Sunday 30 November 2014

Does Oops Cover It?

It is rather interesting monitoring the stats of the blog. For example, as I save the entire weekend until today, Thursday peaks.. And it declines until today where it picks back up again. From what I can tell, I don't have many official followers of the blog in terms of they have subscribed via RSS or follow me on Twitter or anything like that.. But I guess somehow more people have been coming across it. I have no clue if that is something to do with the keywords I use.. I assume it would do as Google has massively contributed to my views suddenly, so a tip of my hat to you Google.

The charger for my phone has received minor damage out of no where.. The little cover over the clever workings inside has come loose. All in all, the charger still works. I have now secured the cover back in place with sticky tape. Classic bodge job.

For these weekend ones, I do quite like integrating the daily pictures into the overall posts.. So you get a bit of a break from the text so it isn't so horrible to look at. So. Lets do that again shall we?

Day 514
I tell you what, since I tipped over the 500 mark, it feels like these days have been creeping up slowly. I don't know if that is just where I am putting in more effort.. It feels like it is working itself up slower or something.. But hey, it is still going is the main thing.

First thing we had to do Friday - obviously - was match up all of these lovely things.

Making up quite the family. I said to Amy that she would have to help me collect these or ties. She decided neither so it looks like it is just me against the world! The record for ties is still 16,000 away but.. I will win the lottery and just buy them all or something.. That seems like a fairly legitimate plan any way. The tiny one at the front is the oldest, he came out of a mug which Amy gave to me a while a go. Pretty sure that was a Christmas present or maybe a birthday. The largest and second smallest were both from Disney stores in Florida. And, of course, the most recent jumper buddy. And a great smile from me if I do say so myself. Please say yes.

Horrible Bosses Two - oh my oh my. I definitely recommend not going to work, school, court or whatever you have planned tomorrow and go see it. It was genuinely one of the funniest films I've seen and probably one of the first times the sequel was better than the first. I think what they did right - for me - was that they didn't go down the same route. Anchor Man for example, the first and second are pretty much the same but still funny, the original being the better. With these two, they kept the characters and just went down a different route. No murdering, kidnapping. More Jennifer Anniston. Crazier characters and of course MF Jones.. You'll know who I mean. An easy 10/10.

Day 515
Saturday came around, we started off my catching up with a bit of the Jungle as a combo of Bluewater on Thursday and the cinema on Friday meant we had missed out on quite a bit.. So we watched that. Enjoyed that. Then weren't really sure what to do. In the end, we decided to shoot off to Maidstone to get some bits and bobs, hopefully some Christmas shopping. Out of everything we knew we wanted to get, we only ended up getting one thing. We often find if we go out with a plan that it will inevitably fall through, this time it was in terms of what we wanted to get.

One thing that we did get however, was this.

Haven't bought any music for the car in a while but we saw this advertised and do like to listen to the covers on YouTube. We have managed to listen to the whole thing this weekend and it really did not disappoint. It has a total of 38 tracks I do believe with a real variety of covers in terms of artists and songs. It was £12 I think, maybe a tad more from HMV.

Did also pop over to Smyths and picked up Omega Ruby for the 3DS, but I use a 2DS as the 3D just gives you a headache after a while.. It is very good so far. I am really enjoying all the new features yet it is nostalgic going back to the days when you played it on a GBA or something along those lines. Gamefreak are very good at pretty much giving you the same thing every time but making it feel like new!

Ended up playing quite a few games on the ol' MacBook as well. I have really gotten into Knights of Pen and Paper all of a sudden. I never got this far when I had it on the phone so I am really happy to be still playing and enjoying it. I have always enjoyed a turn based strategy game and the pixel art style has really come into the market. I've started unlocking new characters and classes so I have even more stuff to juggle with and enjoy.

I also played a couple of hours of Isaac and really impressed myself once again. I managed to win three games on the trot all through to beating Isaac in the Cathedral, meaning I have now unlocked the polaroid. The first win was with Maggie, I just got loads of familiars and ended up buying the BFF power up which makes them basically get a Magic Mushroom upgrade. I then also got a shield form the a Deal with the Angel room. A shield. SO OVERPOWERED! In the Isaac fight, I just pointed in the right direction and all the tears were stopped by that. It literally makes it a cake walk! The second was with Eden, I honestly thought I had no chance as I started with the lowest tear rate so it was a struggle. What ended up happening was I got some good damage upgrades, then piercing, then spiders which appear to work like flies with damage, and this holy shield? Not like the other, but it takes one hit for you at the start of each room. Just slow and steady. Finally, just a powerhouse run with Judas. What made the run, was getting the Demon bum who swaps red hearts into soul hearts. That way, I didn't have to worry about getting HP ups as I had a constant flow of consumable hearts. I got loads of damage ups, ended up with max HP and smashed Isaac. Happy days. Next time I play I am going to loose horrendously though so.. Short lived. I want to beat Isaac with ??? or Blue Baby to get the D6!

Day 517
I need to focus. I have Knights of Pen and Paper running in the background. It is so distracting. I need this up by midnight.

This day.. Right here.. Explain the title.

So we know it was Black Friday weekend and I said to myself there isn't anything that can get your attention and suck you into it. I was wrong. For the record, my card managed to jump in to the reader, a bird flew in and managed to guess my pin number right, and it just so happened to be for an excellent Xbox One bundle. I am not going to talk numbers but I got that, the Kinect and 4 games. I am pretty happy right now. I treated myself as I have almost finished my Christmas shopping and that was on a good deal..

Justifying it to myself now. Awks.

You know what - seeing as I am going on about it so much; here is a screen shot from the moment that I have left the game on. I am now using my addiction to progress the post!

I have just purchased a new party member who is starting at level 1 where as everyone else is at 20 so.. I am grinding just a tad. He's a crazy Barbarian. Killing stuff.

I was just thinking, an Xbox One means.. Farcry 4.. Halo: The Masterchief Collection.. Halo 5.. Lords of the Fallen.. Dead Rising 3.. And Blurays. What have I done?

On a random note - we made our own mozzarella bits today. It was quite hard I won't lie but it was the first time that we have made them. We got a ball of mozzarella and chopped into smaller balls, egged them, breadcrumbed them and then fried them. Ate them with some salsa. Made for a rather pleasing yet unhealthy lunch overall.

We also had Pizza Express today, we wanted to throw in one last use of the Tastecard before December as it doesn't work at all in December. We have said it means unless we can find another deal to use, if we must eat out, go to Nando's. That is always the same price. Especially as I have now discovered the pleasures of adding pineapple to a chicken burger! One the plus side - I can now wear my Christmas ties. I am a happy, happy man.

Looking at it, I have spoilt myself this weekend. I don't do it very often so at the moment it is a cocktail of happiness, guilt and pleasure. Why not eh? Blog you later people.

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