a load of games that I won't play. Or won't work very well. I know the Mac in its own right is quite a powerful device but compared to the recommended settings, it isn't quite up there.. Obviously it was not bought for gaming so I am not complaining because it does perfectly well for what I want and need. Happy days. And this is a thing.. The creator of Steam must love it.

 Right now, I think I will settle in a watch the latest episode of The Walking Dead. Every time I read this I get the narrators voice in my head saying "you are watching the AMC's Walking Dead.." and it is a really deep aggressive voice. Plez stahp.

I have also thought of some folklore/mythology that I am interested in and I know for a fact that a lot of other people will be is Norse mythology. By this, I mean Odin and Thor and all that jazz, very popular thanks to things such as the recent Marvel portrayal. I also quite like this topic as it just managed to pop up in Sword Art Online because why the heck not? Possibly expect a post about that soonish.

Blog you later.

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