Thursday 18 December 2014

Cumulative Costing

I often wonder why my mind works the way it does. This title, is something that I made up as far as I know because of a Christmas card with the title "wife" on it.

So. A nice card, say from Clinton's or somewhere like that for Christmas can cost anywhere in the region of £1-5. Or even more, depending on what you fancy. The fact that it says wife however just set my mind into overdrive thinking - wait, how much is the overall cost of that card really? Now, you will probably be thinking what on Earth is he on about? Thinking it over in my head, my sensible side is not agreeing either. Well, we can assume the following things.
  • You will have most likely dated this person for an ex number of years.
  • You will have possibly moved in with this person paying rent, mortgage, bills etc.
  • You will have paid for a wedding which from what I understand can cost any where in the region of £10,000-25000.
  • You may have kids, the average cost of a children up until the age of 18 in the region of £200,000, based on the standard plutonic family, we would then be looking at double that.
  • Random unforeseeable costs and general living to get to this point.
All of this together, theoretically makes a Christmas card worth upwards of £500,000 to get you to that point in your life to be buying a Christmas card with the word "wife" on it. I really don't know where any of this came from at all, not even a little bit. Some odd bod like me out there will probably have quite enjoyed this. High five to you sir/madam.

Day 535

Last year was my first stocking. I had never had one before that, me and Amy now try and do one for each other every year. We have only managed to find one stocking at this point in time so everything is just chucked into this one, it may stay that way if we can't find the other one.. We were there when we got each other stuff so we could point out stuff we wanted to try and needed. I like the idea of it, nice to get stuff you really do need for Christmas. Pain the bum to wrap it all up though, mainly because I just am no good at it rather than them being small fiddly shapes.

I was thinking of a wish list of things that I quite fancy, and by things - I mean games for the Xbox One.

I think the one that interests me the most would be Far Cry 4 at this point in time because I really got in to the third one, I should probably go back and complete that at some point.. I also wouldn't mind getting myself Shadow of Mordor because that just looks amazing. The gameplay I have seen incorporates what I can only describe as Assassin's Creed movement and fighting but with a universe much more brutal and graphic. That gets all my nerd buds racing. I do want to upgrade Destiny to the Xbox One version just because I get to keep my character progression etc. The Masterchief collection is enticing but as I have mentioned before, it is a lot for a game which you'll have already completed numerous times and played the hell out of. Lords of the Fallen I am on the fence about, guess at a later date when the price has dropped then I would be well up for giving it a bash.

And 100% this one.
I am so excited. I am also glad I haven't yet bought the DLC for Dark Souls 2 as it will be heading to Xbox One with everything included, expanded story, lore, new enemies, new NPC's, better graphics, higher player interactivity.. OH MY LORD.

Thanks. Give me that now. Blog you later.

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