Monday 1 December 2014

Getting There Slowly

I actually decided to get the Xbox out of the box today and set it up. I made space for the Xbox where my video player was as I really don't use it anymore.. I have videos but they're old films which have been remastered for DVD and the such which I now own. 

I must say it - it is a big fella. I honestly didn't think it would be that big, it fits nicely in the slot that I made available. I also cleared the desk so that I could sit the new Kinect there. I won't be using it for the games, just the voice commands. I think it is good that they've done more with it because the last one did feel quite limiting in terms of what it was supposed to do. I like that the voice commands work whilst in game just incase you need to. I am saying these things all from an outside perspective still not having used it. It has taken this long to set up - not because it is slow, by any means. The bundle I got came with digital downloads which need to of course, download and then install. The Assassin's Creed games are big, one said up to 50GB! All in all out of the '500GB' it is advertised with I will have about 290GB free. Cheek.

Right now it is installing both AC's.. Guess I will try it tomorrow and stick with Knights of Pen and Paper this evening.. Or some Omega. I am spoilt for choice at the moment!

Day 518
As this is.. Kind of related to the Xbox? I will chuck it in now. So, basically they don't do a lot differently for the bundles. They just chuck the digital downloads into the box and add a big cardboard sleeve around the entire thing with the main games on it. In my case, that was Assassin's Creed Unity being the most up to date one. And then this happened. The picture was requested to be taken and uploaded to Facebook and used. Triple whammy. 

I really don't know what else to say about that..

First day of December, my office got Christmas thrown up on it. Tress and tinsel and Santa's scattered about the place. I get to now where my Christmas or festive ties without feeling too guilty. Today I wore one with a nerdy penguin on it - it had glasses and a bowtie. Class act. Got me an advent calendar also from my parents, mine has a load of different Marvel comics covering it, Amy's has a Me To You bear braving the snow with rackets on its feet. The smell of advent chocolate makes me feel festive. Oddly.

I lied to you. The next run I had on Isaac with Blue Baby was the best one I had so far, I cleared everything including a full clear of The Chest which is one of the only times I have ever done it. I even managed to beat it without taking any damage which was a surprised, got the Dark Boy achievement. Honestly, started out as a poor run but I stuck with it until the bitter sweet end. I had a  huge rate of fire thanks to a trinket and massive damage so I pretty much melted things. I would love to get a max damage possible run, then die with Judas' Shadow as this gives you a 100% damage increase so basically doubled. That would be insane!

Jimmy is out of the Jungle! I am quite surprised, I was thinking it would be Tinchy just because he is probably the quietest and reserved character in there. Amy said people weren't happy with the 'banter' he had with Jake which some people quite rightly will have taken offence to, I think it went a little too far. Sad to see him go though because he was the life and soul of the camp who got them all pepped up and stuff. He is going to go crazy now and eat loads - I think I would have gammon with pineapple, followed by a nice Sundae and hopefully some white chocolate mice. Oo.

Right now - Walking Dead maybe? Might save it for another day as I am not quite in the mood at the moment. Knights of Pen and Paper? Dive in.

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