Monday 15 December 2014

Consider it Pink

Have you ever heard of mod podge? No? Me either until recently. Amy saw some projects on the old internet that she fancied giving a try and the first of which is decorating wine glasses. And I know that may sound odd but they do look pretty effective.

We are still in the learning stage an are experimenting with some different ways to apply the stuff. Mod podge is just glue by the way, but it is fancy crafts glue for all surfaces and needs - such as glueing glitter to a wine glass. At the moment we have been masking off an area to protect the rest of the glass but.. What ends up happening is it just rips off any glue nearby so you loose a load of it.. I won't show one off as of yet, I shall show you a tried and tested finished product. Currently using pink glitter which is finding its way everywhere despite us doing it in a washing up bowl for containment.. I somehow found some on my chest when I had a shower. Fab eh?

Day 532
Oh right now? I am divulging in some nerd time. I am playing Assassin's Creed Black Flag and am very much enjoying the free roam element you get with having the ship.. It is like a massive open world and you can sail and listening to your men singing pieces of paper you parkour around cities to collect, as that is a thing.

The boat battles are pretty intense and then you can board and stuff and its so cool. It is a real mix as well in terms of play styles going from being in control of a ship, dropping straight back into the third person combat action you get from the game. It has a large amount of collectables - well on it. I love collecting stuff.

A friend also let me know that if you have Minecraft on the 360 and then upgrade to the One, until the end of this year you get it for under £4 - bargain! I did not know that. You can also recover your save over to the new console, I don't think I will just because the map you generate on this version is bigger and will also generate the new features. Something I like about the Xbox version is it generates maps like a Halo map and also festive ones - I assume this happens on other platforms but I can obviously only speak from experience.

Totally cleared another two chest runs on the Binding of Isaac today. Feel like my skills continue to grow stronger.

You should also expect to see some streaming from me at some point, most likely Black Flag or a blind through of Dead Rising 3 as I have set up the am to run through the Xbox. They really did think about the social aspects of this console when they were making it, there is so much interaction - I love it!

20,000 views today.. Just a mention.. Apparently I keep saying thank you far too much.. But hey, why not. THANKS!

Blog you later people.

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