Tuesday 2 December 2014

And The Scores Are In

Scores, stats, they're the same thing at the end of the day aren't they? The ones I am particularly interested in are the totals for last month, I already mentioned half way through the month that they were the best I'd every had already so.. I wasn't expecting this end total to be fair. Little drum role to yourself.. The total was.. 3,089! I was very happy to be able to break the 3,000 mark. It was sort of an unofficial goal but I am very pleased. Thank you all so much, every view is worth a high five. I will have numb hands once I am done!

Its quite a spike that there. Yeah. Like it. Lets keep the ball rolling!

So, we actually played the Xbox today, finally. It managed to download everything and get it installed. Amy tried out the Dance Central game which was surprisingly responsive. This is comparison to the original Kinect so it is clearly a vast improvement. We can't do too much with it at the moment because the ideal range to stand is between the bed and a chimney so any movements are restricted especially with your arms on the right.. Even if you could punch through the chimney, the Kinect wouldn't see you. The visuals themselves on the game are really nice, I like how it tells you which body part you need to work on as it highlights the on screen character in red. Clever stuff that, very clever.

Something that confused me was getting an Achievement from watching YouTube videos, sort of. We linked the phone up to it via the pairing feature as you can search a lot quicker. I guess it works like airplay but just sends the Xbox to the right video. But it popped up with an achievement and it confused me. Doesn't give a value or anything but why not? Some I know I won't do like listen to 30 hours of music.. I listen in the car but that is it, not even whilst relaxing or exercising. Ear phones annoy me too much.

I also jumped into Assassins Creed Black Flag. So far I have only down the first memory section, I am enjoying the visuals so much. I didn't expect much from this one because they re-released it for the Xbox One but I am assuming that was to show off what it could do as a launch game and to bring the hype up for Unity - I am now hyped. The thing which I always enjoyed about it was the combat style, the combos and counters are enjoyable no matter how many times you see the animations. I just hope it isn't narrowed down to sword play because I was always one for pulling out a mace. Smash. I know there are a number of different projectile weapons such as pistols but from browsing the achievements I saw one for a blunderbuss so yes please, gimme now! Another thing I have always loved is the stealth element. I used to play the hell out of Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory back in the day, always wanting to get the 100% rating for stealth. From playing Far Cry, it has made me want that type of gameplay style so I think - Far Cry 4 will probably be near the top of my list for next games to get. Halo 5 is the tippy top of course, I am unsure with the Masterchief collection because you are paying out £40+ for games you've played before. I feel blasphemous for saying that, I am sorry Halo 2!

Day 519
Lots of text. Picture!

Thought I would give you a look at the aforementioned calendars. I do quite like the Marvel one, the comics all fitted together like that look really good. I saw stuff like this in Tesco's the other day but it was just the super heroes covering notepads and pencil cases. There was also a phone case but my current is still holding out despite many a crack to the poor thing. I remember the ones that had foil across them, when you didn't quite pierce both layers so you sit there scratching at it until you make a little hole to get the chocolate out. I always close the doors on my calendars as well. No idea why, habit now.

So, Russell Brand.

I have very mixed views on this man, because you can clearly so from any piece of media he is involved in that his is a smart man. At the same time, very eccentric. Depending on how he applied himself, he could be a very dangerous figurehead or as he is here, an excellent campaigner. To give you a bit of background, they are campaigning regarding housing problems and assisting the homeless. He then got asked by the interviewer if he is part of the problem by being one of the rich people. I am on Russell's side here I must admit.

He and what I assume to be someone he has helped had a good rant at the interviewer saying that he is distracting the conversation from it's main focus. I find the media annoying because sometimes they appear to completely forget that they are publicising something important and throw in cheap questions which are generally quite offensive. Yes, he is a rich man who has money and lives in an expensive house but it doesn't take away from the fact that he is now trying to help. I don't know his motives if it is for public recognition but he is helping. Coming to a campaign and asking, quite honestly, rude and unnecessary questions is poor reporting to me. Just because this is a famous wealthy man does not give you the right to discuss his financial situation and broadcast it to the media, I'm sure he wouldn't have answered that sort of question either!

Oh my, got a bit political.

Blog you later folks!

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