Thursday 4 December 2014

Lets Light It Up

So what do you see appearing around this time of year? Maybe a bit later, the overly keen people half way through November? Christmas lights of course!

We used to be that household on the street that would put them up and then they wouldn't come down for the next three. In my opinion, it just makes sense. No hassle of going up and down and you can just unplug them and they aren't using any energy. And then you can turn them on for special occasions like birthdays.. Or for flagging down lost pizza delivery boys. If it gets the food to my door then I would totally do that. I've always wondered if all the pictures you see online of the "special requests" box on the ordering site are real.. I don't think they are. It would be terribly convenient for all pizza people to be good artists.

Anyway, I wanted to talk about this because I have noticed the first lost popping up in my village, the Christmas lights were also turned on this weekend so every is nice and glowing. You can see them here:
It got me thinking about those other people you see on the news who go crazy for Christmas lights and have loads. Thought I would look some up and share them for some wintery cheer!

The first one I will mention will be the Tesco's lights because you will probably have seen this advert already by this point in time. I wasn't sure if it was a real lights show or if it was CGI, turns out they were totally real and done by a company called Immersive LTD. If you haven't seen the advert, it's all on YouTube. There is also a behind the scenes video about how it was all done and the time scale and the big turn on, here.

Pretty amazing. I always remember when I was younger we would all get in the car and drive around to see the displays that people had done locally. There was always one house that went mental and had giant inflatable snowmen and Santa hanging off of the rough with the reindeers. It must cost a lot of money to do.. But Christmas does seem to butter up your bank card so it slips out of your wallet.

Turns out that a World Record was broken this year for Christmas lights by an Australian family, you can see the Guiness page here:
This page is great as it has all the details like how many lights were used, which I think was something crazy like 1.2 million! Most of the lights were donated by local businesses as the whole aim of this is to raise money for charity which is a great reason to do it. They have raised over $200,000 thanks to their displays. There is also a video of the place on the following BBC page:

Throwing in links left, right and centre today! Anyone would think I don't want you to come here..

Day 521
So. I actually planned a picture for this. I was thinking it would be appropriate to take a picture of the Christmas lights that I can see from my room but of course whoever owns them decided to not turn them on today. Being environmentally friendly. I have therefore improvised with something no where near as interesting but carries a mildly comical anecdote from yesterday.

So after the gym, I popped to Sainsburys as I fancied some sparkling water which I only ever seem to want once I have been exercising - a way to tell if I have been. And I had been doing exercises on my arms so they were a bit achey.. And I thought I would only get a couple of bottles. Got to the aisle and they were 60p each or 4 for £1.50. So for 30p more I could get twice as much. But that meant carrying twice as much with arms that didn't really want to function any more. Never rushed to the self checkout so fast in my life.

That really wasn't funny. I know. Blog you later peeps and peepettes.

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